Colossiens 2:13-15
(King James)
And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
Références croisées
2:13 Ez 37:1-10, Lc 9:60, Lc 15:24, Lc 15:32, Rm 6:13, 2Co 5:14-15, Ep 2:1, Ep 2:5, Ep 2:6, Ep 5:14, 1Tm 5:6, He 6:1, He 9:14, Jc 2:17, Jc 2:20, Jc 2:26, Ep 2:11, Ps 71:20, Ps 119:50, Jn 5:21, Jn 6:63, Rm 4:17, Rm 8:11, 1Co 15:36, 1Co 15:45, 2Co 3:6, 1Tm 6:13, Ps 32:1, Es 1:18, Es 55:7, Jr 31:34, Ac 13:38-39, 2Co 5:19, He 8:10-12, 1Jn 1:7-9, 1Jn 2:12Réciproques : Gn 2:17, Nb 12:12, Ps 85:2, Mt 8:22, Jn 5:25, Ac 10:45, Rm 5:6, Rm 6:4, Rm 11:17, Rm 12:3, Ga 2:20, Ep 1:7, Ph 3:10, Col 1:14, Col 3:1, Col 3:7, Ap 3:1
2:14 Nb 5:23, Ne 4:5, Ps 51:1, Ps 51:9, Es 43:25, Es 44:22, Ac 3:19, Col 2:20, Est 3:12, Est 8:8, Dn 5:7-8, Lc 1:6, Ga 4:1-4, Ep 2:14-16, He 7:18, He 8:13, He 9:9-10, He 10:8-9, Es 57:14, 2Th 2:7
Réciproques : Dn 5:5, Dn 9:24, Jn 13:31, Jn 19:30, Ac 10:45, Rm 7:4, Ga 4:4, Ep 2:15, Ep 2:16, He 7:16
2:15 Gn 3:15, Ps 68:18, Es 49:24-25, Es 53:12, Mt 12:29, Lc 10:18, Lc 11:22, Jn 12:31, Jn 16:11, Ep 4:8, He 2:14, Ap 12:9, Ap 20:2-3, Ap 20:10, Col 1:16, 2Co 4:4, Ep 6:12, Lc 23:39-43, Jn 12:32, Jn 19:30, Ac 2:23-24, Ac 2:32-36
Réciproques : Ex 15:1, Jg 16:30, 2S 23:21, Ps 18:29, Ps 24:8, Ps 41:11, Ps 98:1, Es 25:11, Mc 3:27, Jn 13:31, Ac 16:18, Rm 8:38, Ep 1:21, 1Jn 3:8