Hébreux 11:1
(King James)
Hébreux 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Références croisées
11:1 He 11:13, He 10:22, He 10:39, Ac 20:21, 1Co 13:13, Ga 5:6, Tt 1:1, 1P 1:7, 2P 1:1, Ps 27:13, Ps 42:11, He 2:3, He 3:14, 2Co 9:4, 2Co 11:17, He 6:12, He 6:18, He 6:19, He 11:7, He 11:27, Rm 8:24-25, 2Co 4:18, 2Co 5:17, 1P 1:8Réciproques : Gn 22:18, Js 2:9, Ps 116:10, Jon 3:5, Lc 5:39, Jn 6:40, Jn 20:29, 2Co 4:13, 2Co 5:7, 2Tm 3:16