- Un éclairage sur la foi


1 Rois 5-6

KJV 1 And Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants unto Solomon; for he had heard that they had anointed him king in the room of his father: for Hiram was ever a lover of David.

VULC 1 Misit quoque Hiram rex Tyri servos suos ad Salomonem : audivit enim quod ipsum unxissent regem pro patre ejus : quia amicus fuerat Hiram David omni tempore.

WLC 1 וּשְׁלֹמֹ֗ה הָיָ֤ה מוֹשֵׁל֙ בְּכָל־ הַמַּמְלָכ֔וֹת מִן־ הַנָּהָר֙ אֶ֣רֶץ פְּלִשְׁתִּ֔ים וְעַ֖ד גְּב֣וּל מִצְרָ֑יִם מַגִּשִׁ֥ים מִנְחָ֛ה וְעֹבְדִ֥ים אֶת־ שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה כָּל־ יְמֵ֥י חַיָּֽיו׃

KJV 2 And Solomon sent to Hiram, saying,

VULC 2 Misit autem Salomon ad Hiram, dicens :

WLC 2 וַיְהִ֥י לֶֽחֶם־ שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה לְי֣וֹם אֶחָ֑ד שְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים כֹּר֙ סֹ֔לֶת וְשִׁשִּׁ֥ים כֹּ֖ר קָֽמַח׃

KJV 3 Thou knowest how that David my father could not build an house unto the name of the LORD his God for the wars which were about him on every side, until the LORD put them under the soles of his feet.

VULC 3 Tu scis voluntatem David patris mei, et quia non potuerit ædificare domum nomini Domini Dei sui propter bella imminentia per circuitum, donec daret Dominus eos sub vestigio pedum ejus.

WLC 3 עֲשָׂרָ֨ה בָקָ֜ר בְּרִאִ֗ים וְעֶשְׂרִ֥ים בָּקָ֛ר רְעִ֖י וּמֵ֣אָה צֹ֑אן לְ֠בַד מֵֽאַיָּ֤ל וּצְבִי֙ וְיַחְמ֔וּר וּבַרְבֻּרִ֖ים אֲבוּסִֽים׃

KJV 4 But now the LORD my God hath given me rest on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent.

VULC 4 Nunc autem requiem dedit Dominus Deus meus mihi per circuitum, et non est satan, neque occursus malus.

WLC 4 כִּי־ ה֞וּא רֹדֶ֣ה ׀ בְּכָל־ עֵ֣בֶר הַנָּהָ֗ר מִתִּפְסַח֙ וְעַד־ עַזָּ֔ה בְּכָל־ מַלְכֵ֖י עֵ֣בֶר הַנָּהָ֑ר וְשָׁל֗וֹם הָ֥יָה ל֛וֹ מִכָּל־ עֲבָרָ֖יו מִסָּבִֽיב׃

KJV 5 And, behold, I purpose to build an house unto the name of the LORD my God, as the LORD spake unto David my father, saying, Thy son, whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name.

VULC 5 Quam ob rem cogito ædificare templum nomini Domini Dei mei, sicut locutus est Dominus David patri meo, dicens : Filius tuus, quem dabo pro te super solium tuum, ipse ædificabit domum nomini meo.

WLC 5 וַיֵּשֶׁב֩ יְהוּדָ֨ה וְיִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל לָבֶ֗טַח אִ֣ישׁ תַּ֤חַת גַּפְנוֹ֙ וְתַ֣חַת תְּאֵֽנָת֔וֹ מִדָּ֖ן וְעַד־ בְּאֵ֣ר שָׁ֑בַע כֹּ֖ל יְמֵ֥י שְׁלֹמֹֽה׃

KJV 6 Now therefore command thou that they hew me cedar trees out of Lebanon; and my servants shall be with thy servants: and unto thee will I give hire for thy servants according to all that thou shalt appoint: for thou knowest that there is not among us any that can skill to hew timber like unto the Sidonians.

VULC 6 Præcipe igitur ut præcidant mihi servi tui cedros de Libano, et servi mei sint cum servis tuis : mercedem autem servorum tuorum dabo tibi quamcumque petieris : scis enim quomodo non est in populo meo vir qui noverit ligna cædere sicut Sidonii.

WLC 6 וַיְהִ֣י לִשְׁלֹמֹ֗ה אַרְבָּעִ֥ים אֶ֛לֶף אֻרְוֺ֥ת סוּסִ֖ים לְמֶרְכָּב֑וֹ וּשְׁנֵים־ עָשָׂ֥ר אֶ֖לֶף פָּרָשִֽׁים׃

KJV 7 And it came to pass, when Hiram heard the words of Solomon, that he rejoiced greatly, and said, Blessed be the LORD this day, which hath given unto David a wise son over this great people.

VULC 7 Cum ergo audisset Hiram verba Salomonis, lætatus est valde, et ait : Benedictus Dominus Deus hodie, qui dedit David filium sapientissimum super populum hunc plurimum.

WLC 7 וְכִלְכְּלוּ֩ הַנִּצָּבִ֨ים הָאֵ֜לֶּה אֶת־ הַמֶּ֣לֶךְ שְׁלֹמֹ֗ה וְאֵ֧ת כָּל־ הַקָּרֵ֛ב אֶל־ שֻׁלְחַ֥ן הַמֶּֽלֶךְ־ שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה אִ֣ישׁ חָדְשׁ֑וֹ לֹ֥א יְעַדְּר֖וּ דָּבָֽר׃

KJV 8 And Hiram sent to Solomon, saying, I have considered the things which thou sentest to me for: and I will do all thy desire concerning timber of cedar, and concerning timber of fir.

VULC 8 Et misit Hiram ad Salomonem, dicens : Audivi quæcumque mandasti mihi : ego faciam omnem voluntatem tuam in lignis cedrinis et abiegnis.

WLC 8 וְהַשְּׂעֹרִ֣ים וְהַתֶּ֔בֶן לַסּוּסִ֖ים וְלָרָ֑כֶשׁ יָבִ֗אוּ אֶל־ הַמָּקוֹם֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר יִֽהְיֶה־ שָּׁ֔ם אִ֖ישׁ כְּמִשְׁפָּטֽוֹ׃

KJV 9 My servants shall bring them down from Lebanon unto the sea: and I will convey them by sea in floats unto the place that thou shalt appoint me, and will cause them to be discharged there, and thou shalt receive them: and thou shalt accomplish my desire, in giving food for my household.

VULC 9 Servi mei deponent ea de Libano ad mare, et ego componam ea in ratibus in mari usque ad locum quem significaveris mihi : et applicabo ea ibi, et tu tolles ea : præbebisque necessaria mihi, ut detur cibus domui meæ.

WLC 9 וַיִּתֵּן֩ אֱלֹהִ֨ים חָכְמָ֧ה לִשְׁלֹמֹ֛ה וּתְבוּנָ֖ה הַרְבֵּ֣ה מְאֹ֑ד וְרֹ֣חַב לֵ֔ב כַּח֕וֹל אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־ שְׂפַ֥ת הַיָּֽם׃

KJV 10 So Hiram gave Solomon cedar trees and fir trees according to all his desire.

VULC 10 Itaque Hiram dabat Salomoni ligna cedrina, et ligna abiegna, juxta omnem voluntatem ejus.

WLC 10 וַתֵּ֙רֶב֙ חָכְמַ֣ת שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה מֵֽחָכְמַ֖ת כָּל־ בְּנֵי־ קֶ֑דֶם וּמִכֹּ֖ל חָכְמַ֥ת מִצְרָֽיִם׃

KJV 11 And Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand measures of wheat for food to his household, and twenty measures of pure oil: thus gave Solomon to Hiram year by year.

VULC 11 Salomon autem præbebat Hiram coros tritici viginti millia in cibum domui ejus, et viginti coros purissimi olei : hæc tribuebat Salomon Hiram per singulos annos.

WLC 11 וַיֶּחְכַּם֮ מִכָּל־ הָֽאָדָם֒ מֵאֵיתָ֣ן הָאֶזְרָחִ֗י וְהֵימָ֧ן וְכַלְכֹּ֛ל וְדַרְדַּ֖ע בְּנֵ֣י מָח֑וֹל וַיְהִֽי־ שְׁמ֥וֹ בְכָֽל־ הַגּוֹיִ֖ם סָבִֽיב׃

KJV 12 And the LORD gave Solomon wisdom, as he promised him: and there was peace between Hiram and Solomon; and they two made a league together.

VULC 12 Dedit quoque Dominus sapientiam Salomoni, sicut locutus est ei : et erat pax inter Hiram et Salomonem, et percusserunt ambo fœdus.

WLC 12 וַיְדַבֵּ֕ר שְׁלֹ֥שֶׁת אֲלָפִ֖ים מָשָׁ֑ל וַיְהִ֥י שִׁיר֖וֹ חֲמִשָּׁ֥ה וָאָֽלֶף׃

KJV 13 And king Solomon raised a levy out of all Israel; and the levy was thirty thousand men.

VULC 13 Elegitque rex Salomon operarios de omni Israël, et erat indictio triginta millia virorum.

WLC 13 וַיְדַבֵּר֮ עַל־ הָֽעֵצִים֒ מִן־ הָאֶ֙רֶז֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר בַּלְּבָנ֔וֹן וְעַד֙ הָאֵז֔וֹב אֲשֶׁ֥ר יֹצֵ֖א בַּקִּ֑יר וַיְדַבֵּר֙ עַל־ הַבְּהֵמָ֣ה וְעַל־ הָע֔וֹף וְעַל־ הָרֶ֖מֶשׂ וְעַל־ הַדָּגִֽים׃

KJV 14 And he sent them to Lebanon, ten thousand a month by courses: a month they were in Lebanon, and two months at home: and Adoniram was over the levy.

VULC 14 Mittebatque eos in Libanum, decem millia per menses singulos vicissim, ita ut duobus mensibus essent in domibus suis : et Adoniram erat super hujuscemodi indictione.

WLC 14 וַיָּבֹ֙אוּ֙ מִכָּל־ הָ֣עַמִּ֔ים לִשְׁמֹ֕עַ אֵ֖ת חָכְמַ֣ת שְׁלֹמֹ֑ה מֵאֵת֙ כָּל־ מַלְכֵ֣י הָאָ֔רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֥ר שָׁמְע֖וּ אֶת־ חָכְמָתֽוֹ׃

KJV 15 And Solomon had threescore and ten thousand that bare burdens, and fourscore thousand hewers in the mountains;

VULC 15 Fueruntque Salomoni septuaginta millia eorum qui onera portabant, et octoginta millia latomorum in monte,

WLC 15 וַ֠יִּשְׁלַח חִירָ֨ם מֶֽלֶךְ־ צ֤וֹר אֶת־ עֲבָדָיו֙ אֶל־ שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה כִּ֣י שָׁמַ֔ע כִּ֥י אֹת֛וֹ מָשְׁח֥וּ לְמֶ֖לֶךְ תַּ֣חַת אָבִ֑יהוּ כִּ֣י אֹהֵ֗ב הָיָ֥ה חִירָ֛ם לְדָוִ֖ד כָּל־ הַיָּמִֽים׃

KJV 16 Beside the chief of Solomon's officers which were over the work, three thousand and three hundred, which ruled over the people that wrought in the work.

VULC 16 absque præpositis qui præerant singulis operibus, numero trium millium et trecentorum, præcipientium populo et his qui faciebant opus.

WLC 16 וַיִּשְׁלַ֣ח שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה אֶל־ חִירָ֖ם לֵאמֹֽר׃

KJV 17 And the king commanded, and they brought great stones, costly stones, and hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house.

VULC 17 Præcepitque rex ut tollerent lapides grandes, lapides pretiosos in fundamentum templi, et quadrarent eos :

WLC 17 אַתָּ֨ה יָדַ֜עְתָּ אֶת־ דָּוִ֣ד אָבִ֗י כִּ֣י לֹ֤א יָכֹל֙ לִבְנ֣וֹת בַּ֗יִת לְשֵׁם֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהָ֔יו מִפְּנֵ֥י הַמִּלְחָמָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר סְבָבֻ֑הוּ עַ֤ד תֵּת־ יְהוָה֙ אֹתָ֔ם תַּ֖חַת כַּפּ֥וֹת

KJV 18 And Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders did hew them, and the stonesquarers: so they prepared timber and stones to build the house.

VULC 18 quos dolaverunt cæmentarii Salomonis et cæmentarii Hiram : porro Giblii præparaverunt ligna et lapides ad ædificandam domum.

WLC 18 וְעַתָּ֕ה הֵנִ֨יחַ יְהוָ֧ה אֱלֹהַ֛י לִ֖י מִסָּבִ֑יב אֵ֣ין שָׂטָ֔ן וְאֵ֖ין פֶּ֥גַע רָֽע׃

KJV 1 And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the LORD.

VULC 1 Factum est ergo quadringentesimo et octogesimo anno egressionis filiorum Israël de terra Ægypti, in anno quarto, mense Zio (ipse est mensis secundus), regni Salomonis super Israël, ædificari cœpit domus Domino.

WLC 1 וַיְהִ֣י בִשְׁמוֹנִ֣ים שָׁנָ֣ה וְאַרְבַּ֣ע מֵא֣וֹת שָׁנָ֡ה לְצֵ֣את בְּנֵֽי־ יִשְׂרָאֵ֣ל מֵאֶֽרֶץ־ מִצְרַיִם֩ בַּשָּׁנָ֨ה הָרְבִיעִ֜ית בְּחֹ֣דֶשׁ זִ֗ו ה֚וּא הַחֹ֣דֶשׁ הַשֵּׁנִ֔י לִמְלֹ֥ךְ שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה עַל־ יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַיִּ֥בֶן הַבַּ֖יִת לַיהוָֽה׃

KJV 2 And the house which king Solomon built for the LORD, the length thereof was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits.

VULC 2 Domus autem quam ædificabat rex Salomon Domino, habebat sexaginta cubitos in longitudine, et viginti cubitos in latitudine, et triginta cubitos in altitudine.

WLC 2 וְהַבַּ֗יִת אֲשֶׁ֨ר בָּנָ֜ה הַמֶּ֤לֶךְ שְׁלֹמֹה֙ לַֽיהוָ֔ה שִׁשִּֽׁים־ אַמָּ֥ה אָרְכּ֖וֹ וְעֶשְׂרִ֤ים רָחְבּ֑וֹ וּשְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים אַמָּ֖ה קוֹמָתֽוֹ׃

KJV 3 And the porch before the temple of the house, twenty cubits was the length thereof, according to the breadth of the house; and ten cubits was the breadth thereof before the house.

VULC 3 Et porticus erat ante templum viginti cubitorum longitudinis, juxta mensuram latitudinis templi : et habebat decem cubitos latitudinis ante faciem templi.

WLC 3 וְהָאוּלָ֗ם עַל־ פְּנֵי֙ הֵיכַ֣ל הַבַּ֔יִת עֶשְׂרִ֣ים אַמָּה֙ אָרְכּ֔וֹ עַל־ פְּנֵ֖י רֹ֣חַב הַבָּ֑יִת עֶ֧שֶׂר בָּאַמָּ֛ה רָחְבּ֖וֹ עַל־ פְּנֵ֥י הַבָּֽיִת׃

KJV 4 And for the house he made windows of narrow lights.

VULC 4 Fecitque in templo fenestras obliquas.

WLC 4 וַיַּ֣עַשׂ לַבָּ֔יִת חַלּוֹנֵ֖י שְׁקֻפִ֥ים אֲטֻמִֽים׃

KJV 5 And against the wall of the house he built chambers round about, against the walls of the house round about, both of the temple and of the oracle: and he made chambers round about:

VULC 5 Et ædificavit super parietem templi tabulata per gyrum, in parietibus domus per circuitum templi et oraculi, et fecit latera in circuitu.

WLC 5 וַיִּבֶן֩ עַל־ קִ֨יר הַבַּ֤יִת סָבִ֔יב אֶת־ קִיר֤וֹת הַבַּ֙יִת֙ סָבִ֔יב לַֽהֵיכָ֖ל וְלַדְּבִ֑יר וַיַּ֥עַשׂ צְלָע֖וֹת סָבִֽיב׃

KJV 6 The nethermost chamber was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad: for without in the wall of the house he made narrowed rests round about, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house.

VULC 6 Tabulatum quod subter erat, quinque cubitos habebat latitudinis, et medium tabulatum sex cubitorum latitudinis, et tertium tabulatum septem habens cubitos latitudinis. Trabes autem posuit in domo per circuitum forinsecus, ut non hærerent muris templi.

WLC 6 הַתַּחְתֹּנָ֜ה חָמֵ֧שׁ בָּאַמָּ֣ה רָחְבָּ֗הּ וְהַתִּֽיכֹנָה֙ שֵׁ֤שׁ בָּֽאַמָּה֙ רָחְבָּ֔הּ וְהַ֨שְּׁלִישִׁ֔ית שֶׁ֥בַע בָּאַמָּ֖ה רָחְבָּ֑הּ כִּ֡י מִגְרָעוֹת֩ נָתַ֨ן לַבַּ֤יִת סָבִיב֙ ח֔וּצָה לְבִלְתִּ֖י אֲחֹ֥ז בְּקִֽירוֹת־ הַבָּֽיִת׃

KJV 7 And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building.

VULC 7 Domus autem cum ædificaretur, de lapidibus dolatis atque perfectis ædificata est : et malleus, et securis, et omne ferramentum non sunt audita in domo cum ædificaretur.

WLC 7 וְהַבַּ֙יִת֙ בְּהִבָּ֣נֹת֔וֹ אֶֽבֶן־ שְׁלֵמָ֥ה מַסָּ֖ע נִבְנָ֑ה וּמַקָּב֤וֹת וְהַגַּרְזֶן֙ כָּל־ כְּלִ֣י בַרְזֶ֔ל לֹֽא־ נִשְׁמַ֥ע בַּבַּ֖יִת בְּהִבָּנֹתֽוֹ׃

KJV 8 The door for the middle chamber was in the right side of the house: and they went up with winding stairs into the middle chamber, and out of the middle into the third.

VULC 8 Ostium lateris medii in parte erat domus dextræ : et per cochleam ascendebant in medium cœnaculum, et a medio in tertium.

WLC 8 פֶּ֗תַח הַצֵּלָע֙ הַתִּ֣יכֹנָ֔ה אֶל־ כֶּ֥תֶף הַבַּ֖יִת הַיְמָנִ֑ית וּבְלוּלִּ֗ים יַֽעֲלוּ֙ עַל־ הַתִּ֣יכֹנָ֔ה וּמִן־ הַתִּֽיכֹנָ֖ה אֶל־ הַשְּׁלִשִֽׁים׃

KJV 9 So he built the house, and finished it; and covered the house with beams and boards of cedar.

VULC 9 Et ædificavit domum, et consummavit eam : texit quoque domum laquearibus cedrinis.

WLC 9 וַיִּ֥בֶן אֶת־ הַבַּ֖יִת וַיְכַלֵּ֑הוּ וַיִּסְפֹּ֤ן אֶת־ הַבַּ֙יִת֙ גֵּבִ֔ים וּשְׂדֵרֹ֖ת בָּאֲרָזִֽים׃

KJV 10 And then he built chambers against all the house, five cubits high: and they rested on the house with timber of cedar.

VULC 10 Et ædificavit tabulatum super omnem domum quinque cubitis altitudinis, et operuit domum lignis cedrinis.

WLC 10 וַיִּ֤בֶן אֶת־ עַל־ כָּל־ הַבַּ֔יִת חָמֵ֥שׁ אַמּ֖וֹת קֽוֹמָת֑וֹ וַיֶּאֱחֹ֥ז אֶת־ הַבַּ֖יִת בַּעֲצֵ֥י אֲרָזִֽים׃

KJV 11 And the word of the LORD came to Solomon, saying,

VULC 11 Et factus est sermo Domini ad Salomonem, dicens :

WLC 11 וַֽיְהִי֙ דְּבַר־ יְהוָ֔ה אֶל־ שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה לֵאמֹֽר׃

KJV 12 Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father:

VULC 12 Domus hæc, quam ædificas, si ambulaveris in præceptis meis, et judicia mea feceris, et custodieris omnia mandata mea, gradiens per ea, firmabo sermonem meum tibi, quem locutus sum ad David patrem tuum :

WLC 12 הַבַּ֨יִת הַזֶּ֜ה אֲשֶׁר־ אַתָּ֣ה בֹנֶ֗ה אִם־ תֵּלֵ֤ךְ בְּחֻקֹּתַי֙ וְאֶת־ מִשְׁפָּטַ֣י תַּֽעֲשֶׂ֔ה וְשָׁמַרְתָּ֥ אֶת־ כָּל־ מִצְוֺתַ֖י לָלֶ֣כֶת בָּהֶ֑ם וַהֲקִמֹתִ֤י אֶת־ דְּבָרִי֙ אִתָּ֔ךְ אֲשֶׁ֥ר דִּבַּ֖רְתִּי אֶל־ דָּוִ֥ד אָבִֽיךָ׃

KJV 13 And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel.

VULC 13 et habitabo in medio filiorum Israël, et non derelinquam populum meum Israël.

WLC 13 וְשָׁ֣כַנְתִּ֔י בְּת֖וֹךְ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וְלֹ֥א אֶעֱזֹ֖ב אֶת־ עַמִּ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

KJV 14 So Solomon built the house, and finished it.

VULC 14 Igitur ædificavit Salomon domum, et consummavit eam.

WLC 14 וַיִּ֧בֶן שְׁלֹמֹ֛ה אֶת־ הַבַּ֖יִת וַיְכַלֵּֽהוּ׃

KJV 15 And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the ceiling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir.

VULC 15 Et ædificavit parietes domus intrinsecus tabulatis cedrinis : a pavimento domus usque ad summitatem parietum, et usque ad laquearia, operuit lignis cedrinis intrinsecus : et texit pavimentum domus tabulis abiegnis.

WLC 15 וַיִּבֶן֩ אֶת־ קִיר֨וֹת הַבַּ֤יִת מִבַּ֙יְתָה֙ בְּצַלְע֣וֹת אֲרָזִ֔ים מִקַּרְקַ֤ע הַבַּ֙יִת֙ עַד־ קִיר֣וֹת הַסִּפֻּ֔ן צִפָּ֥ה עֵ֖ץ מִבָּ֑יִת וַיְצַ֛ף אֶת־ קַרְקַ֥ע הַבַּ֖יִת בְּצַלְע֥וֹת בְּרוֹשִֽׁים׃

KJV 16 And he built twenty cubits on the sides of the house, both the floor and the walls with boards of cedar: he even built them for it within, even for the oracle, even for the most holy place.

VULC 16 Ædificavitque viginti cubitorum ad posteriorem partem templi tabulata cedrina, a pavimento usque ad superiora : et fecit interiorem domum oraculi in Sanctum sanctorum.

WLC 16 וַיִּבֶן֩ אֶת־ עֶשְׂרִ֨ים אַמָּ֜ה הַבַּ֙יִת֙ בְּצַלְע֣וֹת אֲרָזִ֔ים מִן־ הַקַּרְקַ֖ע עַד־ הַקִּיר֑וֹת וַיִּ֤בֶן לוֹ֙ מִבַּ֣יִת לִדְבִ֔יר לְקֹ֖דֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִֽׁים׃

KJV 17 And the house, that is, the temple before it, was forty cubits long.

VULC 17 Porro quadraginta cubitorum erat ipsum templum pro foribus oraculi.

WLC 17 וְאַרְבָּעִ֥ים בָּאַמָּ֖ה הָיָ֣ה הַבָּ֑יִת ה֖וּא הַהֵיכָ֥ל לִפְנָֽי׃

KJV 18 And the cedar of the house within was carved with knops and open flowers: all was cedar; there was no stone seen.

VULC 18 Et cedro omnis domus intrinsecus vestiebatur, habens tornaturas et juncturas suas fabrefactas, et cælaturas eminentes : omnia cedrinis tabulis vestiebantur : nec omnino lapis apparere poterat in pariete.

WLC 18 וְאֶ֤רֶז אֶל־ הַבַּ֙יִת֙ פְּנִ֔ימָה מִקְלַ֣עַת פְּקָעִ֔ים וּפְטוּרֵ֖י צִצִּ֑ים הַכֹּ֣ל אֶ֔רֶז אֵ֥ין אֶ֖בֶן נִרְאָֽה׃

KJV 19 And the oracle he prepared in the house within, to set there the ark of the covenant of the LORD.

VULC 19 Oraculum autem in medio domus, in interiori parte fecerat, ut poneret ibi arcam fœderis Domini.

WLC 19 וּדְבִ֧יר בְּתוֹךְ־ הַבַּ֛יִת מִפְּנִ֖ימָה הֵכִ֑ין לְתִתֵּ֣ן שָׁ֔ם אֶת־ אֲר֖וֹן בְּרִ֥ית יְהוָֽה׃

KJV 20 And the oracle in the forepart was twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height thereof: and he overlaid it with pure gold; and so covered the altar which was of cedar.

VULC 20 Porro oraculum habebat viginti cubitos longitudinis, et viginti cubitos latitudinis, et viginti cubitos altitudinis : et operuit illud atque vestivit auro purissimo : sed et altare vestivit cedro.

WLC 20 וְלִפְנֵ֣י הַדְּבִ֡יר עֶשְׂרִים֩ אַמָּ֨ה אֹ֜רֶךְ וְעֶשְׂרִ֧ים אַמָּ֣ה רֹ֗חַב וְעֶשְׂרִ֤ים אַמָּה֙ קֽוֹמָת֔וֹ וַיְצַפֵּ֖הוּ זָהָ֣ב סָג֑וּר וַיְצַ֥ף מִזְבֵּ֖חַ אָֽרֶז׃

KJV 21 So Solomon overlaid the house within with pure gold: and he made a partition by the chains of gold before the oracle; and he overlaid it with gold.

VULC 21 Domum quoque ante oraculum operuit auro purissimo, et affixit laminas clavis aureis.

WLC 21 וַיְצַ֨ף שְׁלֹמֹ֧ה אֶת־ הַבַּ֛יִת מִפְּנִ֖ימָה זָהָ֣ב סָג֑וּר וַיְעַבֵּ֞ר זָהָב֙ לִפְנֵ֣י הַדְּבִ֔יר וַיְצַפֵּ֖הוּ זָהָֽב׃

KJV 22 And the whole house he overlaid with gold, until he had finished all the house: also the whole altar that was by the oracle he overlaid with gold.

VULC 22 Nihilque erat in templo quod non auro tegeretur : sed et totum altare oraculi texit auro.

WLC 22 וְאֶת־ כָּל־ הַבַּ֛יִת צִפָּ֥ה זָהָ֖ב עַד־ תֹּ֣ם כָּל־ הַבָּ֑יִת וְכָל־ הַמִּזְבֵּ֥חַ אֲ‍ֽשֶׁר־ לַדְּבִ֖יר צִפָּ֥ה זָהָֽב׃

KJV 23 And within the oracle he made two cherubims of olive tree, each ten cubits high.

VULC 23 Et fecit in oraculo duos cherubim de lignis olivarum, decem cubitorum altitudinis.

WLC 23 וַיַּ֣עַשׂ בַּדְּבִ֔יר שְׁנֵ֥י כְרוּבִ֖ים עֲצֵי־ שָׁ֑מֶן עֶ֥שֶׂר אַמּ֖וֹת קוֹמָתֽוֹ׃

KJV 24 And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.

VULC 24 Quinque cubitorum ala cherub una, et quinque cubitorum ala cherub altera : id est, decem cubitos habentes, a summitate alæ unius usque ad alæ alterius summitatem.

WLC 24 וְחָמֵ֣שׁ אַמּ֗וֹת כְּנַ֤ף הַכְּרוּב֙ הָֽאֶחָ֔ת וְחָמֵ֣שׁ אַמּ֔וֹת כְּנַ֥ף הַכְּר֖וּב הַשֵּׁנִ֑ית עֶ֣שֶׂר אַמּ֔וֹת מִקְצ֥וֹת כְּנָפָ֖יו וְעַד־ קְצ֥וֹת כְּנָפָֽיו׃

KJV 25 And the other cherub was ten cubits: both the cherubims were of one measure and one size.

VULC 25 Decem quoque cubitorum erat cherub secundus : in mensura pari, et opus unum erat in duobus cherubim,

WLC 25 וְעֶ֙שֶׂר֙ בָּֽאַמָּ֔ה הַכְּר֖וּב הַשֵּׁנִ֑י מִדָּ֥ה אַחַ֛ת וְקֶ֥צֶב אֶחָ֖ד לִשְׁנֵ֥י הַכְּרֻבִֽים׃

KJV 26 The height of the one cherub was ten cubits, and so was it of the other cherub.

VULC 26 id est, altitudinem habebat unus cherub decem cubitorum, et similiter cherub secundus.

WLC 26 קוֹמַת֙ הַכְּר֣וּב הָֽאֶחָ֔ד עֶ֖שֶׂר בָּֽאַמָּ֑ה וְכֵ֖ן הַכְּר֥וּב הַשֵּׁנִֽי׃

KJV 27 And he set the cherubims within the inner house: and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims, so that the wing of the one touched the one wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house.

VULC 27 Posuitque cherubim in medio templi interioris : extendebant autem alas suas cherubim, et tangebat ala una parietem, et ala cherub secundi tangebat parietem alterum : alæ autem alteræ in media parte templi se invicem contingebant.

WLC 27 וַיִּתֵּ֨ן אֶת־ הַכְּרוּבִ֜ים בְּת֣וֹךְ ׀ הַבַּ֣יִת הַפְּנִימִ֗י וַֽיִּפְרְשׂוּ֮ אֶת־ כַּנְפֵ֣י הַכְּרֻבִים֒ וַתִּגַּ֤ע כְּנַף־ הָֽאֶחָד֙ בַּקִּ֔יר וּכְנַף֙ הַכְּר֣וּב הַשֵּׁנִ֔י נֹגַ֖עַת בַּקִּ֣יר הַשֵּׁנִ֑י וְכַנְפֵיהֶם֙ אֶל־ תּ֣וֹךְ הַבַּ֔יִת נֹגְעֹ֖ת כָּנָ֥ף אֶל־ כָּנָֽף׃

KJV 28 And he overlaid the cherubims with gold.

VULC 28 Texit quoque cherubim auro.

WLC 28 וַיְצַ֥ף אֶת־ הַכְּרוּבִ֖ים זָהָֽב׃

KJV 29 And he carved all the walls of the house round about with carved figures of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, within and without.

VULC 29 Et omnes parietes templi per circuitum sculpsit variis cælaturis et torno : et fecit in eis cherubim, et palmas, et picturas varias, quasi prominentes de pariete, et egredientes.

WLC 29 וְאֵת֩ כָּל־ קִיר֨וֹת הַבַּ֜יִת מֵסַ֣ב ׀ קָלַ֗ע פִּתּוּחֵי֙ מִקְלְעוֹת֙ כְּרוּבִ֣ים וְתִֽמֹרֹ֔ת וּפְטוּרֵ֖י צִצִּ֑ים מִלִּפְנִ֖ים וְלַחִיצֽוֹן׃

KJV 30 And the floors of the house he overlaid with gold, within and without.

VULC 30 Sed et pavimentum domus texit auro intrinsecus et extrinsecus.

WLC 30 וְאֶת־ קַרְקַ֥ע הַבַּ֖יִת צִפָּ֣ה זָהָ֑ב לִפְנִ֖ימָה וְלַחִיצֽוֹן׃

KJV 31 And for the entering of the oracle he made doors of olive tree: the lintel and side posts were a fifth part of the wall.

VULC 31 Et in ingressu oraculi fecit ostiola de lignis olivarum, postesque angulorum quinque.

WLC 31 וְאֵת֙ פֶּ֣תַח הַדְּבִ֔יר עָשָׂ֖ה דַּלְת֣וֹת עֲצֵי־ שָׁ֑מֶן הָאַ֥יִל מְזוּז֖וֹת חֲמִשִֽׁית׃

KJV 32 The two doors also were of olive tree; and he carved upon them carvings of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid them with gold, and spread gold upon the cherubims, and upon the palm trees.

VULC 32 Et duo ostia de lignis olivarum : et sculpsit in eis picturam cherubim, et palmarum species, et anaglypha valde prominentia : et texit ea auro, et operuit tam cherubim quam palmas, et cetera, auro.

WLC 32 וּשְׁתֵּי֮ דַּלְת֣וֹת עֲצֵי־ שֶׁמֶן֒ וְקָלַ֣ע עֲ֠לֵיהֶם מִקְלְע֨וֹת כְּרוּבִ֧ים וְתִמֹר֛וֹת וּפְטוּרֵ֥י צִצִּ֖ים וְצִפָּ֣ה זָהָ֑ב וַיָּ֛רֶד עַל־ הַכְּרוּבִ֥ים וְעַל־ הַתִּֽמֹר֖וֹת אֶת־ הַזָּהָֽב׃

KJV 33 So also made he for the door of the temple posts of olive tree, a fourth part of the wall.

VULC 33 Fecitque in introitu templi postes de lignis olivarum quadrangulatos,

WLC 33 וְכֵ֥ן עָשָׂ֛ה לְפֶ֥תַח הַֽהֵיכָ֖ל מְזוּז֣וֹת עֲצֵי־ שָׁ֑מֶן מֵאֵ֖ת רְבִעִֽית׃

KJV 34 And the two doors were of fir tree: the two leaves of the one door were folding, and the two leaves of the other door were folding.

VULC 34 et duo ostia de lignis abiegnis altrinsecus : et utrumque ostium duplex erat, et se invicem tenens aperiebatur.

WLC 34 וּשְׁתֵּ֥י דַלְת֖וֹת עֲצֵ֣י בְרוֹשִׁ֑ים שְׁנֵ֨י צְלָעִ֜ים הַדֶּ֤לֶת הָֽאַחַת֙ גְּלִילִ֔ים וּשְׁנֵ֧י קְלָעִ֛ים הַדֶּ֥לֶת הַשֵּׁנִ֖ית גְּלִילִֽים׃

KJV 35 And he carved thereon cherubims and palm trees and open flowers: and covered them with gold fitted upon the carved work.

VULC 35 Et sculpsit cherubim, et palmas, et cælaturas valde eminentes : operuitque omnia laminis aureis opere quadro ad regulam.

WLC 35 וְקָלַ֤ע כְּרוּבִים֙ וְתִ֣מֹר֔וֹת וּפְטֻרֵ֖י צִצִּ֑ים וְצִפָּ֣ה זָהָ֔ב מְיֻשָּׁ֖ר עַל־ הַמְּחֻקֶּֽה׃

KJV 36 And he built the inner court with three rows of hewed stone, and a row of cedar beams.

VULC 36 Et ædificavit atrium interius tribus ordinibus lapidum politorum, et uno ordine lignorum cedri.

WLC 36 וַיִּ֙בֶן֙ אֶת־ הֶחָצֵ֣ר הַפְּנִימִ֔ית שְׁלֹשָׁ֖ה טוּרֵ֣י גָזִ֑ית וְט֖וּר כְּרֻתֹ֥ת אֲרָזִֽים׃

KJV 37 In the fourth year was the foundation of the house of the LORD laid, in the month Zif:

VULC 37 Anno quarto fundata est domus Domini in mense Zio :

WLC 37 בַּשָּׁנָה֙ הָֽרְבִיעִ֔ית יֻסַּ֖ד בֵּ֣ית יְהוָ֑ה בְּיֶ֖רַח זִֽו׃

KJV 38 And in the eleventh year, in the month Bul, which is the eighth month, was the house finished throughout all the parts thereof, and according to all the fashion of it. So was he seven years in building it.

VULC 38 et in anno undecimo, mense Bul (ipse est mensis octavus), perfecta est domus in omni opere suo, et in universis utensilibus suis : ædificavitque eam annis septem.

WLC 38 וּבַשָּׁנָה֩ הָאַחַ֨ת עֶשְׂרֵ֜ה בְּיֶ֣רַח בּ֗וּל ה֚וּא הַחֹ֣דֶשׁ הַשְּׁמִינִ֔י כָּלָ֣ה הַבַּ֔יִת לְכָל־ דְּבָרָ֖יו וּלְכָל־ וַיִּבְנֵ֖הוּ שֶׁ֥בַע שָׁנִֽים׃

WLC 19 וְהִנְנִ֣י אֹמֵ֔ר לִבְנ֣וֹת בַּ֔יִת לְשֵׁ֖ם יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהָ֑י כַּאֲשֶׁ֣ר ׀ דִּבֶּ֣ר יְהוָ֗ה אֶל־ דָּוִ֤ד אָבִי֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר בִּנְךָ֗ אֲשֶׁ֨ר אֶתֵּ֤ן תַּחְתֶּ֙יךָ֙ עַל־ כִּסְאֶ֔ךָ הֽוּא־ יִבְנֶ֥ה הַבַּ֖יִת לִשְׁמִֽי׃

WLC 20 וְעַתָּ֡ה צַוֵּה֩ וְיִכְרְתוּ־ לִ֨י אֲרָזִ֜ים מִן־ הַלְּבָנ֗וֹן וַֽעֲבָדַי֙ יִהְי֣וּ עִם־ עֲבָדֶ֔יךָ וּשְׂכַ֤ר עֲבָדֶ֙יךָ֙ אֶתֵּ֣ן לְךָ֔ כְּכֹ֖ל אֲשֶׁ֣ר תֹּאמֵ֑ר כִּ֣י ׀ אַתָּ֣ה יָדַ֗עְתָּ כִּ֣י אֵ֥ין בָּ֛נוּ אִ֛ישׁ יֹדֵ֥עַ לִכְרָת־ עֵצִ֖ים כַּצִּדֹנִֽים׃

WLC 21 וַיְהִ֞י כִּשְׁמֹ֧עַ חִירָ֛ם אֶת־ דִּבְרֵ֥י שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה וַיִּשְׂמַ֣ח מְאֹ֑ד וַיֹּ֗אמֶר בָּר֤וּךְ יְהוָה֙ הַיּ֔וֹם אֲשֶׁ֨ר נָתַ֤ן לְדָוִד֙ בֵּ֣ן חָכָ֔ם עַל־ הָעָ֥ם הָרָ֖ב הַזֶּֽה׃

WLC 22 וַיִּשְׁלַ֤ח חִירָם֙ אֶל־ שְׁלֹמֹ֣ה לֵאמֹ֔ר שָׁמַ֕עְתִּי אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־ שָׁלַ֖חְתָּ אֵלָ֑י אֲנִ֤י אֶֽעֱשֶׂה֙ אֶת־ כָּל־ חֶפְצְךָ֔ בַּעֲצֵ֥י אֲרָזִ֖ים וּבַעֲצֵ֥י בְרוֹשִֽׁים׃

WLC 23 עֲ֠בָדַי יֹרִ֨דוּ מִן־ הַלְּבָנ֜וֹן יָ֗מָּה וַ֠אֲנִי אֲשִׂימֵ֨ם דֹּבְר֤וֹת בַּיָּם֙ עַֽד־ הַמָּק֞וֹם אֲשֶׁר־ תִּשְׁלַ֥ח אֵלַ֛י וְנִפַּצְתִּ֥ים שָׁ֖ם וְאַתָּ֣ה תִשָּׂ֑א וְאַתָּה֙ תַּעֲשֶׂ֣ה אֶת־ חֶפְצִ֔י לָתֵ֖ת לֶ֥חֶם בֵּיתִֽי׃

WLC 24 וַיְהִ֨י חִיר֜וֹם נֹתֵ֣ן לִשְׁלֹמֹ֗ה עֲצֵ֧י אֲרָזִ֛ים וַעֲצֵ֥י בְרוֹשִׁ֖ים כָּל־ חֶפְצֽוֹ׃

WLC 25 וּשְׁלֹמֹה֩ נָתַ֨ן לְחִירָ֜ם עֶשְׂרִים֩ אֶ֨לֶף כֹּ֤ר חִטִּים֙ מַכֹּ֣לֶת לְבֵית֔וֹ וְעֶשְׂרִ֥ים כֹּ֖ר שֶׁ֣מֶן כָּתִ֑ית כֹּֽה־ יִתֵּ֧ן שְׁלֹמֹ֛ה לְחִירָ֖ם שָׁנָ֥ה בְשָׁנָֽה׃

WLC 26 וַיהוָ֗ה נָתַ֤ן חָכְמָה֙ לִשְׁלֹמֹ֔ה כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר דִּבֶּר־ ל֑וֹ וַיְהִ֣י שָׁלֹ֗ם בֵּ֤ין חִירָם֙ וּבֵ֣ין שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה וַיִּכְרְת֥וּ בְרִ֖ית שְׁנֵיהֶֽם׃

WLC 27 וַיַּ֨עַל הַמֶּ֧לֶךְ שְׁלֹמֹ֛ה מַ֖ס מִכָּל־ יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וַיְהִ֣י הַמַּ֔ס שְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים אֶ֖לֶף אִֽישׁ׃

WLC 28 וַיִּשְׁלָחֵ֣ם לְבָנ֗וֹנָה עֲשֶׂ֨רֶת אֲלָפִ֤ים בַּחֹ֙דֶשׁ֙ חֲלִיפ֔וֹת חֹ֚דֶשׁ יִהְי֣וּ בַלְּבָנ֔וֹן שְׁנַ֥יִם חֳדָשִׁ֖ים בְּבֵית֑וֹ וַאֲדֹנִירָ֖ם עַל־ הַמַּֽס׃

WLC 29 וַיְהִ֧י לִשְׁלֹמֹ֛ה שִׁבְעִ֥ים אֶ֖לֶף נֹשֵׂ֣א סַבָּ֑ל וּשְׁמֹנִ֥ים אֶ֖לֶף חֹצֵ֥ב בָּהָֽר׃

WLC 30 לְ֠בַד מִשָּׂרֵ֨י הַנִּצָּבִ֤ים לִשְׁלֹמֹה֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עַל־ הַמְּלָאכָ֔ה שְׁלֹ֥שֶׁת אֲלָפִ֖ים וּשְׁלֹ֣שׁ מֵא֑וֹת הָרֹדִ֣ים בָּעָ֔ם הָעֹשִׂ֖ים בַּמְּלָאכָֽה׃

WLC 31 וַיְצַ֣ו הַמֶּ֡לֶךְ וַיַּסִּעוּ֩ אֲבָנִ֨ים גְּדֹל֜וֹת אֲבָנִ֧ים יְקָר֛וֹת לְיַסֵּ֥ד הַבָּ֖יִת אַבְנֵ֥י גָזִֽית׃

WLC 32 וַֽיִּפְסְל֞וּ בֹּנֵ֧י שְׁלֹמֹ֛ה וּבֹנֵ֥י חִיר֖וֹם וְהַגִּבְלִ֑ים וַיָּכִ֛ינוּ הָעֵצִ֥ים וְהָאֲבָנִ֖ים לִבְנ֥וֹת הַבָּֽיִת׃

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