Colossiens 3:18-21
(King James)
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.
Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.
Références croisées
3:18 Gn 3:16, Est 1:20, 1Co 11:3, 1Co 14:34, Ep 5:22-24, Ep 5:33, 1Tm 2:12, Tt 2:4-5, 1P 3:1-6, Ac 5:29, Ep 5:3, Ep 6:1Réciproques : Rt 1:8, 1Tm 2:11
3:19 Gn 2:23-24, Gn 24:67, Pr 5:18-19, Ec 9:9, Ml 2:14-16, Lc 14:26, Ep 5:25, Ep 5:28, Ep 5:29, Ep 5:33, 1P 3:7, Col 3:21, Rm 3:14, Ep 4:31, Jc 3:14
Réciproques : 1Co 7:33
3:20 Gn 28:7, Ex 20:12, Lv 19:3, Dt 21:18-21, Dt 27:16, Pr 6:20, Pr 20:20, Pr 30:11, Pr 30:17, Ez 22:7, Ml 1:6, Mt 15:4-6, Mt 19:19, Ep 6:1-3, Col 3:22, Ep 5:24, Tt 2:9, Col 1:10, Ph 4:18, He 13:21
Réciproques : Dt 5:16, Pr 16:7, Jr 35:8, Lc 18:20, Rm 8:8
3:21 Ps 103:13, Pr 3:12, Pr 4:1-4, Ep 6:4, 1Th 2:11, He 12:5-11
Réciproques : Col 3:19