1 Jean 3:2-3
(King James)
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
Références croisées
3:2 1Jn 3:1, 1Jn 5:1, Es 56:5, Rm 8:14-15, Rm 8:18, Ga 3:26, Ga 4:6, Ps 31:19, Rm 8:18, 1Co 2:9, 1Co 13:12, 2Co 4:17, Ps 17:15, Rm 8:29, 1Co 15:49, Ph 3:21, 2P 1:4, Ml 3:2, Col 3:4, He 9:28, Jb 19:26, Ps 16:11, Mt 5:8, Jn 17:24, 1Co 13:12, 2Co 3:18, 2Co 5:6-8Réciproques : Gn 23:6, Ex 28:2, Ex 29:43, Nb 14:14, Dt 14:1, 1R 10:7, 2Ch 9:6, Jb 37:19, Ps 63:3, Ps 73:25, Ps 90:17, Es 33:17, Es 64:4, Os 1:10, Mt 13:38, Mt 17:4, Mt 22:30, Mc 9:5, Mc 12:25, Lc 9:32, Lc 20:36, Jn 14:3, Jn 20:17, Rm 8:4, Rm 8:19, Rm 8:23, Rm 9:8, 1Co 1:7, 1Co 13:9, 1Co 15:53, 2Co 5:1, 2Co 5:8, 2Co 6:18, Ga 4:31, Ep 4:24, Ep 5:1, Col 3:3, 2Th 2:16, 1Tm 6:14, Tt 1:2, Tt 2:13, Tt 2:14, He 2:10, He 10:34, He 12:14, 1P 1:5, 1P 5:1, 1P 5:4, 1Jn 2:28, 1Jn 3:6, Ap 1:7, Ap 22:4
3:3 Rm 5:4-5, Col 1:5, 2Th 2:16, Tt 3:7, He 6:18, Ac 15:9, 2Co 7:1, He 12:14, 2P 1:4, 2P 3:14, 1Jn 2:6, 1Jn 4:17, Mt 5:48, Lc 6:36, He 7:26
Réciproques : Ps 17:15, Ps 71:14, Pr 21:8, Mt 5:8, Jn 14:3, Jn 15:18, Rm 8:24, 1Co 13:13, Ep 2:12, Ep 4:4, Ep 4:24, Ph 4:8, 1Th 1:3, 1Th 2:13, 1Tm 1:5, 2Tm 2:21, Tt 1:2, Tt 2:13, Jc 3:17, Jc 4:8, 1P 1:3, 1P 1:13, 1Jn 3:7, 1Jn 5:18, Ap 22:4, Ap 22:14