Matthieu 16:18
(King James)
Matthieu 16:18
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Références croisées
16:18 Mt 10:2, Jn 1:42, Ga 2:9, Es 28:16, 1Co 3:10-11, Ep 2:19-22, Ap 21:14, Za 6:12-13, 1Co 3:9, He 3:3-4, Mt 18:17, Ac 2:47, Ac 8:1, Ep 3:10, Ep 5:25-27, Ep 5:32, Col 1:18, 1Tm 3:5, 1Tm 3:15, Gn 22:17, 2S 18:4, Jb 38:17, Ps 9:13, Ps 69:12, Ps 107:18, Ps 127:5, Pr 24:7, Es 28:6, Es 38:10, 1Co 15:55, Ps 125:1-2, Es 54:17, Jn 10:27-30, Rm 8:33-39, He 12:28, Ap 11:15, Ap 21:1-4Réciproques : Gn 48:14, Ex 40:8, Ex 40:18, Nb 23:23, 2S 7:13, 2S 7:16, 2S 22:2, 1R 7:21, 1R 15:4, 2Ch 4:4, 2Ch 14:11, Est 4:14, Ps 48:8, Ps 87:1, Ps 87:5, Ps 129:2, Ps 147:2, Pr 9:1, Pr 10:25, Ct 8:9, Es 14:32, Es 22:22, Es 26:1, Es 33:20, Es 54:10, Es 56:5, Es 62:12, Dn 2:34, Mi 5:4, Za 4:9, Mt 7:25, Lc 22:18, Ac 5:39, Ac 12:24, Ac 15:7, Ga 2:11, Ep 1:22, Ep 2:20, He 3:6, He 10:21, Ap 12:8