- Un éclairage sur la foi
Psaumes 143
(King James)
   1 Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness. 2 And enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. 3 For the enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath smitten my life down to the ground; he hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those that have been long dead. 4 Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is desolate. 5 I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands. 6 I stretch forth my hands unto thee: my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land. Selah.
   7 Hear me speedily, O LORD: my spirit faileth: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. 8 Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. 9 Deliver me, O LORD, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me. 10 Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness. 11 Quicken me, O LORD, for thy name's sake: for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble. 12 And of thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and destroy all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.

Références croisées

143:1 Ps 31:1, Ps 71:2, 2S 7:25, Dn 9:16, 1Jn 1:9
Réciproques : Ne 13:22, Ps 27:7, Ps 30:10, Ps 36:10, Ps 54:5, Ps 64:1, Ps 143:11, Lc 22:62
143:2 Ps 130:3, Jb 14:3, Ex 34:7, Jb 4:17, Jb 9:2-3, Jb 15:14, Jb 25:4, Ec 7:20, Rm 3:20, Ga 2:16, 1Jn 1:10
Réciproques : Nb 11:11, 1R 8:46, 2Ch 6:36, Esd 9:15, Ne 13:22, Jb 9:20, Jb 9:32, Jb 10:2, Jb 22:4, Jb 31:14, Ps 4:1, Ps 27:7, Ps 36:10, Es 3:14, Jr 49:19, Lc 15:21, Lc 18:14, Ac 13:39, Rm 2:13, 1Co 4:4, Ga 3:11, Ga 3:22, Ph 3:9, Tt 3:5, Jc 2:21, 1Jn 1:8
143:3 Ps 7:1-2, Ps 17:9-13, Ps 35:4, Ps 54:3, Ps 142:6, Ps 7:5, 2S 2:22, 2S 18:11, Ps 31:12-13, Ps 88:4-6, Ez 37:11
Réciproques : Ps 13:2, Ps 25:19, Ps 31:15, Ps 40:2, Ps 42:5, Ps 88:3, Ps 88:6, Ps 88:12, Ps 89:39, Ps 102:4, Ps 141:8, Lm 3:6
143:4 Ps 55:5, Ps 61:2, Ps 77:3, Ps 102:1, Ps 124:4, Ps 142:3, Jb 6:27, Ps 25:16, Ps 102:3-4, Ps 119:81-83, Lc 22:44
Réciproques : Esd 9:3, Ps 6:6, Ps 13:2, Ps 38:10, Ps 42:5, Ps 57:6, Ps 88:3, Ps 88:8, Ps 141:8, Rm 8:26
143:5 Ps 42:6, Ps 77:5-6, Ps 77:10-12, Ps 111:4, Dt 8:2-3, 1S 17:34-37, 1S 17:45-50, Es 63:7-14, Mi 6:5
Réciproques : Gn 24:63, Ne 4:14, Ps 77:3, Ps 77:12, Ps 111:2, Ps 119:52, Es 26:8, Es 63:11, Am 9:11, Jon 2:7, Mi 7:14, 1Tm 4:15
143:6 Ps 44:20, Ps 88:9, Jb 11:13, Ps 42:1-2, Ps 63:1, Ps 84:2, Es 26:8-9, Es 35:7, Jn 7:37
Réciproques : Gn 24:63, Ex 9:29, Dt 4:4, 1S 1:15, 1Ch 11:17, 2Ch 6:12, Esd 9:5, Jb 7:2, Ps 28:2, Ps 63:8, Ps 68:31, Ps 73:25, Ps 116:4, Es 37:14, Es 55:1, Lm 3:41, Ha 3:9, Lc 6:21, Lc 22:44, Ap 7:16
143:7 Ps 13:1-4, Ps 40:13, Ps 40:17, Ps 70:5, Ps 71:12, Ps 40:12, Ps 69:3, Es 57:16, Lc 21:26, Ps 22:24, Ps 27:9, Ps 69:17, Es 8:17, Ps 28:1, Ps 88:4-6, Ps 88:10, Ps 88:11, Es 38:18
Réciproques : Gn 4:14, Nb 16:33, 2Ch 9:4, Jb 6:4, Jb 17:16, Jb 34:29, Ps 30:7, Ps 30:10, Ps 31:2, Ps 42:1, Ps 54:2, Ps 55:1, Ps 63:8, Ps 70:1, Ps 101:2, Ps 102:1, Ps 102:2, Ps 119:123, Ps 141:1, Ps 142:6, Pr 1:12, Pr 13:12, Es 38:14, Lm 3:6, Jon 2:6, Lc 18:8, Lc 22:44
143:8 Ps 30:5, Ps 42:8, Ps 46:5, Ps 59:16, Gn 32:24-29, Os 6:3, Ps 143:10, Ps 5:8, Ps 25:4-5, Ps 27:11, Ps 32:8, Ps 119:34, Ps 119:73, Pr 3:5-6, Es 30:21, Es 48:17, Ps 25:1, Ps 86:4, Lm 3:41
Réciproques : Ex 18:20, 2S 2:1, 1R 8:36, Esd 8:21, Ne 9:12, Jb 22:26, Jb 34:32, Ps 23:3, Ps 24:4, Ps 40:17, Ps 73:24, Ps 86:11, Ps 101:2, Ps 119:10, Ps 119:26, Ps 139:24, Pr 2:9, Pr 14:8, Es 33:2, Jr 42:3, Mt 1:20, Ac 22:10, Ga 5:18, 2Tm 2:7
143:9 Ps 34:2-4, Ps 56:9, Ps 61:3-4, Ps 142:5, Pr 18:10, He 6:18
Réciproques : Ps 32:7, Ps 64:2, Ps 69:17, Ps 119:86, Ps 139:10, Es 26:20, Es 32:2, 2Tm 2:7
143:10 Ps 25:4-5, Ps 25:8, Ps 25:9, Ps 25:12, Ps 119:5-7, Ps 119:12, Ps 119:35, Ps 139:24, Mi 4:2, Mt 28:20, Col 1:9-10, 1Th 4:1-2, He 13:21, 1Jn 2:27, Ps 22:1, Ps 31:14, Ps 63:1, Ps 118:28, Ps 140:6, Ne 9:20, Es 63:14, Jn 14:26, Jn 16:13-15, Rm 5:5, Rm 8:2, Rm 8:14-16, Rm 8:26, Rm 15:13, Rm 15:30, Ga 5:22-23, Ep 4:30, Ep 5:9, 2Tm 1:7, Es 29:10
Réciproques : Ex 4:12, Nb 9:22, Ps 31:3, Ps 43:3, Ps 119:7, Ps 119:124, Ps 139:10, Ps 143:8, Es 26:10, Jn 9:31, 1Co 12:8, 1Th 4:3, He 10:29, 1P 4:2, 1Jn 2:17
143:11 Ps 85:6, Ps 119:25, Ps 119:37, Ps 119:40, Ps 119:88, Ps 119:107, Ps 138:7, Ha 3:2, Ep 2:4-5, Ps 143:1, Ps 9:7-8, Ps 31:1, Ps 71:2, Ps 25:17, Ps 34:19, Ps 37:39-40, Ps 91:15-16, Ap 7:14-17
Réciproques : Jb 3:26, Ps 25:11, Ps 31:3, Ps 106:8, Ps 109:21, Ps 142:7, Es 48:9, Mi 6:5
143:12 Ps 54:5, Ps 55:23, Ps 136:15-20, 1S 24:12-15, 1S 25:29, 1S 26:10, Ps 116:16, Ps 119:94
Réciproques : Jg 16:28, Ps 31:1, Ps 31:15, Ps 36:1, Ps 55:19, Ps 56:1, Ps 59:1, Ps 86:2, Ps 109:21, Es 14:1, Ac 27:23, Rm 6:22