- Un éclairage sur la foi
Marc 2:10-11
(King James)
10 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)
11 I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.

Références croisées

2:10 Dn 7:13-14, Mt 9:6-8, Mt 16:13, Jn 5:20-27, Ac 5:31, 1Tm 1:13-16
Réciproques : Ps 103:3, Mc 2:5
2:11 Mc 1:41, Jn 5:8-10, Jn 6:63
Réciproques : Ps 103:3, Ac 3:9, Ac 14:9

Notes de la Bible King James

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