Exode 15:20
(King James)
Exode 15:20
And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.
Références croisées
15:20 Jg 4:4, 1S 10:5, 2R 22:14, Lc 2:36, Ac 21:9, 1Co 11:5, 1Co 14:34, Ex 2:4, Nb 12:1, Nb 20:1, Nb 26:59, Mi 6:4, Jg 11:34, Jg 21:21, 1S 18:6, 2S 6:5, 2S 6:14, 2S 6:16, Ps 68:11, Ps 68:25, Ps 81:2, Ps 149:3, Ps 150:4Réciproques : Gn 31:27, Ex 2:7, Ex 32:19, Nb 12:2, 2S 1:20, 1Ch 6:3, 1Ch 15:29, 2Ch 34:22, Esd 2:65, Ne 12:43, Ps 19:2, Ps 33:2, Ps 147:7, Ec 3:4, Es 6:3, Jr 31:4, Dn 3:10, Lc 15:25