Proverbes 31:9
(King James)
Proverbes 31:9
Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
Références croisées
31:9 Pr 16:12, Pr 20:8, Lv 19:15, Dt 1:16, Dt 16:18-20, 2S 8:15, Ps 58:1-2, Ps 72:1-2, Jb 29:12, Jb 29:15, Jb 29:16, Es 1:17, Es 1:23, Es 11:4, Es 32:1-2, Jr 5:28, Jr 22:3, Jr 22:15, Jr 22:16, Jr 23:5, Dn 4:27, Am 5:11-12, Za 7:9, Za 9:9, Jn 7:24, He 1:9, Ap 19:11Réciproques : Dt 25:1, 1S 19:4, 1S 20:32, 1S 22:14, 2S 23:3, Pr 24:7, Pr 31:26, Ec 3:7, Jr 21:12, Jr 38:9, Ez 18:8, Ha 1:13, Mt 5:2, Rm 13:4