- Un éclairage sur la foi
Jérémie 9:23-24
(King James)
   23 Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: 24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.

Références croisées

9:23 Jb 5:12-14, Ps 49:10-13, Ps 49:16-18, Ec 2:13-16, Ec 2:19, Ec 9:11, Es 5:21, Es 10:12-13, Ez 28:2-9, Rm 1:22, 1Co 1:19-21, 1Co 1:27-29, 1Co 3:18-20, Jc 3:14-16, Dt 8:17, 1S 17:4-10, 1S 17:42, 1R 20:10-11, Ps 33:16-17, Es 10:8, Es 36:8-9, Ez 29:9, Dn 3:15, Dn 4:30-31, Dn 4:37, Dn 5:18-23, Am 2:14-16, Ac 12:22-23, Jb 31:24-25, Ps 49:6-9, Ps 52:6-7, Ps 62:10, Pr 11:4, Ez 7:19, So 1:18, Mc 10:24, Lc 12:19-20, 1Tm 6:10
Réciproques : Gn 31:1, Ex 28:2, Js 11:21, Jg 1:10, Jg 7:2, Jg 16:20, 1S 2:9, 1S 9:2, 1S 14:6, 1S 17:10, 1S 17:44, 2S 21:15, 2S 21:22, 2R 14:10, 1Ch 16:10, 1Ch 20:8, 2Ch 25:19, Est 5:11, Jb 32:13, Jb 39:21, Jb 41:15, Ps 62:7, Ps 105:3, Pr 3:5, Pr 10:15, Pr 20:29, Pr 21:30, Es 16:14, Es 20:5, Es 28:5, Es 41:16, Es 45:25, Jr 48:7, Jr 48:14, Jr 49:4, Ez 28:12, Am 6:13, Za 12:7, Jn 17:3, Rm 4:2, 1Co 1:29, 1Co 1:31, 1Co 3:21, 2Co 1:9, 2Co 10:17, 2Co 11:18, 2Co 11:30, Ga 6:14, Ph 3:3, Ph 3:8, 1Tm 6:17, He 11:26, Jc 1:9, Jc 3:13, Jc 5:1
9:24 Jr 4:2, Ps 44:8, Es 41:16, Es 45:25, Rm 5:11, 1Co 1:31, 2Co 10:17, Ga 6:14, Ph 3:3, Jr 31:33-34, Ps 91:14, Mt 11:27, Lc 10:22, Jn 17:3, 2Co 4:6, 1Jn 5:20, Ex 34:5-7, Ps 36:5-7, Ps 51:1, Ps 145:7-8, Ps 146:7-9, Rm 3:25-26, 1S 15:22, Ps 99:4, Es 61:8, Mi 6:8, Mi 7:18
Réciproques : Ex 6:2, Ex 28:2, Dt 32:4, Jg 16:20, 1S 3:7, 2S 21:15, 2R 14:10, 1Ch 16:10, 1Ch 28:9, Est 5:11, Ps 34:2, Ps 37:23, Ps 37:28, Ps 62:7, Ps 105:3, Ps 107:43, Pr 2:5, Pr 12:22, Pr 20:29, Es 2:11, Es 20:5, Es 28:5, Jr 22:3, Jr 22:16, Ez 11:10, Os 2:20, Os 5:4, So 1:18, Za 12:7, Rm 4:2, 1Co 3:21, 2Co 1:9, 2Co 11:18, 2Co 11:30, Ep 1:17, Ph 3:8, Col 2:2, 2Th 1:5, 1Tm 6:17, He 11:26, Jc 1:9, Jc 2:13

Notes de la Bible King James

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