- Un éclairage sur la foi
Daniel 12:11
(King James)
Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Références croisées

12:11 Dn 8:11-12, Dn 8:26, Dn 11:31, Dn 8:13, Dn 9:27, Dn 11:31, Mt 24:15, Mc 13:14, Ap 11:2, Dn 1:12, Dn 7:25, Dn 8:14, Ap 11:2, Ap 12:6, Ap 13:5
Réciproques : Ex 29:38, Ex 29:42, Nb 28:3, 1R 11:7, 1R 18:36, 2R 16:15, Ec 3:17, Es 65:16, Ez 4:6, Dn 11:35, Dn 11:36, Dn 12:7, Os 3:4, 2Tm 3:1, He 10:11, Ap 15:1

Notes de la Bible King James

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