- Un éclairage sur la foi
Psaumes 32
(King James)
   1 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 2 Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. 3 When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. 4 For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah. 5 I acknowledge my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah. 6 For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him.
   7 Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah. 8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. 9 Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. 10 Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the LORD, mercy shall compass him about. 11 Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.

Références croisées

32:1 Ps 42:1, Ps 45:1, Ps 52:1, Ps 53:1, Ps 55:1, Ps 1:1-2, Ps 40:4, Ps 84:12, Ps 89:15, Ps 106:3, Ps 119:1-2, Ps 128:1, Jr 17:7-8, Mt 5:3-12, Mt 16:17, Lc 11:28, Ap 22:14, Es 1:18, Es 43:25, Es 44:22, Mi 7:18-19, Ac 13:38-39, Rm 4:6-8, Ps 85:2, Ne 4:5
Réciproques : Lv 4:10, 2S 12:13, Ps 25:18, Ps 37:22, Ps 103:3, Pr 17:9, Es 40:2, Ez 18:22, Za 3:4, Mt 6:12, Mt 9:2, Mt 11:6, Mc 2:5, Lc 7:42, Lc 11:4, Ac 3:19, Ac 26:18, Rm 4:7, 2Co 5:19, Ep 1:7, Col 1:14, Col 2:13, He 12:6, Jc 5:20, 1P 4:14, 1Jn 2:12
32:2 Lv 17:4, Rm 5:13, 2Co 5:19-21, Jn 1:47, 2Co 1:12, 1P 2:1-2, Ap 14:5
Réciproques : 2S 12:13, 2S 19:19, 2R 20:3, 2Ch 6:29, Ps 1:1, Ps 32:11, Ps 119:1, Ps 119:80, Ps 125:4, Es 38:3, Ez 18:22, Za 3:4, Mt 5:3, Mt 9:2, Mt 11:6, Jn 4:23, Ac 26:18, Rm 4:7, 1Co 5:8, Ep 1:7, Ep 4:15, Col 1:14, 1P 4:14, 1Jn 2:12
32:3 Gn 3:8-19, 1S 31:13, 2S 11:27, 2S 12:1-12, 2S 21:12-14, Pr 28:13, Es 57:17, Jr 31:18-19, Lc 15:15-16, Ps 6:2, Ps 31:9-10, Ps 38:3, Ps 51:8, Ps 102:3-5, Jb 30:17, Jb 30:30, Lm 1:3, Lm 3:4, Ps 22:1, Ps 38:8, Jb 3:24, Es 51:20, Es 59:11, Lm 3:8, Os 7:14
Réciproques : Lv 26:39, 2S 12:13, 1R 8:38, 1Ch 4:10, 2Ch 33:13, Jb 2:5, Jb 10:1, Jb 16:16, Jb 19:20, Jb 20:14, Jb 33:21, Ps 6:7, Ps 22:15, Ps 35:10, Ps 38:5, Ps 55:2, Ps 102:5, Ps 109:24, Ps 116:3, Pr 17:22, Pr 18:14, Mt 5:4, Lc 15:18, Lc 22:32, Ac 9:11, Rm 7:24, 1Co 11:31, Jc 4:7
32:4 Ps 38:2-8, Ps 39:10-11, 1S 5:6-7, 1S 5:9, 1S 5:11, 1S 6:9, Jb 16:21, Jb 33:7, Ps 22:15, Ps 90:6-7, Ps 102:3-4, Jb 30:30, Lm 4:8, Lm 5:10
Réciproques : Lv 26:39, Dt 2:15, Rt 1:13, 1S 6:5, 1R 8:38, 1Ch 4:10, Jb 2:5, Jb 6:9, Jb 19:20, Jb 20:14, Jb 33:21, Ps 31:10, Ps 102:5, Ps 109:24, Ps 116:3, Pr 17:22, Pr 18:14, Ec 2:23, Es 59:11, Ez 39:21, Mt 11:28, Ac 13:11, Rm 7:24, 1Th 2:9
32:5 Ps 38:18, Ps 51:3-5, Lv 26:39-40, Js 7:19, 2S 12:13, 2S 24:10, Jb 33:27, Pr 28:13, Jr 3:13, 1Jn 1:8-10, Jb 31:33, Pr 30:20, Jr 2:23, Jr 2:35, Lc 16:15, Es 65:24, Os 6:1, Lc 15:17-19, Lc 15:21, Ps 30:5, Ps 86:5, Ps 86:15, Ps 103:3, 2S 12:13, Es 65:24, Jr 31:20, Lc 7:47, Lc 15:20-23, Ep 4:32, Ps 51:4, 2S 12:9, 2S 12:13, Ml 3:8
Réciproques : Lv 5:5, Lv 16:21, Nb 5:7, 1Ch 21:8, Esd 10:1, Esd 10:11, Ne 1:6, Ps 34:2, Ps 41:4, Ps 51:13, Ps 66:16, Ps 119:26, Jr 14:20, Dn 9:4, Dn 9:20, Mt 3:6, Mc 1:5, Lc 5:21, Lc 15:18, Lc 23:43, Ac 1:15, Ac 19:18, 2Co 1:4, 1Jn 1:9
32:6 Ps 34:2-5, Ps 40:3, Ps 51:12-13, 2Co 1:4, 1Tm 1:16, Ps 4:3, 2Co 7:9-10, Tt 2:12, Pr 1:28, Es 49:8, Es 55:6, Lc 19:42-44, Jn 7:34, 2Co 6:2, Ps 42:7, Ps 69:1-2, Ps 69:13-15, Ps 124:4-5, Gn 7:17-22, Es 43:2, Mt 7:24-27, Ap 12:15-16
Réciproques : Ex 22:28, Js 2:22, 2S 22:17, Ps 27:5, Ps 66:16, Ps 91:7, Es 54:17, Jr 29:14, Ez 13:11, Os 5:10, Am 9:5, So 2:3, Mt 5:25, Lc 6:48, Lc 12:58, Lc 13:25, Ac 1:15, 2P 2:9
32:7 Ps 9:9, Ps 27:5, Ps 31:20, Ps 119:114, Ps 143:9, Jr 36:26, Col 3:3, Ps 32:10, Ps 5:12, Ps 18:5, Ps 40:3, Ps 98:1, Ex 15:1-3, Jg 5:1, 2S 22:1, Ap 7:10, Ap 15:2-3
Réciproques : Dt 32:10, Js 2:22, 1S 23:14, 2S 22:3, Ps 42:8, Ps 68:19, Ps 91:1, Ps 121:4, Es 26:20, Es 30:29, Es 32:2, Jr 50:6, Dn 6:27, So 2:3, Lc 8:38, 2Co 1:4, Col 3:16
32:8 Ps 34:11, Pr 3:1, Pr 4:1-13, Pr 8:10-11, Mt 11:29, Ps 25:9-10, Ps 33:18, Pr 3:5-6, Es 49:10
Réciproques : Gn 24:7, Gn 24:48, Gn 26:3, Ex 18:20, Nb 9:17, Nb 9:22, Nb 10:31, Dt 4:37, 1S 23:2, 1R 8:36, Esd 5:5, Jb 6:24, Jb 34:32, Ps 25:12, Ps 51:13, Ps 73:24, Ps 119:133, Ps 121:4, Ps 143:8, Pr 2:9, Pr 8:20, Es 8:11, Es 30:21, Es 48:17, Es 58:11, Es 61:8, Jr 35:13, Ap 3:18
32:9 Pr 26:3, Jr 31:18, Jc 3:3, Jc 4:7-10, Jb 35:11, Jr 4:22, Jr 8:6-7
Réciproques : Ex 4:12, 2R 19:28, Jb 41:13, Ps 25:9, Ps 73:22, Ps 92:6, Pr 10:13, Pr 12:1, Es 30:28, Es 37:29, Jr 35:13, Jc 1:26
32:10 Ps 16:4, Ps 34:19-21, Ps 140:11, Pr 13:21, Ec 8:12, Es 3:11, Es 57:21, Rm 2:8-9, 1Tm 6:10, Ps 2:12, Ps 5:12, Ps 34:8, Ps 40:4, Ps 84:12, Ps 146:5, Ps 147:11, Pr 16:20, Es 12:2-3, Jr 17:7-8
Réciproques : Jb 21:17, Ps 7:1, Ps 13:5, Ps 32:7, Ps 33:21, Ps 33:22, Ps 71:21, Es 50:11, 1Co 1:28
32:11 Ps 33:1, Ps 64:10, Ps 68:3, Ps 97:12, Dt 12:12, 1S 2:1, Rm 5:11, Ph 3:1, Ph 3:3, Ph 4:4, Ps 5:11, Ps 97:1, Ps 98:4, Esd 3:11-13, Za 4:7, Ps 32:2, Ps 125:4
Réciproques : Dt 12:18, 2Ch 7:10, 2Ch 15:15, 2Ch 29:30, Jb 8:21, Ps 11:2, Ps 30:4, Ps 33:21, Ps 100:1, Ps 104:34, Ps 118:15, Ps 140:13, Ps 145:10, Jl 2:23, Lc 2:28, Ac 20:27, He 10:22