- Un éclairage sur la foi
Psaumes 123
(King James)
   1 Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens. 2 Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us. 3 Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us: for we are exceedingly filled with contempt. 4 Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.

Références croisées

123:1 Ps 120:1, Ps 121:1, Ps 122:1, Ps 123:1, Ps 124:1, Ps 125:1, Ps 126:1, Ps 127:1, Ps 128:1, Ps 129:1, Ps 130:1, Ps 131:1, Ps 132:1, Ps 133:1, Ps 134:1, Ps 120:1, Ps 25:15, Ps 121:1, Ps 141:8, Lc 18:13, Ps 2:4, Ps 11:4, Ps 113:5-6, Ps 115:3, Es 57:15, Es 66:1, Mt 6:9
Réciproques : 1R 8:30, 2R 19:14, 2Ch 6:21, 2Ch 20:12, Ps 33:14, Ps 34:5, Ps 38:15, Ps 136:26, Es 33:5, Es 37:14, Es 38:14, Es 63:15, Ez 18:6, Dn 4:34, Jn 11:41, Jn 17:1
123:2 Js 9:23, Js 9:27, Js 10:6, Ps 40:1-3, Ps 119:82, Ps 119:123-125, Ps 130:5-6, Gn 32:26, Gn 49:18, Lm 3:25-26, Lc 18:1
Réciproques : 1R 1:20, 2R 5:2, 2Ch 20:12, Ps 25:3, Ps 25:15, Ps 34:5, Ps 52:9, Ps 62:1, Ps 141:8, Pr 27:18, Es 33:2, Es 40:31, Ez 18:6, Os 3:1, Os 12:6, So 3:8, Ep 6:5, Col 3:22
123:3 Ps 56:1-2, Ps 57:1, Ps 69:13-16, Lc 18:11-13, Ps 44:13-16, Ps 89:50-51, Ne 4:2-4, Es 53:3, Lc 16:14, Lc 23:35
Réciproques : 1S 17:42, 1S 25:10, 2R 18:23, 2R 19:3, Ne 4:4, Jb 12:5, Jb 19:15, Jb 35:12, Ps 13:2, Ps 31:18, Ps 36:11, Ps 52:9, Ps 119:22, Ps 119:51, Ps 137:3, Ps 140:5, Pr 11:12, Pr 14:2, Pr 18:3, Es 36:8, Jr 33:24, Jr 51:51, Lm 3:14, Lm 3:30, Lm 5:1, Ez 36:6, Mc 5:40
123:4 Ps 73:5-9, Ps 119:51, Jb 12:5, Jb 16:4, Jr 48:11, Jr 48:27, Jr 48:29, Ac 17:21, Ac 17:32, Ac 26:24, 1Co 4:13
Réciproques : 1S 17:42, 1S 25:10, 2R 18:23, 2R 19:3, Ne 4:4, Jb 35:12, Ps 13:2, Ps 17:10, Ps 31:18, Ps 36:11, Ps 44:13, Ps 69:20, Ps 119:22, Ps 137:3, Ps 140:5, Pr 11:12, Pr 14:2, Pr 18:3, Es 36:8, Jr 33:24, Jr 43:2, Jr 49:31, Jr 51:51, Lm 3:14, Lm 5:1, Ez 36:6, Mc 5:40, Jn 8:22