- Un éclairage sur la foi
Esaïe 55:6-12
(King James)
   6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. 12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Références croisées

55:6 Es 45:19, 1Ch 28:9, 2Ch 19:3, Jb 8:5, Ps 14:2, Ps 27:8, Ps 32:6, Ps 95:7, Jr 29:12-14, Am 5:6, Mt 5:25, Mt 7:7-8, Mt 25:11-12, Lc 13:25, Jn 7:33-34, Jn 8:21, Jn 12:35-36, 2Co 6:1-2, He 2:3, He 3:13, Es 12:6, Es 46:13, Dt 4:7, Ps 75:1, Ps 145:18, Ps 148:14, Ez 8:6, Ep 3:13
Réciproques : Ex 33:7, Dt 4:29, Dt 30:2, 1R 8:48, 2R 17:13, 1Ch 16:10, 2Ch 7:14, 2Ch 12:14, 2Ch 14:4, 2Ch 15:2, 2Ch 15:4, 2Ch 30:6, 2Ch 33:13, Esd 10:2, Jb 22:23, Jb 23:3, Jb 36:10, Ps 7:12, Ps 9:10, Ps 34:18, Ps 50:16, Ps 53:2, Ps 69:13, Ps 69:32, Ps 105:3, Pr 1:23, Pr 8:17, Pr 10:5, Ct 3:1, Ct 3:4, Es 1:16, Es 1:19, Es 51:1, Jr 3:1, Jr 18:11, Jr 24:7, Jr 25:5, Jr 29:13, Jr 29:14, Jr 33:3, Jr 36:3, Jr 50:4, Lm 3:25, Ez 14:6, Ez 18:21, Ez 33:11, Ez 36:37, Dn 4:27, Os 10:12, Os 12:6, Os 14:1, Jl 2:12, Am 5:4, Jon 3:8, So 2:3, Za 1:3, Za 7:7, Ml 3:7, Mt 6:5, Mt 9:13, Mt 21:29, Mt 22:9, Mt 25:9, Lc 3:13, Lc 5:32, Lc 11:9, Lc 12:58, Lc 15:20, Lc 19:42, Lc 23:43, Jn 4:10, Jn 8:11, Ac 3:19, Ac 8:22, Ac 9:11, Ac 24:25, Rm 3:11, Rm 10:12, 2Co 5:20, Ep 1:7, Ep 2:4, 1Tm 1:14, Tt 2:12, He 3:7, He 4:16, He 6:1, Jc 1:5, Jc 4:8, Jc 5:11, 1Jn 3:22
55:7 Es 1:16-18, 2Ch 7:14, Pr 28:13, Jr 3:3, Jr 8:4-6, Ez 3:18-19, Ez 18:21-23, Ez 18:27-32, Ez 33:11, Ez 33:14-16, Os 14:1-2, Jon 3:10, Mt 9:13, Lc 15:10, Lc 15:24, Ac 3:19, Ac 26:20, 1Co 6:9-11, Jc 4:8-10, Gn 6:5, Ps 66:18, Jr 4:14, Za 8:17, Mt 15:18-19, Mt 23:25-26, Mc 7:21, Mc 7:23, Lc 11:39-40, Ac 8:21-22, Jc 1:15, Es 43:25, Es 44:22, Ex 34:6-7, Nb 14:18-19, Ps 51:1, Ps 130:7, Jr 3:12-13, Lc 7:47, Rm 5:16-21, Ep 1:6-8, 1Tm 1:15-16
Réciproques : Ex 33:7, Dt 4:29, Dt 30:2, 1S 7:3, 2S 24:14, 1R 8:48, 2R 17:13, 1Ch 16:10, 1Ch 21:13, 1Ch 28:9, 2Ch 12:14, 2Ch 14:4, 2Ch 15:2, 2Ch 30:6, 2Ch 30:9, Esd 10:2, Ne 9:17, Ne 13:22, Jb 8:5, Jb 22:23, Jb 23:3, Jb 36:10, Ps 5:7, Ps 7:12, Ps 9:10, Ps 25:6, Ps 27:8, Ps 36:5, Ps 50:16, Ps 68:18, Ps 69:32, Ps 86:5, Ps 103:8, Ps 105:3, Ps 119:101, Ps 119:113, Ps 119:156, Ps 130:4, Pr 1:23, Pr 10:5, Pr 12:5, Pr 24:9, Ct 3:4, Es 1:19, Es 7:3, Es 10:21, Es 19:22, Es 21:12, Es 31:6, Es 45:19, Es 53:6, Es 56:1, Es 63:7, Es 65:2, Jr 7:3, Jr 18:11, Jr 24:7, Jr 25:5, Jr 26:13, Jr 29:13, Jr 31:20, Jr 33:3, Jr 33:6, Jr 36:3, Lm 3:40, Ez 14:6, Ez 18:31, Ez 36:37, Dn 4:27, Dn 9:9, Os 6:1, Os 12:6, Jl 2:12, Am 5:4, Jon 3:8, Mi 7:18, So 2:3, Za 1:3, Za 7:7, Ml 3:7, Mt 5:25, Mt 6:5, Mt 7:7, Mt 7:13, Mt 12:31, Mt 18:22, Mt 21:29, Mt 22:9, Mt 25:9, Mc 2:8, Mc 2:17, Lc 3:13, Lc 5:32, Lc 11:9, Jn 6:37, Ac 9:11, Ac 15:19, Rm 5:15, Rm 6:13, 2Co 5:20, 2Co 7:1, 2Co 10:5, Ep 1:7, Ep 3:20, Col 2:13, 2Th 1:11, 1Tm 1:14, Tt 2:12, He 4:16, He 6:1, He 6:17, Jc 1:5, Jc 5:11, 1P 1:2, 1Jn 3:22
55:8 2S 7:19, Ps 25:10, Ps 40:5, Ps 92:5, Pr 21:8, Pr 25:3, Jr 3:1, Ez 18:29, Dn 4:37, Os 14:9
Réciproques : Gn 18:30, 1S 16:7, 2R 5:11, 1Ch 17:4, Ps 33:11, Ps 139:17, Pr 8:12, Pr 15:29, Pr 17:15, Pr 21:18, Ec 7:24, Es 30:18, Es 40:28, Jr 29:11, Os 11:9, Mi 4:12, Mt 7:11, Lc 4:25, Lc 19:25, Jn 11:6, Rm 5:15
55:9 Ps 36:5, Ps 77:19, Ps 89:2, Ps 103:11, Mt 11:25, Rm 11:31-36
Réciproques : Gn 2:1, Gn 18:30, 1S 16:7, 2S 7:19, 2R 5:11, 1Ch 17:4, Jb 11:8, Jb 35:5, Ps 33:11, Ps 40:5, Ps 65:12, Ps 71:19, Ps 92:5, Ps 108:4, Ps 139:17, Pr 8:12, Pr 15:29, Pr 17:15, Pr 21:18, Pr 25:3, Ec 5:2, Ec 7:24, Es 40:28, Ez 1:18, Os 11:9, Mt 7:11, Lc 19:25, Jn 3:8, Jn 11:6, Rm 5:15, Ep 3:18
55:10 Es 5:6, Es 30:23, Es 61:11, Dt 32:2, 1S 23:4, Ps 65:9-13, Ps 72:6-7, Ez 34:26, Os 10:12, Ap 11:6, 2Co 9:9-11
Réciproques : Gn 1:12, Gn 47:23, Rt 1:6, Ps 147:16, Ec 11:3, Ec 11:6, Ct 2:13, Es 27:3, Es 32:20, Es 40:8, Mi 5:7, Ag 1:12, Jn 15:16, Ac 12:24, Ac 17:34, Ac 21:20, 1Co 3:6, 2Co 9:10, Ga 3:13, He 6:7, Ap 21:24
55:11 Es 54:9, Dt 32:2, Mt 24:35, Lc 8:11-16, Jn 6:63, Rm 10:17, 1Co 1:18, 1Co 3:6-9, 1Th 2:13, He 6:7, Jc 1:18, 1P 1:23, Es 44:26-28, Es 45:23, Es 46:10, Ep 1:9-11
Réciproques : Gn 1:12, Ec 11:3, Ct 2:13, Es 27:3, Es 30:23, Es 32:15, Es 32:20, Es 40:8, Es 53:10, Es 61:11, Ez 1:17, Ez 12:25, Ez 21:5, Ez 24:14, Am 6:11, Ag 1:12, Ac 5:14, Ac 15:14, Ac 19:20, Rm 3:3, Rm 4:14, Rm 9:6, Ph 4:7, 1Th 1:5, 1Tm 4:16, He 4:12, He 6:17
55:12 Es 35:10, Es 48:20, Es 49:9-10, Es 51:11, Es 65:13-14, Ps 105:43, Jr 30:19, Jr 31:12-14, Jr 33:6, Jr 33:11, Za 2:7-10, Rm 5:1, Rm 5:11, Rm 15:13, Ga 5:22, Col 1:11, Es 14:8, Es 35:1-2, Es 42:10-11, Es 44:23, Es 49:13, Ps 65:13, Ps 96:11-13, Ps 98:7-9, Ps 148:4-13, Lc 15:10, Ap 19:1-6, 1Ch 16:32-33, Ps 47:1
Réciproques : 2R 11:12, Ps 45:15, Ps 69:34, Ps 89:12, Ps 93:3, Ps 96:12, Ps 98:8, Ps 148:9, Ct 2:8, Ct 2:12, Es 9:3, Es 32:17, Es 52:9, Es 54:1, Es 54:13, Ez 17:24, Ez 31:9, Jl 2:21, Jl 3:18, Ha 3:10, Ml 4:2, Lc 19:40, Jn 14:27, Ac 8:39, Ac 10:36, Ac 16:34, Rm 2:10, Rm 4:17, Rm 14:17, Ph 4:7, Ap 12:12

Notes de la Bible King James

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