- Un éclairage sur la foi
Psaumes 131
(King James)
   1 Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. 2 Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child. 3 Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and for ever.

Références croisées

131:1 Ps 122:1, Ps 124:1, Ps 133:1, Nb 12:3, Dt 17:20, 1S 16:13, 1S 16:18, 1S 16:22, 1S 17:15, 1S 17:28, 1S 17:29, 1S 18:23, Mt 11:29, Ac 20:19, 1Th 2:6-7, 1Th 2:10, Ps 78:70-72, Jr 17:16, Jr 45:5, Am 7:14-15, Rm 12:16, Ps 139:6, Jb 42:3, Rm 11:33
Réciproques : Est 6:12, Ps 130:7, Pr 6:17, Pr 25:6, Pr 30:13, Mt 18:4, Mc 10:14, Lc 18:17, 1Co 14:20
131:2 Ps 42:5, Ps 42:11, Ps 43:5, Ps 62:1, 1S 24:10, 1S 25:32-33, 1S 30:6, 2S 15:25-26, 2S 16:11-12, Es 30:15, Lm 3:26, Lc 21:19, Jn 14:1-2, Mt 18:3-4, Mc 10:15, 1Co 14:20
Réciproques : Gn 21:8, Dt 17:20, Est 6:12, Es 28:9, Mc 10:14, Lc 18:17, Rm 12:16, 1P 3:4
131:3 Ps 115:9-11, Ps 130:7, Ps 146:5, Jr 17:7-8, Ps 115:18, Es 26:4

Notes de la Bible King James

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