Esaïe 42:4
(King James)
Esaïe 42:4
He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.
Références croisées
42:4 Es 9:7, Es 49:5-10, Es 52:13-15, Es 53:2-12, Jn 17:4-5, He 12:2-4, 1P 2:22-24, Es 42:12, Es 2:2-4, Es 11:9-12, Es 24:15-16, Es 41:5, Es 55:5, Es 60:9, Es 66:19, Gn 49:10, Ps 22:27, Ps 72:8-11, Ps 98:2-3, Mi 4:1-3, Za 2:11, Rm 16:26, 1Co 9:21Réciproques : Gn 10:5, 2Ch 20:12, Ps 97:1, Ps 99:4, Ps 110:6, Ps 119:51, Ps 119:157, Ec 9:17, Es 11:11, Es 32:16, Es 42:10, Es 51:5, Jr 31:10, So 2:11, So 3:5, Mt 12:20, Mc 3:3, Lc 6:8, Jn 7:26, 2Co 10:1