1 Pierre 2:4-6
(King James)
To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,
5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.
5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.
Références croisées
2:4 Es 55:3, Jr 3:22, Mt 11:28, Jn 5:40, Jn 6:37, Jn 5:26, Jn 6:57, Jn 11:25-26, Jn 14:6, Jn 14:19, Rm 5:10, Col 3:4, Es 28:16, Dn 2:34, Dn 2:45, Za 3:9, Za 4:7, Ps 118:22-23, Es 8:14-15, Mt 21:42, Mc 12:10-11, Lc 20:17-18, Ac 4:11-12, Es 42:1, Mt 12:18, 1P 2:7, 1P 1:7, 1P 1:19, 2P 1:1, 2P 1:4Réciproques : Gn 49:24, Ex 26:6, Ex 36:13, Lv 4:31, Nb 12:7, 1S 16:7, 1S 18:30, 1S 20:27, Ps 87:1, Ct 1:17, Es 49:7, Es 54:11, Jr 12:16, Ag 2:23, Za 6:12, Za 6:15, Mt 12:6, Mt 22:42, Mt 26:68, Mc 6:3, Lc 3:22, Lc 6:47, Lc 6:48, Lc 23:35, Jn 1:14, Jn 2:21, Jn 6:51, Jn 15:5, 2Co 13:5, Ep 2:20, Ep 2:22, Col 2:7, He 4:12, 1P 2:6
2:5 1Co 3:16, 1Co 6:19, 2Co 6:16, Ep 2:20-22, He 3:6, Ap 3:12, 1P 2:9, Es 61:6, Es 66:21, Ap 1:6, Ap 5:10, Ap 20:6, Ps 50:14, Ps 50:23, Ps 141:2, Os 14:2, Ml 1:11, Jn 4:22-24, Rm 12:1, Ph 2:17, Ph 4:18, He 13:15-16, 1P 4:11, Ph 1:11, Ph 4:18, Col 3:17
Réciproques : Gn 4:7, Gn 6:9, Gn 8:20, Ex 19:6, Ex 26:6, Ex 26:24, Ex 28:38, Ex 36:13, Ex 37:25, Ex 38:1, Lv 3:5, Lv 4:31, Lv 7:12, Lv 8:13, Lv 14:14, Lv 22:29, Nb 5:10, Nb 12:7, Nb 16:5, Nb 25:13, Dt 7:6, Dt 18:2, Dt 26:3, Dt 26:19, Dt 33:19, 2S 7:13, 2S 24:23, 1R 6:1, 1R 6:7, 1R 7:11, 1R 7:29, 1Ch 16:35, Ps 19:14, Ps 20:3, Ps 27:6, Ps 51:17, Ps 69:31, Ps 96:8, Ps 107:22, Ps 118:3, Ps 145:10, Pr 9:1, Ct 1:17, Ct 4:16, Es 19:21, Es 52:11, Es 56:7, Es 58:5, Es 60:6, Es 66:20, Jr 17:26, Jr 33:18, Ez 20:40, Ez 41:1, Ez 43:19, Ez 43:27, Za 6:12, Za 6:15, Za 14:20, Ml 3:3, Mt 12:6, Jn 2:21, Jn 14:13, Rm 1:8, Rm 6:11, Rm 7:25, Rm 14:18, Rm 15:16, Rm 16:27, 1Co 3:9, 2Co 13:5, Ga 6:16, Ep 1:6, Ep 2:22, Ep 3:21, Ep 5:10, Ep 5:20, 1Tm 2:3, 1Tm 3:15, 2Tm 2:20, He 3:3, He 4:12, He 12:10, He 12:28, He 13:21, Ap 11:1
2:6 Dn 10:21, Mc 12:10, Jn 7:38, Ac 1:16, 2Tm 3:16, 2P 1:20, 2P 3:16, 1P 2:4, Es 28:16, Za 10:4, Rm 9:32-33, Ep 2:20, Ps 89:19, Es 42:1, Mt 12:18, Lc 23:35, Ep 1:4, Ps 40:14, Es 41:11, Es 45:16-17, Es 50:7, Es 54:4
Réciproques : Dt 32:4, 1R 5:17, 1R 8:1, Ps 2:12, Ps 22:5, Ps 25:2, Ps 36:7, Ps 71:1, Ps 119:116, Ps 119:165, Pr 9:1, Ct 5:16, Es 46:13, Es 49:23, Jr 12:17, Jl 2:27, So 3:11, Lc 23:42, Ac 4:11, Rm 10:11, 1Co 3:11, Jc 2:23