- Un éclairage sur la foi
Philippiens 2:12-13
(King James)
   12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Références croisées

2:12 Ph 4:1, 1Co 4:14, 1P 2:11, Ph 1:5, Ph 1:27, Ph 1:29, Ph 3:13-14, Pr 10:16, Pr 13:4, Mt 11:12, Mt 11:29, Lc 13:23-24, Jn 6:27-29, Rm 2:7, 1Co 9:24-27, 1Co 15:58, Ga 6:7-9, 1Th 1:3, He 4:11, He 6:10-11, He 12:1, 2P 1:5-10, 2P 3:18, Ph 2:19, Rm 13:11-14, 1Co 9:20-23, 2Tm 2:10, Esd 10:3, Ps 2:11, Ps 119:120, Es 66:2, Es 66:5, Ac 9:6, Ac 16:29, 1Co 2:3, 2Co 7:15, Ep 6:5, He 4:1, He 12:28-29
Réciproques : Lv 20:7, Js 24:31, Jg 2:7, 1S 14:45, 2S 5:24, 1Ch 14:15, 1Ch 22:16, Ne 7:5, Ps 57:2, Ps 63:8, Ps 80:18, Ps 99:1, Ct 1:4, Ez 36:27, Ez 37:24, Jl 2:1, Ag 1:14, Mt 26:35, Mc 14:38, Lc 8:47, Ac 5:11, Ac 7:23, Rm 3:12, Rm 11:20, 1Co 4:8, 2Co 2:9, 2Co 7:11, Ga 4:18, Ep 6:6, 2Th 3:4, 2Th 3:14, He 13:17, Jc 1:16, 1P 1:17
2:13 2Ch 30:12, Es 26:12, Jr 31:33, Jr 32:38, Jn 3:27, Ac 11:21, 2Co 3:5, He 13:21, Jc 1:16-18, 1R 8:58, 1Ch 29:14-18, Esd 1:1, Esd 1:5, Esd 7:27, Ne 2:4, Ps 110:3, Ps 119:36, Ps 141:4, Pr 21:1, Jn 6:45, Jn 6:65, Ep 2:4-5, 2Th 2:13-14, Tt 3:4-5, 1P 1:3, Lc 12:32, Rm 9:11, Rm 9:16, Ep 1:5, Ep 1:9, Ep 1:11, Ep 2:8, 2Th 1:11, 2Tm 1:9
Réciproques : Lv 20:7, Dt 30:8, Jg 5:2, 1S 14:45, 1Ch 14:15, 1Ch 22:16, Esd 7:13, Ne 2:18, Ne 4:6, Ne 7:5, Jb 33:29, Ps 51:18, Ps 63:8, Ps 80:18, Ps 119:35, Ps 119:112, Ps 119:176, Pr 16:1, Ct 1:4, Ct 5:4, Jr 31:18, Ez 36:27, Ez 37:24, Os 14:8, Ag 1:14, Mt 13:33, Lc 13:24, Jn 1:13, Jn 3:21, Jn 6:27, Ac 7:23, Ac 16:14, Rm 3:12, Rm 7:18, 1Co 12:6, 1Co 15:10, 2Co 8:3, Ep 1:19, Ep 2:10, Ph 1:6, Col 1:29, 1Th 1:5

Notes de la Bible King James

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