- Un éclairage sur la foi
Marc 16:15-18
(King James)
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Références croisées

16:15 Mt 10:5-6, Mt 28:19, Lc 14:21-23, Lc 24:47-48, Jn 15:16, Jn 20:21, 1Jn 4:14, Mc 13:10, Ps 22:27, Ps 67:1-2, Ps 96:3, Ps 98:3, Es 42:10-12, Es 45:22, Es 49:6, Es 52:10, Es 60:1-3, Lc 2:10-11, Lc 2:31, Lc 2:32, Ac 1:8, Rm 10:18, Rm 16:26, Ep 2:17, Col 1:6, Col 1:23, Ap 14:6
Réciproques : Nb 29:1, 1R 7:25, 2Ch 4:4, Ps 40:9, Ps 72:16, Ps 96:2, Ps 98:2, Pr 8:1, Pr 15:7, Es 25:6, Es 34:1, Es 51:5, Es 52:7, Es 57:19, Es 62:11, Es 66:19, Jr 1:7, Mi 4:2, Za 9:13, Mt 9:37, Mt 13:38, Mt 22:9, Mt 24:14, Mt 24:31, Mt 26:13, Mc 14:9, Lc 3:6, Lc 9:2, Lc 10:2, Lc 14:16, Ac 1:2, Ac 4:12, Ac 8:12, Ac 10:20, Ac 10:42, Ac 13:47, Ac 16:13, Ac 16:32, Ac 17:17, Ac 18:8, Rm 1:1, Rm 3:29, Rm 8:22, Rm 10:8, Rm 10:14, 1Co 15:3, 2Co 5:18, Ga 3:27, Ep 1:13, Ep 3:9, 1Tm 2:4, Tt 1:3, Tt 2:11, He 2:3, 1P 1:12, Ap 5:9
16:16 Mc 1:15, Lc 8:12, Jn 1:12-13, Jn 3:15-16, Jn 3:18, Jn 3:36, Jn 5:24, Jn 6:29, Jn 6:35, Jn 6:40, Jn 7:37-38, Jn 11:25-26, Jn 12:46, Jn 20:31, Ac 10:43, Ac 13:39, Ac 16:30-32, Rm 3:6, Rm 4:24, Rm 10:9, He 10:38-39, 1P 1:21, 1P 3:21, 1Jn 5:10-13, Mt 28:19, Ac 2:38, Ac 2:41, Ac 8:36-39, Ac 22:16, Rm 10:9-14, 1P 3:21, Jn 3:18-19, Jn 3:36, Jn 8:24, Jn 12:47-48, Ac 13:46, 2Th 1:8, 2Th 2:12, Ap 20:15, Ap 21:8
Réciproques : Nb 19:20, Nb 29:1, Dt 18:19, Dt 30:15, 1R 7:25, Ps 40:9, Ps 72:16, Pr 8:1, Es 34:1, Jr 1:7, Ez 44:9, Mi 4:2, Mt 22:9, Mt 24:14, Mt 24:31, Lc 14:16, Jn 3:5, Jn 15:16, Jn 16:9, Ac 3:23, Ac 4:12, Ac 8:37, Ac 10:42, Ac 11:14, Ac 16:31, Ac 18:8, Rm 1:1, Rm 3:27, Rm 3:29, Rm 10:8, Rm 10:14, 1Co 15:3, 2Co 5:18, 2Co 6:15, Ga 3:22, Ga 3:27, Ep 1:13, Ep 2:8, Ep 3:9, 1Th 2:16, He 3:19, He 6:2, He 6:9, 1Jn 5:12, Ap 5:9
16:17 Jn 14:12, Lc 10:17, Ac 5:16, Ac 8:7, Ac 16:18, Ac 19:12-16, Ac 2:4-11, Ac 2:33, Ac 10:46, Ac 19:6, 1Co 12:10, 1Co 12:28, 1Co 12:30, 1Co 14:5-26
Réciproques : Dn 6:27, Mt 10:1, Mt 12:28, Mc 6:7, Lc 4:36, Lc 9:1, Jn 17:22, Ac 2:43, Ac 3:6, Ac 3:16, Ac 5:12, Ac 8:13, Ac 19:11, 1Co 14:22, 2Co 13:8, He 11:6, Jc 5:15
16:18 Gn 3:15, Ps 91:13, Lc 10:19, Ac 28:3-6, Rm 16:20, 2R 4:39-41, Ac 3:6-8, Ac 3:12, Ac 3:16, Ac 4:10, Ac 4:22, Ac 4:30, Ac 5:15-16, Ac 9:17-18, Ac 9:34, Ac 9:40-42, Ac 19:12, Ac 28:8-9, 1Co 12:9, Jc 5:14-15
Réciproques : Ex 4:4, Ex 7:10, Dt 20:3, 2R 4:40, Dn 3:25, Dn 6:27, Mt 10:1, Mt 10:8, Mc 5:23, Lc 5:17, Lc 9:1, Lc 13:13, Ac 5:12, Ac 8:7, Ac 28:5

Notes de la Bible King James

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