- Un éclairage sur la foi
Ephésiens 5:18-20
(King James)
18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Références croisées

5:18 Gn 9:21, Gn 19:32-35, Dt 21:20, Ps 69:12, Pr 20:1, Pr 23:20-21, Pr 23:29-35, Es 5:11-13, Es 5:22, Mt 24:49, Lc 12:45, Lc 21:34, Rm 13:13, 1Co 5:11, 1Co 6:10, 1Co 11:21, Ga 5:21, 1Th 5:7, Mt 23:25, 1P 4:3-4, Ps 63:3-5, Ct 1:4, Ct 7:9, Es 25:6, Es 55:1, Za 9:15-17, Lc 11:13, Ac 2:13-18, Ac 11:24, Ga 5:22-25
Réciproques : Lv 10:9, Nb 6:3, Dt 29:6, Rt 3:7, 1S 25:36, 1R 20:12, 2R 3:15, Est 1:10, Ps 16:5, Ps 47:6, Ps 104:15, Pr 23:30, Pr 25:16, Pr 31:7, Ec 2:3, Ec 10:19, Ct 2:12, Ct 5:1, Es 24:9, Jr 35:7, Os 7:5, Za 9:17, Za 10:7, Mc 14:26, Lc 1:15, Lc 1:41, Lc 22:18, Jn 7:37, Jn 15:11, Ac 2:4, Ac 6:3, Ac 13:52, Rm 8:13, Rm 15:13, 1Tm 3:3, 1Tm 5:23, 2Tm 1:14, Tt 1:7
5:19 Ac 16:25, 1Co 14:26, Col 3:16, Jc 5:13, Ps 95:2, Ps 105:2, Mt 26:30, Ps 47:7-8, Ps 62:8, Ps 86:12, Ps 105:3, Ps 147:7, Es 65:14, Mt 15:8, Jn 4:23-24
Réciproques : 2S 23:1, 2R 3:15, 1Ch 6:32, 1Ch 16:9, 1Ch 25:6, Ne 12:43, Est 1:10, Ps 27:6, Ps 33:3, Ps 69:31, Ps 81:2, Ps 92:1, Ps 95:1, Ps 113:1, Ps 138:1, Ec 10:19, Es 24:9, Es 26:1, Ez 40:44, Za 9:17, Za 10:7, Ml 3:16, Lc 6:45, Lc 22:18, Rm 15:13, 1Co 2:13, Ep 5:4, He 13:15
5:20 Ep 5:4, Jb 1:21, Ps 34:1, Es 63:7, Ac 5:41, 1Co 1:4, Ph 1:3, Ph 4:6, Col 1:11-12, Col 3:17, 1Th 3:9, 1Th 5:18, 2Th 1:3, 2Th 2:13, Jn 14:13-14, Jn 15:16, Jn 16:23-26, Col 3:17, He 13:15, 1P 2:5, 1P 4:11
Réciproques : Lv 7:12, 2S 23:1, Ps 27:6, Ps 57:7, Ps 69:31, Ps 71:6, Ps 113:1, Es 26:1, Mt 26:30, Rm 1:8, Rm 7:25, 1Co 1:14, 1Co 5:4, 1Co 15:57, 2Co 2:14, 2Co 9:15, Col 2:7, Col 3:15, 1Tm 2:1

Notes de la Bible King James

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