- Un éclairage sur la foi


Néhémie 11

Ne 11 (King James)

1 And the rulers of the people dwelt at Jerusalem: the rest of the people also cast lots, to bring one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city, and nine parts to dwell in other cities.
2 And the people blessed all the men, that willingly offered themselves to dwell at Jerusalem.
3 Now these are the chief of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, to wit, Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon's servants.
4 And at Jerusalem dwelt certain of the children of Judah, and of the children of Benjamin. Of the children of Judah; Athaiah the son of Uzziah, the son of Zechariah, the son of Amariah, the son of Shephatiah, the son of Mahalaleel, of the children of Perez;
5 And Maaseiah the son of Baruch, the son of Colhozeh, the son of Hazaiah, the son of Adaiah, the son of Joiarib, the son of Zechariah, the son of Shiloni.
6 All the sons of Perez that dwelt at Jerusalem were four hundred threescore and eight valiant men.
7 And these are the sons of Benjamin; Sallu the son of Meshullam, the son of Joed, the son of Pedaiah, the son of Kolaiah, the son of Maaseiah, the son of Ithiel, the son of Jesaiah.
8 And after him Gabbai, Sallai, nine hundred twenty and eight.
9 And Joel the son of Zichri was their overseer: and Judah the son of Senuah was second over the city.
10 Of the priests: Jedaiah the son of Joiarib, Jachin.
11 Seraiah the son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, was the ruler of the house of God.
12 And their brethren that did the work of the house were eight hundred twenty and two: and Adaiah the son of Jeroham, the son of Pelaliah, the son of Amzi, the son of Zechariah, the son of Pashur, the son of Malchiah.
13 And his brethren, chief of the fathers, two hundred forty and two: and Amashai the son of Azareel, the son of Ahasai, the son of Meshillemoth, the son of Immer,
14 And their brethren, mighty men of valour, an hundred twenty and eight: and their overseer was Zabdiel, the son of one of the great men.
15 Also of the Levites: Shemaiah the son of Hashub, the son of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah, the son of Bunni;
16 And Shabbethai and Jozabad, of the chief of the Levites, had the oversight of the outward business of the house of God.
17 And Mattaniah the son of Micha, the son of Zabdi, the son of Asaph, was the principal to begin the thanksgiving in prayer: and Bakbukiah the second among his brethren, and Abda the son of Shammua, the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun.
18 All the Levites in the holy city were two hundred fourscore and four.
19 Moreover the porters, Akkub, Talmon, and their brethren that kept the gates, were an hundred seventy and two.
20 And the residue of Israel, of the priests, and the Levites, were in all the cities of Judah, every one in his inheritance.
21 But the Nethinims dwelt in Ophel: and Ziha and Gispa were over the Nethinims.
22 The overseer also of the Levites at Jerusalem was Uzzi the son of Bani, the son of Hashabiah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Micha. Of the sons of Asaph, the singers were over the business of the house of God.
23 For it was the king's commandment concerning them, that a certain portion should be for the singers, due for every day.
24 And Pethahiah the son of Meshezabeel, of the children of Zerah the son of Judah, was at the king's hand in all matters concerning the people.
25 And for the villages, with their fields, some of the children of Judah dwelt at Kirjatharba, and in the villages thereof, and at Dibon, and in the villages thereof, and at Jekabzeel, and in the villages thereof,
26 And at Jeshua, and at Moladah, and at Bethphelet,
27 And at Hazarshual, and at Beersheba, and in the villages thereof,
28 And at Ziklag, and at Mekonah, and in the villages thereof,
29 And at Enrimmon, and at Zareah, and at Jarmuth,
30 Zanoah, Adullam, and in their villages, at Lachish, and the fields thereof, at Azekah, and in the villages thereof. And they dwelt from Beersheba unto the valley of Hinnom.
31 The children also of Benjamin from Geba dwelt at Michmash, and Aija, and Bethel, and in their villages.
32 And at Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah,
33 Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim,
34 Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat,
35 Lod, and Ono, the valley of craftsmen.
36 And of the Levites were divisions in Judah, and in Benjamin.

Ne 11 (Vulgate)

1 Habitaverunt autem principes populi in Jerusalem : reliqua vero plebs misit sortem, ut tollerent unam partem de decem qui habitaturi essent in Jerusalem civitate sancta, novem vero partes in civitatibus.
2 Benedixit autem populus omnibus viris qui se sponte obtulerant ut habitarent in Jerusalem.
3 Hi sunt itaque principes provinciæ qui habitaverunt in Jerusalem, et in civitatibus Juda. Habitavit autem unusquisque in possessione sua, in urbibus suis, Israël, sacerdotes, Levitæ, Nathinæi, et filii servorum Salomonis.
4 Et in Jerusalem habitaverunt de filiis Juda, et de filiis Benjamin : de filiis Juda, Athaias filius Aziam, filii Zachariæ, filii Amariæ, filii Saphatiæ, filii Melaleel : de filiis Phares,
5 Maasia filius Baruch, filius Cholhoza, filius Hazia, filius Adaia, filius Jojarib, filius Zachariæ, filius Silonitis :
6 omnes hi filii Phares, qui habitaverunt in Jerusalem, quadringenti sexaginta octo viri fortes.
7 Hi sunt autem filii Benjamin : Sellum filius Mosollam, filius Joëd, filius Phadaia, filius Colaia, filius Masia, filius Etheel, filius Isaia,
8 et post eum Gebbai, Sellai, nongenti viginti octo,
9 et Joël filius Zechri præpositus eorum, et Judas filius Senua super civitatem secundus.
10 Et de sacerdotibus, Idaia filius Joarib, Jachin,
11 Saraia filius Helciæ, filius Mosollam, filius Sadoc, filius Meraioth, filius Achitob princeps domus Dei,
12 et fratres eorum facientes opera templi : octingenti viginti duo. Et Adaia filius Jeroham, filius Phelelia, filius Amsi, filius Zachariæ, filius Pheshur, filius Melchiæ,
13 et fratres ejus principes patrum : ducenti quadraginta duo. Et Amassai filius Azreel, filius Ahazi, filius Mosollamoth, filius Emmer,
14 et fratres eorum potentes nimis : centum viginti octo, et præpositus eorum Zabdiel filius potentium.
15 Et de Levitis, Semeia filius Hasub, filius Azaricam, filius Hasabia, filius Boni,
16 et Sabathai et Jozabed, super omnia opera quæ erant forinsecus in domo Dei, a principibus Levitarum.
17 Et Mathania filius Micha, filius Zebedei, filius Asaph, princeps ad laudandum et ad confitendum in oratione, et Becbecia secundus de fratribus ejus, et Abda filius Samua, filius Galal, filius Idithun :
18 omnes Levitæ in civitate sancta ducenti octoginta quatuor.
19 Et janitores, Accub, Telmon, et fratres eorum, qui custodiebant ostia : centum septuaginta duo.
20 Et reliqui ex Israël sacerdotes et Levitæ in universis civitatibus Juda, unusquisque in possessione sua.
21 Et Nathinæi, qui habitabant in Ophel, et Siaha, et Gaspha de Nathinæis.
22 Et episcopus Levitarum in Jerusalem, Azzi filius Bani, filius Hasabiæ, filius Mathaniæ, filius Michæ. De filiis Asaph, cantores in ministerio domus Dei.
23 Præceptum quippe regis super eos erat, et ordo in cantoribus per dies singulos,
24 et Phathahia filius Mesezebel, de filiis Zara filii Juda in manu regis, juxta omne verbum populi,
25 et in domibus per omnes regiones eorum. De filiis Juda habitaverunt in Cariatharbe et in filiabus ejus : et in Dibon, et in filiabus ejus : et in Cabseel, et in viculis ejus :
26 et in Jesue, et in Molada, et in Bethphaleth,
27 et in Hasersual, et in Bersabee, et in filiabus ejus,
28 et in Siceleg, et in Mochona, et in filiabus ejus,
29 et in Remmon, et in Saraa, et in Jerimuth,
30 Zanoa, Odollam, et in villis earum, Lachis et regionibus ejus, et Azeca, et filiabus ejus. Et manserunt in Bersabee usque ad vallem Ennom.
31 Filii autem Benjamin, a Geba, Mechmas, et Hai, et Bethel, et filiabus ejus
32 Anathoth, Nob, Anania,
33 Asor, Rama, Gethaim,
34 Hadid, Seboim, et Neballat, Lod,
35 et Ono valle artificum.
36 Et de Levitis portiones Judæ et Benjamin.

Ne 11 (Codex W. Leningrad)

1 וַיֵּשְׁב֥וּ שָׂרֵֽי־ הָעָ֖ם בִּירוּשָׁלִָ֑ם וּשְׁאָ֣ר הָ֠עָם הִפִּ֨ילוּ גוֹרָל֜וֹת לְהָבִ֣יא ׀ אֶחָ֣ד מִן־ הָעֲשָׂרָ֗ה לָשֶׁ֙בֶת֙ בִּֽירוּשָׁלִַ֙ם֙ עִ֣יר הַקֹּ֔דֶשׁ וְתֵ֥שַׁע הַיָּד֖וֹת בֶּעָרִֽים׃
2 וַֽיְבָרֲכ֖וּ הָעָ֑ם לְכֹל֙ הָֽאֲנָשִׁ֔ים הַמִּֽתְנַדְּבִ֔ים לָשֶׁ֖בֶת בִּירוּשָׁלִָֽם׃
3 וְאֵ֙לֶּה֙ רָאשֵׁ֣י הַמְּדִינָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר יָשְׁב֖וּ בִּירוּשָׁלִָ֑ם וּבְעָרֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֗ה יָֽשְׁב֞וּ אִ֤ישׁ בַּאֲחֻזָּתוֹ֙ בְּעָ֣רֵיהֶ֔ם יִשְׂרָאֵ֤ל הַכֹּהֲנִים֙ וְהַלְוִיִּ֣ם וְהַנְּתִינִ֔ים וּבְנֵ֖י עַבְדֵ֥י שְׁלֹמֹֽה׃
4 וּבִֽירוּשָׁלִַ֙ם֙ יָֽשְׁב֔וּ מִבְּנֵ֥י יְהוּדָ֖ה וּמִבְּנֵ֣י בִנְיָמִ֑ן מִבְּנֵ֣י יְ֠הוּדָה עֲתָיָ֨ה בֶן־ עֻזִּיָּ֜ה בֶּן־ זְכַרְיָ֧ה בֶן־ אֲמַרְיָ֛ה בֶּן־ שְׁפַטְיָ֥ה בֶן־ מַהֲלַלְאֵ֖ל מִבְּנֵי־ פָֽרֶץ׃
5 וּמַעֲשֵׂיָ֣ה בֶן־ בָּר֣וּךְ בֶּן־ כָּל־ חֹ֠זֶה בֶּן־ חֲזָיָ֨ה בֶן־ עֲדָיָ֧ה בֶן־ יוֹיָרִ֛יב בֶּן־ זְכַרְיָ֖ה בֶּן־ הַשִּׁלֹנִֽי׃
6 כָּל־ בְּנֵי־ פֶ֕רֶץ הַיֹּשְׁבִ֖ים בִּירוּשָׁלִָ֑ם אַרְבַּ֥ע מֵא֛וֹת שִׁשִּׁ֥ים וּשְׁמֹנָ֖ה אַנְשֵׁי־ חָֽיִל׃
7 וְאֵ֖לֶּה בְּנֵ֣י בִנְיָמִ֑ן סַלֻּ֡א בֶּן־ מְשֻׁלָּ֡ם בֶּן־ יוֹעֵ֡ד בֶּן־ פְּדָיָה֩ בֶן־ ק֨וֹלָיָ֧ה בֶן־ מַעֲשֵׂיָ֛ה בֶּן־ אִֽיתִיאֵ֖ל בֶּן־ יְשַֽׁעְיָֽה׃
8 וְאַחֲרָ֖יו גַּבַּ֣י סַלָּ֑י תְּשַׁ֥ע מֵא֖וֹת עֶשְׂרִ֥ים וּשְׁמֹנָֽה׃
9 וְיוֹאֵ֥ל בֶּן־ זִכְרִ֖י פָּקִ֣יד עֲלֵיהֶ֑ם וִיהוּדָ֧ה בֶן־ הַסְּנוּאָ֛ה עַל־ הָעִ֖יר מִשְׁנֶֽה׃
10 מִן־ הַֽכֹּהֲנִ֑ים יְדַֽעְיָ֥ה בֶן־ יוֹיָרִ֖יב יָכִֽין׃
11 שְׂרָיָ֨ה בֶן־ חִלְקִיָּ֜ה בֶּן־ מְשֻׁלָּ֣ם בֶּן־ צָד֗וֹק בֶּן־ מְרָיוֹת֙ בֶּן־ אֲחִיט֔וּב נְגִ֖ד בֵּ֥ית הָאֱלֹהִֽים׃
12 וַאֲחֵיהֶ֗ם עֹשֵׂ֤י הַמְּלָאכָה֙ לַבַּ֔יִת שְׁמֹנֶ֥ה מֵא֖וֹת עֶשְׂרִ֣ים וּשְׁנָ֑יִם וַ֠עֲדָיָה בֶּן־ יְרֹחָ֤ם בֶּן־ פְּלַלְיָה֙ בֶּן־ אַמְצִ֣י בֶן־ זְכַרְיָ֔ה בֶּן־ פַּשְׁח֖וּר בֶּן־ מַלְכִּיָּֽה׃
13 וְאֶחָיו֙ רָאשִׁ֣ים לְאָב֔וֹת מָאתַ֖יִם אַרְבָּעִ֣ים וּשְׁנָ֑יִם וַעֲמַשְׁסַ֧י בֶּן־ עֲזַרְאֵ֛ל בֶּן־ אַחְזַ֥י בֶּן־ מְשִׁלֵּמ֖וֹת בֶּן־ אִמֵּֽר׃
14 וַאֲחֵיהֶם֙ גִּבּ֣וֹרֵי חַ֔יִל מֵאָ֖ה עֶשְׂרִ֣ים וּשְׁמֹנָ֑ה וּפָקִ֣יד עֲלֵיהֶ֔ם זַבְדִּיאֵ֖ל בֶּן־ הַגְּדוֹלִֽים׃
15 וּמִֽן־ הַלְוִיִּ֑ם שְׁמַעְיָ֧ה בֶן־ חַשּׁ֛וּב בֶּן־ עַזְרִיקָ֥ם בֶּן־ חֲשַׁבְיָ֖ה בֶּן־ בּוּנִּֽי׃
16 וְשַׁבְּתַ֨י וְיוֹזָבָ֜ד עַל־ הַמְּלָאכָ֤ה הַחִֽיצֹנָה֙ לְבֵ֣ית הָאֱלֹהִ֔ים מֵרָאשֵׁ֖י הַלְוִיִּֽם׃
17 וּמַתַּנְיָ֣ה בֶן־ מִ֠יכָה בֶּן־ זַבְדִּ֨י בֶן־ אָסָ֜ף רֹ֗אשׁ הַתְּחִלָּה֙ יְהוֹדֶ֣ה לַתְּפִלָּ֔ה וּבַקְבֻּקְיָ֖ה מִשְׁנֶ֣ה מֵאֶחָ֑יו וְעַבְדָּא֙ בֶּן־ שַׁמּ֔וּעַ בֶּן־ גָּלָ֖ל בֶּן־
18 כָּל־ הַלְוִיִּם֙ בְּעִ֣יר הַקֹּ֔דֶשׁ מָאתַ֖יִם שְׁמֹנִ֥ים וְאַרְבָּעָֽה׃
19 וְהַשּֽׁוֹעֲרִים֙ עַקּ֣וּב טַלְמ֔וֹן וַאֲחֵיהֶ֖ם הַשֹּׁמְרִ֣ים בַּשְּׁעָרִ֑ים מֵאָ֖ה שִׁבְעִ֥ים וּשְׁנָֽיִם׃
20 וּשְׁאָ֨ר יִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל הַכֹּהֲנִ֤ים הַלְוִיִּם֙ בְּכָל־ עָרֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֔ה אִ֖ישׁ בְּנַחֲלָתֽוֹ׃
21 וְהַנְּתִינִ֖ים יֹשְׁבִ֣ים בָּעֹ֑פֶל וְצִיחָ֥א וְגִשְׁפָּ֖א עַל־ הַנְּתִינִֽים׃
22 וּפְקִ֤יד הַלְוִיִּם֙ בִּיר֣וּשָׁלִַ֔ם עֻזִּ֤י בֶן־ בָּנִי֙ בֶּן־ חֲשַׁבְיָ֔ה בֶּן־ מַתַּנְיָ֖ה בֶּן־ מִיכָ֑א מִבְּנֵ֤י אָסָף֙ הַמְשֹׁ֣רְרִ֔ים לְנֶ֖גֶד מְלֶ֥אכֶת בֵּית־ הָאֱלֹהִֽים׃
23 כִּֽי־ מִצְוַ֥ת הַמֶּ֖לֶךְ עֲלֵיהֶ֑ם וַאֲמָנָ֥ה עַל־ הַמְשֹׁרְרִ֖ים דְּבַר־ י֥וֹם בְּיוֹמֽוֹ׃
24 וּפְתַֽחְיָ֨ה בֶּן־ מְשֵֽׁיזַבְאֵ֜ל מִבְּנֵי־ זֶ֤רַח בֶּן־ יְהוּדָה֙ לְיַ֣ד הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ לְכָל־ דָּבָ֖ר לָעָֽם׃
25 וְאֶל־ הַחֲצֵרִ֖ים בִּשְׂדֹתָ֑ם מִבְּנֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֗ה יָֽשְׁב֞וּ בְּקִרְיַ֤ת הָֽאַרְבַּע֙ וּבְנֹתֶ֔יהָ וּבְדִיבֹן֙ וּבְנֹתֶ֔יהָ וּבִֽיקַּבְצְאֵ֖ל וַחֲצֵרֶֽיהָ׃
26 וּבְיֵשׁ֥וּעַ וּבְמוֹלָדָ֖ה וּבְבֵ֥ית פָּֽלֶט׃
27 וּבַחֲצַ֥ר שׁוּעָ֛ל וּבִבְאֵ֥ר שֶׁ֖בַע וּבְנֹתֶֽיהָ׃
28 וּבְצִֽקְלַ֥ג וּבִמְכֹנָ֖ה וּבִבְנֹתֶֽיהָ׃
29 וּבְעֵ֥ין רִמּ֛וֹן וּבְצָרְעָ֖ה וּבְיַרְמֽוּת׃
30 זָנֹ֤חַ עֲדֻלָּם֙ וְחַצְרֵיהֶ֔ם לָכִישׁ֙ וּשְׂדֹתֶ֔יהָ עֲזֵקָ֖ה וּבְנֹתֶ֑יהָ וַיַּחֲנ֥וּ מִבְּאֵֽר־ שֶׁ֖בַע עַד־ גֵּֽיא־ הִנֹּֽם׃
31 וּבְנֵ֥י בִנְיָמִ֖ן מִגָּ֑בַע מִכְמָ֣שׂ וְעַיָּ֔ה וּבֵֽית־ אֵ֖ל וּבְנֹתֶֽיהָ׃
32 עֲנָת֥וֹת נֹ֖ב עֲנָֽנְיָֽה׃
33 חָצ֥וֹר ׀ רָמָ֖ה גִּתָּֽיִם׃
34 חָדִ֥יד צְבֹעִ֖ים נְבַלָּֽט׃
35 לֹ֥ד וְאוֹנ֖וֹ גֵּ֥י הַחֲרָשִֽׁים׃
36 וּמִן־ הַלְוִיִּ֔ם מַחְלְק֥וֹת יְהוּדָ֖ה לְבִנְיָמִֽין׃

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