- Un éclairage sur la foi
Esaïe 45:1
(King James)
Esaïe 45:1 Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut;

Références croisées

45:1 Es 13:3, Es 44:28, 1R 19:15, Jr 27:6, Es 41:13, Es 42:6, Ps 73:23, Ez 30:21-24, Es 41:2, Es 41:25, Esd 1:1, Jr 50:3, Jr 50:35, Jr 51:11, Jr 51:20-24, Dn 5:6, Dn 5:28-30, Dn 7:5, Dn 8:3, Na 2:6
Réciproques : Jg 3:12, 1S 10:7, 1R 1:34, 2R 9:6, 1Ch 14:15, 2Ch 36:22, Esd 1:2, Esd 4:3, Esd 5:13, Ne 7:67, Est 4:14, Jb 8:20, Jb 12:19, Ps 18:34, Ps 107:16, Ps 144:10, Es 5:27, Es 10:6, Es 13:2, Es 13:4, Es 21:5, Es 43:14, Es 45:4, Es 45:13, Es 46:11, Es 48:14, Es 51:18, Jr 25:9, Jr 25:14, Jr 34:22, Jr 43:10, Jr 47:7, Jr 50:9, Jr 51:30, Jr 51:53, Jr 51:58, Ez 29:20, Ez 30:24, Dn 2:39, Dn 6:28, Dn 8:4, Dn 10:1, Mi 2:13, Na 3:13, Ha 2:7, Ac 12:10, Rm 9:17

Notes de la Bible King James

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