- Un éclairage sur la foi
Daniel 12:8-11
(King James)
8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? 9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. 11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Références croisées

12:8 Lc 18:34, Jn 12:16, Ac 1:7, 1P 1:11, Dn 12:6, Dn 10:14
Réciproques : Es 48:6, Dn 8:15, Dn 8:19, Dn 10:16, Za 4:4, Mc 13:4, Lc 21:7, Jn 13:7, Ap 5:4, Ap 17:9
12:9 Dn 12:13, Dn 12:4, Dn 8:26, Es 8:16, Es 29:11, Ap 10:4
Réciproques : Ps 102:13, Ec 3:17, Ec 3:22, Es 40:2, Dn 7:28, Dn 10:1, Dn 10:14, 1Co 15:24, 1P 1:12, Ap 5:4, Ap 22:10
12:10 Dn 11:35, Ps 51:7, Es 1:18, Ez 36:25, Za 13:9, 1Co 6:11, 2Co 7:1, Tt 2:14, He 12:10, 1P 1:7, 1P 1:22, Ap 3:18, Ap 7:13-14, Ap 19:8, Ap 19:14, 1S 24:13, Es 32:6-7, Ez 47:11, Os 14:9, Rm 11:8-10, 2Th 2:10-12, Ap 9:20-21, Ap 16:11, Ap 22:11, Dn 11:33, Dn 11:35, Ps 107:43, Pr 1:5, Pr 2:1-5, Mc 4:11, Lc 24:25, Jn 7:17, Jn 8:47, Jn 18:37, 1Co 2:10-16, 1Jn 5:20
Réciproques : Jb 7:18, Ps 14:2, Ps 119:144, Pr 21:8, Ec 3:22, Es 8:16, Es 44:18, Os 4:14, Ml 3:3, Jn 10:6, Ap 3:10, Ap 13:18
12:11 Dn 8:11-12, Dn 8:26, Dn 11:31, Dn 8:13, Dn 9:27, Dn 11:31, Mt 24:15, Mc 13:14, Ap 11:2, Dn 1:12, Dn 7:25, Dn 8:14, Ap 11:2, Ap 12:6, Ap 13:5
Réciproques : Ex 29:38, Ex 29:42, Nb 28:3, 1R 11:7, 1R 18:36, 2R 16:15, Ec 3:17, Es 65:16, Ez 4:6, Dn 11:35, Dn 11:36, Dn 12:7, Os 3:4, 2Tm 3:1, He 10:11, Ap 15:1