- Un éclairage sur la foi
2 Corinthiens 6:14-16
(King James)
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Références croisées

6:14 Ex 34:16, Lv 19:19, Dt 7:2-3, Dt 22:9-11, Esd 9:1-2, Esd 9:11, Esd 9:12, Esd 10:19, Ne 13:1-3, Ne 13:23-26, Ps 106:35, Pr 22:24, Ml 2:11, Ml 2:15, 1Co 5:9, 1Co 7:39, 1Co 15:33, Jc 4:4, 1S 5:2-3, 1R 18:21, 2Ch 19:2, Ps 16:3, Ps 26:4-5, Ps 26:9, Ps 26:10, Ps 44:20-21, Ps 101:3-5, Ps 119:63, Ps 139:21-22, Pr 29:27, Jn 7:7, Jn 15:18-19, Ac 4:23, 1Co 10:21, Ep 5:6-11, 1Jn 3:12-14, Pr 8:18-19, Rm 13:12-14, Ep 4:17-20, Ep 5:8-14, Ph 2:15, 1Th 5:4-8, 1P 2:9-10, 1P 4:2-4, 1Jn 1:5-7
Réciproques : Gn 6:2, Gn 24:3, Gn 28:1, Gn 38:2, Gn 49:6, Ex 8:26, Ex 20:23, Lv 19:2, Nb 36:6, Dt 22:10, Js 23:7, Js 23:12, Jg 2:2, 1R 8:53, 1R 11:2, 1R 22:44, 2R 8:27, 2Ch 18:1, Ne 10:28, Ps 101:4, Pr 13:20, Am 3:3, Mt 5:14, Mt 18:17, Ac 26:18, Rm 12:2, Ep 5:11, 1Jn 1:6
6:15 1S 5:2-4, 1R 18:21, 1Co 10:20-21, Esd 4:3, Mc 16:16, Ac 8:20, 1Jn 5:11-13, 1Tm 5:8
Réciproques : Gn 35:2, Ex 23:32, Dt 13:13, Jg 6:25, Jg 19:22, 1S 2:12, 2R 3:13, Ec 2:3, Za 2:10, Mt 12:30, Lc 22:55, Jn 18:18
6:16 Ex 20:3, Ex 23:13, Ex 34:14, Dt 4:23-24, Dt 5:7, Dt 6:14-15, Js 24:14-24, 1S 7:3-4, 1R 18:21, 2R 17:33-34, 2R 21:4-5, 2R 23:5-7, 2Ch 33:4-5, Ez 36:25, Os 14:8, So 1:5, Mt 6:24, 1Jn 5:20-21, 1Co 3:16-17, 1Co 6:19, Ep 2:20, He 3:6, 1P 2:5, Ex 29:45, Lv 26:12, Ps 90:1, Ez 43:7, Ez 43:9, Za 2:10-11, Jn 6:56, Rm 8:9, Rm 8:11, Ep 3:17, 2Tm 1:14, 1Jn 4:12, 1Jn 4:15, Ap 21:3, Gn 17:7-8, Jr 24:7, Jr 31:33, Jr 32:38, Ez 11:20, Ez 36:28, Ez 37:26-27, Os 2:23, Za 8:8, Za 13:9, Rm 9:26, He 8:10, Ap 21:7
Réciproques : Gn 5:22, Ex 25:8, Lv 19:30, Lv 20:3, Nb 5:3, Nb 6:2, Nb 23:21, Nb 25:2, Nb 35:34, Dt 5:26, Dt 23:14, Js 24:23, Rt 1:16, 1S 15:23, 2S 7:6, 1R 6:1, 1R 6:13, 1R 8:27, 1R 22:4, 1Ch 17:6, 1Ch 23:25, 2Ch 16:3, 2Ch 29:5, Ps 68:18, Ps 114:2, Jr 11:4, Jr 14:9, Jr 44:23, Ez 48:8, Dn 2:11, Jl 2:27, Za 2:6, Za 8:3, Mt 12:30, Lc 5:36, Lc 20:38, Jn 2:21, Jn 14:17, 1Co 3:9, 2Co 3:3, 2Co 13:5, Ga 4:7, Ep 2:21, Ep 4:6, Col 1:27, 1Th 1:9, 1Tm 3:15, He 9:14, He 10:21, 1Jn 3:24, 1Jn 4:4, Ap 7:15, Ap 11:1

Notes de la Bible King James

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