- Un éclairage sur la foi
Psaumes 133
(King James)
   1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! 2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; 3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

Références croisées

133:1 Ps 122:1, Ps 124:1, Ps 131:1, Ps 122:6-8, Gn 13:8, Gn 45:24, 2S 2:26-27, Es 11:6, Es 11:9, Es 11:13, Jr 32:39, Jn 13:35, Jn 17:21, 1Co 1:10, Ep 4:3-6, Ph 2:2-5, He 13:1, 1P 3:8, 1Jn 3:14-19
Réciproques : Gn 43:29, Ex 26:24, Ex 36:10, Ex 36:29, Rt 2:4, Jb 1:4, Pr 15:17, Za 11:7, Mc 3:25, Mc 9:50, Ac 2:1, Ac 7:26, Rm 12:10, Rm 14:19, 1Co 6:6, Ph 1:27, Ph 2:1, Ph 4:2, Col 2:2, 1Th 4:9, 1Th 5:13, He 12:14
133:2 Ps 141:5, Pr 27:9, Ct 1:3, Jn 12:3, Ex 30:25-30, Lv 8:12
Réciproques : Gn 43:29, Ex 29:7, Ex 29:21, Lv 21:10, Ec 7:1, Mt 26:7
133:3 Dt 4:48, Dt 3:8-9, Dt 4:48, Js 13:11, Ps 42:8, Lv 25:21, Dt 28:8, Ps 16:11, Ps 21:4, Jn 4:14, Jn 5:24, Jn 5:29, Jn 6:50-51, Jn 6:68, Jn 11:25-26, Rm 5:21, Rm 6:23, 1Jn 2:25, 1Jn 5:11, Ap 1:18
Réciproques : Gn 27:28, Js 11:3, Js 12:1, 1Ch 5:23, Ps 42:6, Ps 89:12, Ez 34:26, Ag 2:19, Jn 5:39