- Un éclairage sur la foi


Genèse 45

Gn 45 (King James)

1 Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren.
2 And he wept aloud: and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard.
3 And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? And his brethren could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence.
4 And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt.
5 Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.
6 For these two years hath the famine been in the land: and yet there are five years, in the which there shall neither be earing nor harvest.
7 And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
8 So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.
9 Haste ye, and go up to my father, and say unto him, Thus saith thy son Joseph, God hath made me lord of all Egypt: come down unto me, tarry not:
10 And thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen, and thou shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy children, and thy children's children, and thy flocks, and thy herds, and all that thou hast:
11 And there will I nourish thee; for yet there are five years of famine; lest thou, and thy household, and all that thou hast, come to poverty.
12 And, behold, your eyes see, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, that it is my mouth that speaketh unto you.
13 And ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that ye have seen; and ye shall haste and bring down my father hither.
14 And he fell upon his brother Benjamin's neck, and wept; and Benjamin wept upon his neck.
15 Moreover he kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them: and after that his brethren talked with him.
16 And the fame thereof was heard in Pharaoh's house, saying, Joseph's brethren are come: and it pleased Pharaoh well, and his servants.
17 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto thy brethren, This do ye; lade your beasts, and go, get you unto the land of Canaan;
18 And take your father and your households, and come unto me: and I will give you the good of the land of Egypt, and ye shall eat the fat of the land.
19 Now thou art commanded, this do ye; take you wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones, and for your wives, and bring your father, and come.
20 Also regard not your stuff; for the good of all the land of Egypt is your's.
21 And the children of Israel did so: and Joseph gave them wagons, according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for the way.
22 To all of them he gave each man changes of raiment; but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver, and five changes of raiment.
23 And to his father he sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt, and ten she asses laden with corn and bread and meat for his father by the way.
24 So he sent his brethren away, and they departed: and he said unto them, See that ye fall not out by the way.
25 And they went up out of Egypt, and came into the land of Canaan unto Jacob their father,
26 And told him, saying, Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt. And Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed them not.
27 And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them: and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived:
28 And Israel said, It is enough; Joseph my son is yet alive: I will go and see him before I die.

Gn 45 (Vulgate)

1 Non se poterat ultra cohibere Joseph multis coram astantibus : unde præcepit ut egrederentur cuncti foras, et nullus interesset alienus agnitioni mutuæ.
2 Elevavitque vocem cum fletu, quam audierunt Ægyptii, omnisque domus Pharaonis.
3 Et dixit fratribus suis : Ego sum Joseph : adhuc pater meus vivit ? Non poterant respondere fratres nimio terrore perterriti.
4 Ad quos ille clementer : Accedite, inquit, ad me. Et cum accessissent prope : Ego sum, ait, Joseph, frater vester, quem vendidistis in Ægyptum.
5 Nolite pavere, neque vobis durum esse videatur quod vendidistis me in his regionibus : pro salute enim vestra misit me Deus ante vos in Ægyptum.
6 Biennium est enim quod cœpit fames esse in terra : et adhuc quinque anni restant, quibus nec arari poterit, nec meti.
7 Præmisitque me Deus ut reservemini super terram, et escas ad vivendum habere possitis.
8 Non vestro consilio, sed Dei voluntate huc missus sum : qui fecit me quasi patrem Pharaonis, et dominum universæ domus ejus, ac principem in omni terra Ægypti.
9 Festinate, et ascendite ad patrem meum, et dicetis ei : Hæc mandat filius tuus Joseph : Deus fecit me dominum universæ terræ Ægypti : descende ad me, ne moreris,
10 et habitabis in terra Gessen : erisque juxta me tu, et filii tui, et filii filiorum tuorum, oves tuæ, et armenta tua, et universa quæ possides :
11 ibique te pascam (adhuc enim quinque anni residui sunt famis) ne et tu pereas, et domus tua, et omnia quæ possides.
12 En oculi vestri, et oculi fratris mei Benjamin, vident quod os meum loquatur ad vos.
13 Nuntiate patri meo universam gloriam meam, et cuncta quæ vidistis in Ægypto : festinate, et adducite eum ad me.
14 Cumque amplexatus recidisset in collum Benjamin fratris sui, flevit : illo quoque similiter flente super collum ejus.
15 Osculatusque est Joseph omnes fratres suos, et ploravit super singulos : post quæ ausi sunt loqui ad eum.
16 Auditumque est, et celebri sermone vulgatum in aula regis : Venerunt fratres Joseph : et gavisus est Pharao, atque omnis familia ejus.
17 Dixitque ad Joseph ut imperaret fratribus suis, dicens : Onerantes jumenta, ite in terram Chanaan,
18 et tollite inde patrem vestrum et cognationem, et venite ad me : et ego dabo vobis omnia bona Ægypti, ut comedatis medullam terræ.
19 Præcipe etiam ut tollant plaustra de terra Ægypti, ad subvectionem parvulorum suorum ac conjugum : et dicito : Tollite patrem vestrum, et properate quantocius venientes.
20 Nec dimittatis quidquam de supellectili vestra : quia omnes opes Ægypti vestræ erunt.
21 Feceruntque filii Israël ut eis mandatum fuerat. Quibus dedit Joseph plaustra, secundum Pharaonis imperium, et cibaria in itinere.
22 Singulis quoque proferri jussit binas stolas : Benjamin vero dedit trecentos argenteos cum quinque stolis optimis :
23 tantumdem pecuniæ et vestium mittens patri suo, addens et asinos decem, qui subveherent ex omnibus divitiis Ægypti, et totidem asinas, triticum in itinere, panesque portantes.
24 Dimisit ergo fratres suos, et proficiscentibus ait : Ne irascamini in via.
25 Qui ascendentes ex Ægypto, venerunt in terram Chanaan ad patrem suum Jacob.
26 Et nuntiaverunt ei, dicentes : Joseph filius tuus vivit : et ipse dominatur in omni terra Ægypti. Quo audito Jacob, quasi de gravi somno evigilans, tamen non credebat eis.
27 Illi e contra referebant omnem ordinem rei. Cumque vidisset plaustra et universa quæ miserat, revixit spiritus ejus,
28 et ait : Sufficit mihi si adhuc Joseph filius meus vivit : vadam, et videbo illum antequam moriar.

Gn 45 (Codex W. Leningrad)

1 וְלֹֽא־ יָכֹ֨ל יוֹסֵ֜ף לְהִתְאַפֵּ֗ק לְכֹ֤ל הַנִּצָּבִים֙ עָלָ֔יו וַיִּקְרָ֕א הוֹצִ֥יאוּ כָל־ אִ֖ישׁ מֵעָלָ֑י וְלֹא־ עָ֤מַד אִישׁ֙ אִתּ֔וֹ בְּהִתְוַדַּ֥ע יוֹסֵ֖ף אֶל־ אֶחָֽיו׃
2 וַיִּתֵּ֥ן אֶת־ קֹל֖וֹ בִּבְכִ֑י וַיִּשְׁמְע֣וּ מִצְרַ֔יִם וַיִּשְׁמַ֖ע בֵּ֥ית פַּרְעֹֽה׃
3 וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יוֹסֵ֤ף אֶל־ אֶחָיו֙ אֲנִ֣י יוֹסֵ֔ף הַע֥וֹד אָבִ֖י חָ֑י וְלֹֽא־ יָכְל֤וּ אֶחָיו֙ לַעֲנ֣וֹת אֹת֔וֹ כִּ֥י נִבְהֲל֖וּ מִפָּנָֽיו׃
4 וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יוֹסֵ֧ף אֶל־ אֶחָ֛יו גְּשׁוּ־ נָ֥א אֵלַ֖י וַיִּגָּ֑שׁוּ וַיֹּ֗אמֶר אֲנִי֙ יוֹסֵ֣ף אֲחִיכֶ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־ מְכַרְתֶּ֥ם אֹתִ֖י מִצְרָֽיְמָה׃
5 וְעַתָּ֣ה ׀ אַל־ תֵּעָ֣צְב֗וּ וְאַל־ יִ֙חַר֙ בְּעֵ֣ינֵיכֶ֔ם כִּֽי־ מְכַרְתֶּ֥ם אֹתִ֖י הֵ֑נָּה כִּ֣י לְמִֽחְיָ֔ה שְׁלָחַ֥נִי אֱלֹהִ֖ים לִפְנֵיכֶֽם׃
6 כִּי־ זֶ֛ה שְׁנָתַ֥יִם הָרָעָ֖ב בְּקֶ֣רֶב הָאָ֑רֶץ וְעוֹד֙ חָמֵ֣שׁ שָׁנִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר אֵין־ חָרִ֖ישׁ וְקָצִּֽיר׃
7 וַיִּשְׁלָחֵ֤נִי אֱלֹהִים֙ לִפְנֵיכֶ֔ם לָשׂ֥וּם לָכֶ֛ם שְׁאֵרִ֖ית בָּאָ֑רֶץ וּלְהַחֲי֣וֹת לָכֶ֔ם לִפְלֵיטָ֖ה גְּדֹלָֽה׃
8 וְעַתָּ֗ה לֹֽא־ אַתֶּ֞ם שְׁלַחְתֶּ֤ם אֹתִי֙ הֵ֔נָּה כִּ֖י הָאֱלֹהִ֑ים וַיְשִׂימֵ֨נִֽי לְאָ֜ב לְפַרְעֹ֗ה וּלְאָדוֹן֙ לְכָל־ בֵּית֔וֹ וּמֹשֵׁ֖ל בְּכָל־ אֶ֥רֶץ מִצְרָֽיִם׃
9 מַהֲרוּ֮ וַעֲל֣וּ אֶל־ אָבִי֒ וַאֲמַרְתֶּ֣ם אֵלָ֗יו כֹּ֤ה אָמַר֙ בִּנְךָ֣ יוֹסֵ֔ף שָׂמַ֧נִי אֱלֹהִ֛ים לְאָד֖וֹן לְכָל־ מִצְרָ֑יִם רְדָ֥ה אֵלַ֖י אַֽל־ תַּעֲמֹֽד׃
10 וְיָשַׁבְתָּ֣ בְאֶֽרֶץ־ גֹּ֗שֶׁן וְהָיִ֤יתָ קָרוֹב֙ אֵלַ֔י אַתָּ֕ה וּבָנֶ֖יךָ וּבְנֵ֣י בָנֶ֑יךָ וְצֹאנְךָ֥ וּבְקָרְךָ֖ וְכָל־ אֲשֶׁר־ לָֽךְ׃
11 וְכִלְכַּלְתִּ֤י אֹֽתְךָ֙ שָׁ֔ם כִּי־ ע֛וֹד חָמֵ֥שׁ שָׁנִ֖ים רָעָ֑ב פֶּן־ תִּוָּרֵ֛שׁ אַתָּ֥ה וּבֵֽיתְךָ֖ וְכָל־ אֲשֶׁר־ לָֽךְ׃
12 וְהִנֵּ֤ה עֵֽינֵיכֶם֙ רֹא֔וֹת וְעֵינֵ֖י אָחִ֣י בִנְיָמִ֑ין כִּי־ פִ֖י הַֽמְדַבֵּ֥ר אֲלֵיכֶֽם׃
13 וְהִגַּדְתֶּ֣ם לְאָבִ֗י אֶת־ כָּל־ כְּבוֹדִי֙ בְּמִצְרַ֔יִם וְאֵ֖ת כָּל־ אֲשֶׁ֣ר רְאִיתֶ֑ם וּמִֽהַרְתֶּ֛ם וְהוֹרַדְתֶּ֥ם אֶת־ אָבִ֖י הֵֽנָּה׃
14 וַיִּפֹּ֛ל עַל־ צַוְּארֵ֥י בִנְיָמִֽן־ אָחִ֖יו וַיֵּ֑בְךְּ וּבִנְיָמִ֔ן בָּכָ֖ה עַל־ צַוָּארָֽיו׃
15 וַיְנַשֵּׁ֥ק לְכָל־ אֶחָ֖יו וַיֵּ֣בְךְּ עֲלֵיהֶ֑ם וְאַ֣חֲרֵי כֵ֔ן דִּבְּר֥וּ אֶחָ֖יו אִתּֽוֹ׃
16 וְהַקֹּ֣ל נִשְׁמַ֗ע בֵּ֤ית פַּרְעֹה֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר בָּ֖אוּ אֲחֵ֣י יוֹסֵ֑ף וַיִּיטַב֙ בְּעֵינֵ֣י פַרְעֹ֔ה וּבְעֵינֵ֖י עֲבָדָֽיו׃
17 וַיֹּ֤אמֶר פַּרְעֹה֙ אֶל־ יוֹסֵ֔ף אֱמֹ֥ר אֶל־ אַחֶ֖יךָ זֹ֣את עֲשׂ֑וּ טַֽעֲנוּ֙ אֶת־ בְּעִ֣ירְכֶ֔ם וּלְכוּ־ בֹ֖אוּ אַ֥רְצָה כְּנָֽעַן׃
18 וּקְח֧וּ אֶת־ אֲבִיכֶ֛ם וְאֶת־ בָּתֵּיכֶ֖ם וּבֹ֣אוּ אֵלָ֑י וְאֶתְּנָ֣ה לָכֶ֗ם אֶת־ טוּב֙ אֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַ֔יִם וְאִכְל֖וּ אֶת־ חֵ֥לֶב הָאָֽרֶץ׃
19 וְאַתָּ֥ה צֻוֵּ֖יתָה זֹ֣את עֲשׂ֑וּ קְחוּ־ לָכֶם֩ מֵאֶ֨רֶץ מִצְרַ֜יִם עֲגָל֗וֹת לְטַפְּכֶם֙ וְלִנְשֵׁיכֶ֔ם וּנְשָׂאתֶ֥ם אֶת־ אֲבִיכֶ֖ם וּבָאתֶֽם׃
20 וְעֵ֣ינְכֶ֔ם אַל־ תָּחֹ֖ס עַל־ כְּלֵיכֶ֑ם כִּי־ ט֛וּב כָּל־ אֶ֥רֶץ מִצְרַ֖יִם לָכֶ֥ם הֽוּא׃
21 וַיַּֽעֲשׂוּ־ כֵן֙ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וַיִּתֵּ֨ן לָהֶ֥ם יוֹסֵ֛ף עֲגָל֖וֹת עַל־ פִּ֣י פַרְעֹ֑ה וַיִּתֵּ֥ן לָהֶ֛ם צֵדָ֖ה לַדָּֽרֶךְ׃
22 לְכֻלָּ֥ם נָתַ֛ן לָאִ֖ישׁ חֲלִפ֣וֹת שְׂמָלֹ֑ת וּלְבִנְיָמִ֤ן נָתַן֙ שְׁלֹ֣שׁ מֵא֣וֹת כֶּ֔סֶף וְחָמֵ֖שׁ חֲלִפֹ֥ת שְׂמָלֹֽת׃
23 וּלְאָבִ֞יו שָׁלַ֤ח כְּזֹאת֙ עֲשָׂרָ֣ה חֲמֹרִ֔ים נֹשְׂאִ֖ים מִטּ֣וּב מִצְרָ֑יִם וְעֶ֣שֶׂר אֲתֹנֹ֡ת נֹֽ֠שְׂאֹת בָּ֣ר וָלֶ֧חֶם וּמָז֛וֹן לְאָבִ֖יו לַדָּֽרֶךְ׃
24 וַיְשַׁלַּ֥ח אֶת־ אֶחָ֖יו וַיֵּלֵ֑כוּ וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֲלֵהֶ֔ם אַֽל־ תִּרְגְּז֖וּ בַּדָּֽרֶךְ׃
25 וַֽיַּעֲל֖וּ מִמִּצְרָ֑יִם וַיָּבֹ֙אוּ֙ אֶ֣רֶץ כְּנַ֔עַן אֶֽל־ יַעֲקֹ֖ב אֲבִיהֶֽם׃
26 וַיַּגִּ֨דוּ ל֜וֹ לֵאמֹ֗ר ע֚וֹד יוֹסֵ֣ף חַ֔י וְכִֽי־ ה֥וּא מֹשֵׁ֖ל בְּכָל־ אֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרָ֑יִם וַיָּ֣פָג לִבּ֔וֹ כִּ֥י לֹא־ הֶאֱמִ֖ין לָהֶֽם׃
27 וַיְדַבְּר֣וּ אֵלָ֗יו אֵ֣ת כָּל־ דִּבְרֵ֤י יוֹסֵף֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר דִּבֶּ֣ר אֲלֵהֶ֔ם וַיַּרְא֙ אֶת־ הָ֣עֲגָל֔וֹת אֲשֶׁר־ שָׁלַ֥ח יוֹסֵ֖ף לָשֵׂ֣את אֹת֑וֹ וַתְּחִ֕י ר֖וּחַ יַעֲקֹ֥ב אֲבִיהֶֽם׃
28 וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל רַ֛ב עוֹד־ יוֹסֵ֥ף בְּנִ֖י חָ֑י אֵֽלְכָ֥ה וְאֶרְאֶ֖נּוּ בְּטֶ֥רֶם אָמֽוּת׃

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