Ephésiens 1:21
(King James)
Ephésiens 1:21
Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
Références croisées
1:21 Ph 2:9-10, Col 2:10, He 1:4, Ep 3:10, Ep 6:12, Dn 7:27, Rm 8:38-39, Col 1:15-16, Col 2:15, He 4:14, 1P 3:22, Mt 28:19, Ac 4:12, Ph 2:9-11, Ap 19:12-13, Mt 25:31-36, Mt 28:18, Jn 5:25-29, He 2:5, Ap 20:10-15Réciproques : Jb 25:2, Ps 8:5, Ps 69:29, Ps 97:9, Ps 103:19, Ps 113:7, Ct 5:11, Es 6:1, Es 9:6, Es 33:5, Ez 1:26, Ez 34:24, Dn 7:13, Dn 12:1, Mi 4:8, Lc 10:22, Jn 3:31, Jn 13:3, Ep 3:15, Ep 4:6, He 2:8