- Un éclairage sur la foi


Esdras 2

KJV 1 Now these are the children of the province that went up out of the captivity, of those which had been carried away, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away unto Babylon, and came again unto Jerusalem and Judah, every one unto his city;

OST 1 Or voici ceux de la province qui remontèrent de la captivité, d'entre ceux que Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, avait transportés à Babylone, et qui retournèrent à Jérusalem et en Juda, chacun dans sa ville,

VULC 1 Hi sunt autem provinciæ filii, qui ascenderunt de captivitate, quam transtulerat Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis in Babylonem, et reversi sunt in Jerusalem et Judam, unusquisque in civitatem suam.

KJV 2 Which came with Zerubbabel: Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mizpar, Bigvai, Rehum, Baanah. The number of the men of the people of Israel:

OST 2 Qui vinrent avec Zorobabel, Jéshua, Néhémie, Séraja, Reélaja, Mardochée, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvaï, Réhum et Baana. Nombre des hommes du peuple d'Israël:

VULC 2 Qui venerunt cum Zorobabel, Josue, Nehemia, Saraia, Rahelaia, Mardochai, Belsan, Mesphar, Beguai, Rehum, Baana. Numerus virorum populi Israël :

KJV 3 The children of Parosh, two thousand an hundred seventy and two.

OST 3 Les enfants de Parosh, deux mille cent soixante-douze;

VULC 3 filii Pharos duo millia centum septuaginta duo.

KJV 4 The children of Shephatiah, three hundred seventy and two.

OST 4 Les enfants de Shéphatia, trois cent soixante-douze;

VULC 4 Filii Sephatia, trecenti septuaginta duo.

KJV 5 The children of Arah, seven hundred seventy and five.

OST 5 Les enfants d'Arach, sept cent soixante-quinze;

VULC 5 Filii Area, septingenti septuaginta quinque.

KJV 6 The children of Pahathmoab, of the children of Jeshua and Joab, two thousand eight hundred and twelve.

OST 6 Les enfants de Pachath-Moab, des enfants de Jeshua et de Joab, deux mille huit cent douze;

VULC 6 Filii Phahath Moab, filiorum Josue : Joab, duo millia octingenti duodecim.

KJV 7 The children of Elam, a thousand two hundred fifty and four.

OST 7 Les enfants d'Élam, mille deux cent cinquante-quatre;

VULC 7 Filii Ælam, mille ducenti quinquaginta quatuor.

KJV 8 The children of Zattu, nine hundred forty and five.

OST 8 Les enfants de Zatthu, neuf cent quarante-cinq;

VULC 8 Filii Zethua, nongenti quadraginta quinque.

KJV 9 The children of Zaccai, seven hundred and threescore.

OST 9 Les enfants de Zaccaï, sept cent soixante;

VULC 9 Filii Zachai, septingenti sexaginta.

KJV 10 The children of Bani, six hundred forty and two.

OST 10 Les enfants de Bani, six cent quarante-deux;

VULC 10 Filii Bani, sexcenti quadraginta duo.

KJV 11 The children of Bebai, six hundred twenty and three.

OST 11 Les enfants de Bébaï, six cent vingt-trois;

VULC 11 Filii Bebai, sexcenti viginti tres.

KJV 12 The children of Azgad, a thousand two hundred twenty and two.

OST 12 Les enfants d'Azgad, mille deux cent vingt-deux;

VULC 12 Filii Azgad, mille ducenti viginti duo.

KJV 13 The children of Adonikam, six hundred sixty and six.

OST 13 Les enfants d'Adonikam, six cent soixante-six;

VULC 13 Filii Adonicam, sexcenti sexaginta sex.

KJV 14 The children of Bigvai, two thousand fifty and six.

OST 14 Les enfants de Bigvaï, deux mille cinquante-six;

VULC 14 Filii Beguai, duo millia quinquaginta sex.

KJV 15 The children of Adin, four hundred fifty and four.

OST 15 Les enfants d'Adin, quatre cent cinquante-quatre;

VULC 15 Filii Adin, quadringenti quinquaginta quatuor.

KJV 16 The children of Ater of Hezekiah, ninety and eight.

OST 16 Les enfants d'Ater, de la famille d'Ézéchias, quatre-vingt-dix-huit;

VULC 16 Filii Ather, qui erant ex Ezechia, nonaginta octo.

KJV 17 The children of Bezai, three hundred twenty and three.

OST 17 Les enfants de Betsaï, trois cent vingt-trois;

VULC 17 Filii Besai, trecenti viginti tres.

KJV 18 The children of Jorah, an hundred and twelve.

OST 18 Les enfants de Jora, cent douze;

VULC 18 Filii Jora, centum duodecim.

KJV 19 The children of Hashum, two hundred twenty and three.

OST 19 Les enfants de Hashum, deux cent vingt-trois;

VULC 19 Filii Hasum, ducenti viginti tres.

KJV 20 The children of Gibbar, ninety and five.

OST 20 Les enfants de Guibbar, quatre-vingt-quinze;

VULC 20 Filii Gebbar, nonaginta quinque.

KJV 21 The children of Bethlehem, an hundred twenty and three.

OST 21 Les enfants de Bethléhem, cent vingt-trois;

VULC 21 Filii Bethlehem, centum viginti tres.

KJV 22 The men of Netophah, fifty and six.

OST 22 Les gens de Nétopha, cinquante-six;

VULC 22 Viri Netupha, quinquaginta sex.

KJV 23 The men of Anathoth, an hundred twenty and eight.

OST 23 Les gens d'Anathoth, cent vingt-huit;

VULC 23 Viri Anathoth, centum viginti octo.

KJV 24 The children of Azmaveth, forty and two.

OST 24 Les enfants d'Azmaveth, quarante-deux;

VULC 24 Filii Azmaveth, quadraginta duo.

KJV 25 The children of Kirjatharim, Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven hundred and forty and three.

OST 25 Les enfants de Kirjath-Arim, de Képhira et de Béeroth, sept cent quarante-trois;

VULC 25 Filii Cariathiarim, Cephira et Beroth, septingenti quadraginta tres.

KJV 26 The children of Ramah and Gaba, six hundred twenty and one.

OST 26 Les enfants de Rama et de Guéba, six cent vingt et un;

VULC 26 Filii Rama et Gabaa, sexcenti viginti unus.

KJV 27 The men of Michmas, an hundred twenty and two.

OST 27 Les gens de Micmas, cent vingt-deux;

VULC 27 Viri Machmas, centum viginti duo.

KJV 28 The men of Bethel and Ai, two hundred twenty and three.

OST 28 Les gens de Béthel et d'Aï, deux cent vingt-trois;

VULC 28 Viri Bethel et Hai, ducenti viginti tres.

KJV 29 The children of Nebo, fifty and two.

OST 29 Les enfants de Nébo, cinquante-deux;

VULC 29 Filii Nebo, quinquaginta duo.

KJV 30 The children of Magbish, an hundred fifty and six.

OST 30 Les enfants de Magbish, cent cinquante-six;

VULC 30 Filii Megbis, centum quinquaginta sex.

KJV 31 The children of the other Elam, a thousand two hundred fifty and four.

OST 31 Les enfants d'un autre Élam, mille deux cent cinquante-quatre;

VULC 31 Filii Ælam alterius, mille ducenti quinquaginta quatuor.

KJV 32 The children of Harim, three hundred and twenty.

OST 32 Les enfants de Harim, trois cent vingt;

VULC 32 Filii Harim, trecenti viginti.

KJV 33 The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, seven hundred twenty and five.

OST 33 Les enfants de Lod, de Hadid et d'Ono, sept cent vingt-cinq;

VULC 33 Filii Lod Hadid, et Ono, septingenti viginti quinque.

KJV 34 The children of Jericho, three hundred forty and five.

OST 34 Les enfants de Jérico, trois cent quarante-cinq;

VULC 34 Filii Jericho, trecenti quadraginta quinque.

KJV 35 The children of Senaah, three thousand and six hundred and thirty.

OST 35 Les enfants de Sénaa, trois mille six cent trente.

VULC 35 Filii Senaa, tria millia sexcenti triginta.

KJV 36 The priests: the children of Jedaiah, of the house of Jeshua, nine hundred seventy and three.

OST 36 Sacrificateurs: les enfants de Jédaeja, de la maison de Jéshua, neuf cent soixante et treize;

VULC 36 Sacerdotes : filii Jadaia in domo Josue, nongenti septuaginta tres.

KJV 37 The children of Immer, a thousand fifty and two.

OST 37 Les enfants d'Immer, mille cinquante-deux;

VULC 37 Filii Emmer, mille quinquaginta duo.

KJV 38 The children of Pashur, a thousand two hundred forty and seven.

OST 38 Les enfants de Pashur, mille deux cent quarante-sept;

VULC 38 Filii Pheshur, mille ducenti quadraginta septem.

KJV 39 The children of Harim, a thousand and seventeen.

OST 39 Les enfants de Harim, mille et dix-sept.

VULC 39 Filii Harim, mille decem et septem.

KJV 40 The Levites: the children of Jeshua and Kadmiel, of the children of Hodaviah, seventy and four.

OST 40 Lévites: les enfants de Jéshua et de Kadmiel, d'entre les enfants d'Hodavia, soixante et quatorze.

VULC 40 Levitæ : filii Josue et Cedmihel filiorum Odoviæ, septuaginta quatuor.

KJV 41 The singers: the children of Asaph, an hundred twenty and eight.

OST 41 Chantres: les enfants d'Asaph, cent vingt-huit.

VULC 41 Cantores : filii Asaph, centum viginti octo.

KJV 42 The children of the porters: the children of Shallum, the children of Ater, the children of Talmon, the children of Akkub, the children of Hatita, the children of Shobai, in all an hundred thirty and nine.

OST 42 Enfants des portiers: les enfants de Shallum, les enfants d'Ater, les enfants de Talmon, les enfants d'Akkub, les enfants de Hatita, les enfants de Shobaï, en tout, cent trente-neuf.

VULC 42 Filii janitorum : filii Sellum, filii Ater, filii Telmon, filii Accub, filii Hatitha, filii Sobai : universi centum triginta novem.

KJV 43 The Nethinims: the children of Ziha, the children of Hasupha, the children of Tabbaoth,

OST 43 Néthiniens: les enfants de Tsicha, les enfants de Hasupha, les enfants de Tabbaoth;

VULC 43 Nathinæi : filii Siha, filii Hasupha, filii Tabbaoth,

KJV 44 The children of Keros, the children of Siaha, the children of Padon,

OST 44 Les enfants de Kéros, les enfants de Siaha, les enfants de Padon;

VULC 44 filii Ceros, filii Siaa, filii Phadon,

KJV 45 The children of Lebanah, the children of Hagabah, the children of Akkub,

OST 45 Les enfants de Lébana, les enfants de Hagaba, les enfants d'Akkub;

VULC 45 filii Lebana, filii Hagaba, filii Accub,

KJV 46 The children of Hagab, the children of Shalmai, the children of Hanan,

OST 46 Les enfants de Hagab, les enfants de Shamlaï, les enfants de Hanan;

VULC 46 filii Hagab, filii Semlai, filii Hanan,

KJV 47 The children of Giddel, the children of Gahar, the children of Reaiah,

OST 47 Les enfants de Guiddel, les enfants de Gachar, les enfants de Réaja;

VULC 47 filii Gaddel, filii Gaher, filii Raaia,

KJV 48 The children of Rezin, the children of Nekoda, the children of Gazzam,

OST 48 Les enfants de Retsin, les enfants de Nékoda, les enfants de Gazzam;

VULC 48 filii Rasin, filii Necoda, filii Gazam,

KJV 49 The children of Uzza, the children of Paseah, the children of Besai,

OST 49 Les enfants d'Uzza, les enfants de Paséach, les enfants de Bésaï;

VULC 49 filii Aza, filii Phasea, filii Besee,

KJV 50 The children of Asnah, the children of Mehunim, the children of Nephusim,

OST 50 Les enfants d'Asna, les enfants de Méhunim, les enfants de Néphusim;

VULC 50 filii Asena, filii Munim, filii Nephusim,

KJV 51 The children of Bakbuk, the children of Hakupha, the children of Harhur,

OST 51 Les enfants de Bakbuk, les enfants de Hakupha, les enfants de Harhur;

VULC 51 filii Bacbuc, filii Hacupha, filii Harhur,

KJV 52 The children of Bazluth, the children of Mehida, the children of Harsha,

OST 52 Les enfants de Batsluth, les enfants de Méhida, les enfants de Harsha;

VULC 52 filii Besluth, filii Mahida, filii Harsa,

KJV 53 The children of Barkos, the children of Sisera, the children of Thamah,

OST 53 Les enfants de Barkos, les enfants de Sisra, les enfants de Tamach;

VULC 53 filii Bercos, filii Sisara, filii Thema,

KJV 54 The children of Neziah, the children of Hatipha.

OST 54 Les enfants de Netsiach, les enfants de Hatipha.

VULC 54 filii Nasia, filii Hatipha,

KJV 55 The children of Solomon's servants: the children of Sotai, the children of Sophereth, the children of Peruda,

OST 55 Enfants des serviteurs de Salomon: les enfants de Sotaï, les enfants de Sophéreth, les enfants de Péruda;

VULC 55 filii servorum Salomonis, filii Sotai, filii Sophereth, filii Pharuda,

KJV 56 The children of Jaalah, the children of Darkon, the children of Giddel,

OST 56 Les enfants de Jaala, les enfants de Darkon, les enfants de Guiddel;

VULC 56 filii Jala, filii Dercon, filii Geddel,

KJV 57 The children of Shephatiah, the children of Hattil, the children of Pochereth of Zebaim, the children of Ami.

OST 57 Les enfants de Shéphatia, les enfants de Hattil, les enfants de Pokéreth-Hatsébaïm, les enfants d'Ami.

VULC 57 filii Saphatia, filii Hatil, filii Phochereth, qui erant de Asebaim, filii Ami :

KJV 58 All the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon's servants, were three hundred ninety and two.

OST 58 Total des Néthiniens et des enfants des serviteurs de Salomon: trois cent quatre-vingt-douze.

VULC 58 omnes Nathinæi, et filii servorum Salomonis, trecenti nonaginta duo.

KJV 59 And these were they which went up from Telmelah, Telharsa, Cherub, Addan, and Immer: but they could not shew their father's house, and their seed, whether they were of Israel:

OST 59 Voici ceux qui montèrent de Thel-Mélach, de Thel-Harsha, de Kérub-Addan, et d'Immer, et qui ne purent indiquer la maison de leurs pères, ni leur race, ni s'ils étaient d'Israël.

VULC 59 Et hi qui ascenderunt de Thelmala, Thelharsa, Cherub, et Adon, et Emer : et non potuerunt indicare domum patrum suorum et semen suum, utrum ex Israël essent.

KJV 60 The children of Delaiah, the children of Tobiah, the children of Nekoda, six hundred fifty and two.

OST 60 Les enfants de Délaja, les enfants de Tobija, les enfants de Nékoda, six cent cinquante-deux.

VULC 60 Filii Dalaia, filii Tobia, filii Necoda, sexcenti quinquaginta duo.

KJV 61 And of the children of the priests: the children of Habaiah, the children of Koz, the children of Barzillai; which took a wife of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite, and was called after their name:

OST 61 Des enfants des sacrificateurs: les enfants de Habaja, les enfants de Kots, les enfants de Barzillaï, qui prit pour femme une des filles de Barzillaï, le Galaadite, et fut appelé de leur nom.

VULC 61 Et de filiis sacerdotum : filii Hobia, filii Accos, filii Berzellai, qui accepit de filiabus Berzellai Galaaditis, uxorem, et vocatus est nomine eorum :

KJV 62 These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but they were not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.

OST 62 Ceux-là cherchèrent leurs titres généalogiques; mais ils ne se retrouvèrent point, et ils furent exclus du sacerdoce.

VULC 62 hi quæsierunt scripturam genealogiæ suæ, et non invenerunt, et ejecti sunt de sacerdotio.

KJV 63 And the Tirshatha said unto them, that they should not eat of the most holy things, till there stood up a priest with Urim and with Thummim.

OST 63 Le gouverneur leur dit qu'ils ne mangeassent point des choses très saintes, jusqu'à ce qu'un sacrificateur pût consulter avec l'Urim et le Thummim.

VULC 63 Et dixit Athersatha eis ut non comederent de Sancto sanctorum, donec surgeret sacerdos doctus atque perfectus.

KJV 64 The whole congregation together was forty and two thousand three hundred and threescore,

OST 64 L'assemblée tout entière était de quarante-deux mille trois cent soixante;

VULC 64 Omnis multitudo quasi unus, quadraginta duo millia trecenti sexaginta :

KJV 65 Beside their servants and their maids, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven: and there were among them two hundred singing men and singing women.

OST 65 Sans compter leurs serviteurs et leurs servantes, au nombre de sept mille trois cent trente-sept; et ils avaient deux cents chantres et chanteuses.

VULC 65 exceptis servis eorum, et ancillis, qui erant septem millia trecenti triginta septem : et in ipsis cantores atque cantatrices ducenti.

KJV 66 Their horses were seven hundred thirty and six; their mules, two hundred forty and five;

OST 66 Ils avaient sept cent trente-six chevaux, deux cent quarante-cinq mulets,

VULC 66 Equi eorum septingenti triginta sex, muli eorum, ducenti quadraginta quinque,

KJV 67 Their camels, four hundred thirty and five; their asses, six thousand seven hundred and twenty.

OST 67 Quatre cent trente-cinq chameaux, et six mille sept cent vingt ânes.

VULC 67 cameli eorum, quadringenti triginta quinque, asini eorum, sex millia septingenti viginti.

KJV 68 And some of the chief of the fathers, when they came to the house of the LORD which is at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to set it up in his place:

OST 68 Et plusieurs des chefs des pères, quand ils vinrent à la maison de l'Éternel qui est à Jérusalem, firent des offrandes volontaires pour la maison de Dieu, afin qu'on la rétablît sur son emplacement.

VULC 68 Et de principibus patrum, cum ingrederentur templum Domini, quod est in Jerusalem, sponte obtulerunt in domum Dei ad exstruendam eam in loco suo.

KJV 69 They gave after their ability unto the treasure of the work threescore and one thousand drams of gold, and five thousand pound of silver, and one hundred priests' garments.

OST 69 Ils donnèrent au trésor de l'ouvrage, selon leur pouvoir, soixante et un mille dariques d'or, cinq mille mines d'argent, et cent tuniques de sacrificateurs.

VULC 69 Secundum vires suas dederunt impensas operis, auri solidos sexaginta millia et mille, argenti mnas quinque millia, et vestes sacerdotales centum.

KJV 70 So the priests, and the Levites, and some of the people, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nethinims, dwelt in their cities, and all Israel in their cities.

OST 70 Les sacrificateurs, les Lévites, les gens du peuple, les chantres, les portiers et les Néthiniens habitèrent dans leurs villes; tous ceux d'Israël furent aussi dans leurs villes.

VULC 70 Habitaverunt ergo sacerdotes, et Levitæ, et de populo, et cantores, et janitores, et Nathinæi, in urbibus suis, universusque Israël in civitatibus suis.

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