1 Jean 5:4
(King James)
1 Jean 5:4
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
Références croisées
5:4 1Jn 5:1, 1Jn 3:9, 1Jn 5:5, 1Jn 2:13-17, 1Jn 4:4, Jn 16:33, Rm 8:35-37, 1Co 15:57, Ap 2:7, Ap 2:11, Ap 2:17, Ap 2:26, Ap 3:5, Ap 3:12, Ap 3:21, Ap 12:11, Ap 15:2Réciproques : Gn 6:22, Dt 30:6, Ps 119:17, Jn 1:13, Rm 8:37, Ga 1:4, Ga 6:14, Ep 2:2, Ep 6:16, 1Th 2:13, 2Tm 4:10, Jc 1:27, Jc 2:14, 1P 1:3, 1Jn 2:15, 1Jn 5:18, Ap 21:6, Ap 21:8