Genèse 2:23-24
(King James)
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Références croisées
2:23 Gn 29:14, Jg 9:2, 2S 5:1, 2S 19:13, Ep 5:30, Gn 2:24, 1Co 11:8-9, 1Co 11:8Réciproques : Gn 2:19, Gn 3:20, Gn 5:2, 2S 19:12, Rm 7:2, Col 3:19, 1P 3:7
2:24 Gn 24:58-59, Gn 31:14-15, Ps 45:10, Lv 22:12-13, Dt 4:4, Dt 10:20, Js 23:8, Ps 45:10, Pr 12:4, Pr 31:10, Ac 11:23, Ml 2:14-16, Mt 19:3-9, Mc 10:6-12, Rm 7:2, 1Co 6:16-17, 1Co 7:2-4, 1Co 7:10, 1Co 7:11, Ep 5:28-31, 1Tm 5:14, 1P 3:1-7
Réciproques : Gn 2:23, Gn 4:19, Gn 24:61, Gn 31:26, Gn 41:26, Dt 11:22, Dt 17:17, Dt 24:5, Js 23:12, Jg 8:30, Jg 14:16, 1S 25:43, 1R 11:2, Mt 19:8, Mc 10:7, 1Co 11:9, Ep 5:25, Ep 5:31, Col 3:19, He 13:4, 1P 3:7