- Un éclairage sur la foi
Osée 6
(King James)
   1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. 3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.
   4 O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away. 5 Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth. 6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. 7 But they like men have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me. 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity, and is polluted with blood. 9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness. 10 I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel: there is the whoredom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled. 11 Also, O Judah, he hath set an harvest for thee, when I returned the captivity of my people.

Références croisées

6:1 Os 5:15, Os 14:1, Es 2:3, Es 55:7, Jr 3:22, Jr 50:4, Lm 3:40-41, So 2:1, Os 5:12-14, Os 13:7-9, Dt 32:39, 1S 2:6, Jb 5:18, Jb 34:29, Ps 30:7, Es 30:22, Jr 30:12, Jr 33:5, Lm 3:32-33
Réciproques : Gn 32:29, Ex 15:26, Lv 14:48, Lv 26:40, Dt 30:2, 1S 7:3, 2R 3:13, 2R 5:7, 2R 19:3, 2Ch 6:26, 2Ch 15:4, Ps 6:2, Ps 32:5, Ps 41:4, Ps 51:8, Ps 60:2, Ps 71:20, Ps 77:2, Ps 95:6, Ps 119:67, Ps 147:3, Pr 1:28, Ec 3:3, Es 3:7, Es 10:21, Es 12:1, Es 17:7, Es 27:8, Es 30:18, Es 37:3, Es 38:9, Es 61:1, Jr 3:7, Jr 3:12, Jr 5:24, Jr 8:4, Jr 22:23, Jr 29:13, Jr 30:13, Jr 30:17, Jr 31:18, Jr 33:6, Jr 36:7, Lm 3:10, Lm 3:11, Os 2:7, Os 7:10, Os 11:5, Jl 2:12, Am 4:6, Jon 2:1, Za 1:3, Ml 4:2, Jn 12:40, Jc 4:8, Jc 5:13
6:2 Os 13:14, 2R 20:5, Ps 30:4, Es 26:19, Ez 37:11-13, 1Co 15:4, Gn 17:18, Ps 61:7, Jn 14:19, Rm 14:8
Réciproques : Gn 22:4, Gn 45:27, Lv 7:17, Lv 26:40, Nb 19:12, Dt 30:2, Js 1:11, 1S 2:6, 1S 7:3, 2S 1:2, 2R 20:8, Esd 9:8, Ps 51:8, Ps 71:20, Ps 85:6, Ps 147:3, Ec 3:3, Es 19:22, Es 27:8, Es 30:18, Es 38:9, Es 58:8, Jr 3:22, Jr 31:18, Ez 37:12, Os 14:7, Am 5:2, Ha 3:2, Mt 20:19, Mc 8:31, Mc 10:34, Mc 12:24, Jn 11:17, Jn 11:24, Jc 4:8
6:3 Os 2:20, Es 54:13, Jr 24:7, Mi 4:2, Jn 17:3, Pr 2:1-5, Mt 13:11, Jn 7:17, Ac 17:11, Ph 3:13-15, He 3:14, 2S 23:4, Ps 19:4, Pr 4:18, Ml 4:2, Lc 1:78, 2P 1:19, Ap 22:16, Os 10:12, Os 14:5, Dt 32:2, Jb 29:23, Ps 65:9, Ps 72:6, Es 5:6, Es 32:15, Es 44:3, Ez 36:25, Jl 2:23-24, Mi 5:7, Za 10:1
Réciproques : Jg 5:31, Jg 6:37, 2S 21:10, Jb 11:17, Ps 30:5, Ps 49:14, Ps 143:8, Pr 2:5, Pr 9:9, Pr 15:9, Pr 16:15, Pr 21:21, Ct 4:12, Es 8:20, Es 58:8, Es 64:5, Ha 3:2, Za 4:10, Za 8:21, Za 14:6, Mt 13:33, Mc 4:28, Lc 8:9, Lc 11:36, Lc 13:21, Jn 7:28, Jn 8:12, Jn 8:32, Jn 14:18, Jn 15:2, Ac 8:29, Ph 3:12, Col 1:23, 2Th 1:11, Jc 5:7, 1P 2:2, 1Jn 2:10
6:4 Os 11:8, Es 5:3-4, Jr 3:19, Jr 5:7, Jr 5:9, Jr 5:23, Jr 9:7, Lc 13:7-9, Lc 19:41-42, Jg 2:18-19, Ps 78:34-37, Ps 106:12-13, Jr 3:10, Jr 34:15, Mt 13:21, 2P 2:20-22, Os 13:3
Réciproques : Ex 8:15, Dt 9:12, Dt 32:2, Dt 33:17, Jg 3:12, Jg 6:37, 1S 19:10, 2Ch 11:17, 2Ch 26:5, 2Ch 34:33, Jb 30:15, Es 1:22, Es 28:4, Jr 11:10, Jr 34:11, Os 5:3, Os 7:16, Lc 8:13, Lc 20:10, Lc 20:13, Col 1:23, 2P 2:17
6:5 1S 13:13, 1S 15:22, 1R 14:6, 1R 17:1, 1R 18:17, 2R 1:16, 2Ch 21:12, Es 58:1, Jr 1:10, Jr 1:18, Jr 5:14, Jr 13:13, Ez 3:9, Ez 43:3, Ac 7:31, 1R 19:17, Es 11:4, Jr 23:29, He 4:12, Ap 1:16, Ap 2:16, Ap 9:15, Ap 9:21, Gn 18:25, Jb 34:10, Ps 37:6, Ps 119:120, So 3:5, Rm 2:5
Réciproques : 1S 16:4, 2S 23:4, Ne 9:29, Ct 5:7, Ct 6:10, Es 28:13, Es 49:2, Jr 9:7, Ez 11:4, Ez 11:13, Ez 23:45, Ez 32:18, Os 5:2, 2Th 2:8, Ap 11:5
6:6 1S 15:22, Ps 50:8, Pr 21:3, Ec 5:1, Es 1:11, Es 58:6, Jr 7:22, Dn 4:27, Am 5:21, Mi 6:6, Mt 5:7, Mt 9:13, Mt 12:7, Os 4:1, 1Ch 28:9, Jr 22:16, 1Jn 2:3, 1Jn 3:6
Réciproques : Nb 29:17, Nb 30:5, Js 5:5, Ps 40:6, Ps 51:16, Os 4:6, Am 5:24, Mi 6:7, Mi 6:8, Mt 5:23, Mt 23:23, Mc 3:4, Mc 12:24, Mc 12:33, Lc 10:37, He 10:4
6:7 Gn 3:6, Gn 3:11, Jb 31:33, Os 8:1, 2R 17:15, Es 24:5, Jr 31:32, Ez 16:59-61, He 8:9, Os 5:7, Es 24:16, Es 48:8, Jr 3:7, Jr 5:11, Jr 9:6
Réciproques : Dt 17:2, Js 5:5, Js 7:11, 1R 19:14, Ec 5:1, Es 59:13, Jr 3:20, Jr 9:2, Jr 11:10, Jr 12:1, Jr 34:18, Os 10:4, Ml 2:11, 1Co 3:3, 1P 4:2
6:8 Os 12:11, Js 21:38, Os 5:1, 2S 3:27, 2S 20:8, 1R 2:5, Ps 10:8, Ps 59:2, Es 59:6, Jr 11:19, Mi 7:2, Mt 26:15-16, Ac 23:12-15, Ac 25:3
Réciproques : Os 7:1
6:9 Os 7:1, Esd 8:31, Jb 1:15-17, Pr 1:11-19, Os 5:1, Jr 11:9, Ez 22:27, Mi 3:9, So 3:3, Mc 14:1, Lc 22:2-6, Jn 11:47, Ac 4:24, 1R 12:25
Réciproques : 2S 3:34, Ps 119:61, Ez 22:9, Ez 22:25, Os 4:2, Os 4:7, Os 5:2, Lc 10:31
6:10 Jr 2:12-13, Jr 5:30-31, Jr 18:13, Jr 23:14, Os 4:11, Os 4:17, Os 5:3, 1R 12:8, 1R 15:30, 2R 17:7, Jr 3:6, Ez 23:5
Réciproques : Ex 32:9, Dt 9:13, Es 28:1, Ez 23:7, Os 7:1, Mi 1:1
6:11 Jr 51:33, Jl 3:13, Mi 4:12, Ap 14:15, Jb 42:10, Ps 126:1, So 2:7
Réciproques : Es 17:5, Am 2:4, Mi 1:1