Proverbes 11:1
(King James)
Proverbes 11:1
A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.
Références croisées
11:1 Pr 16:11, Pr 20:10, Pr 20:23, Lv 19:35-36, Dt 25:13-16, Os 12:7, Am 8:5-6, Mi 6:10-11, Pr 16:11, Ez 45:10-12Réciproques : Ex 20:15, Dt 17:1, Dt 25:16, Jb 22:3, Ps 37:23, Pr 6:16, Pr 12:22, Pr 17:15, Pr 26:24, 1Co 6:9, Ph 4:8, 1Th 4:6