- Un éclairage sur la foi
Psaumes 16:8-11
(King James)
8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.
10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Références croisées

16:8 Ps 139:18, Ac 2:25-28, He 11:27, Ps 73:23, Ps 73:26, Ps 109:31, Ps 110:5, Ps 121:5, Ps 15:5, Ps 62:6
Réciproques : Gn 5:22, Gn 13:18, Gn 24:40, Gn 48:15, Ps 4:8, Ps 21:7, Ps 30:6, Ps 36:11, Ps 54:3, Ps 55:22, Pr 10:30, Pr 28:14, Es 38:3, Ac 26:23
16:9 Lc 10:21-22, Ps 30:12, Ps 57:8, Ac 2:26, Jc 3:5-9, Jb 14:14-15, Jb 19:26-27, Pr 14:32, Es 26:19, 1Th 4:13-14
Réciproques : Gn 49:6, Ps 28:7, Ps 108:1, Ps 108:7, Pr 10:28, Es 53:10, Mt 22:29, Lc 2:17, Lc 24:27, Lc 24:44, Rm 5:2, Rm 6:9, Rm 12:12, Ep 1:20, Col 1:27, He 12:2, Jc 3:9
16:10 Ps 9:17, Ps 49:15, Ps 139:8, Lv 19:28, Nb 6:6, Dt 32:22, Jb 11:8, Pr 15:11, Pr 27:20, Es 5:14, Es 14:9, Am 9:2, Lc 16:23, Ac 3:15, 1Co 15:55, Ap 1:18, Ap 20:13, Ac 2:27-31, Ac 13:35-38, 1Co 15:42, 1Co 15:50-54, Dn 9:24, Lc 1:35, Lc 4:34, Ac 3:14
Réciproques : Gn 35:18, Lv 1:17, Nb 6:20, Dt 33:8, Jb 17:14, Ps 21:4, Ps 30:3, Ps 49:9, Ps 69:15, Ps 71:20, Ps 86:13, Os 13:14, Jon 2:2, Jon 2:6, Mt 17:23, Mt 25:21, Mt 25:46, Mc 1:24, Mc 10:34, Lc 2:17, Lc 24:27, Jn 20:9, Ac 2:31, Ph 1:23, 1Jn 2:20, Ap 3:7
16:11 Ps 21:4, Pr 2:19, Pr 4:18, Pr 5:6, Pr 12:28, Es 2:3, Mt 7:14, Rm 8:11, 1P 1:21, Ps 17:15, Ps 21:5-6, Mt 5:8, Ac 2:28, 1Co 13:12, 2Co 4:17, Ep 3:19, 1Jn 3:2, Jud 1:24, Ap 7:15-17, Ap 22:5, Mc 16:19, Ac 7:56, 1P 3:22, Ps 36:8, Mt 25:33, Mt 25:46
Réciproques : Lv 22:3, Nb 6:20, 1Ch 16:27, Jb 19:26, Jb 33:26, Ps 23:6, Ps 30:5, Ps 31:19, Ps 37:18, Ps 41:12, Ps 45:8, Ps 73:25, Ps 91:16, Ps 133:3, Ps 140:13, Pr 8:21, Pr 15:24, Es 61:7, Mt 17:4, Mt 25:21, Jn 5:39, Rm 15:29, 1Co 15:4, 2Co 5:8, Ph 1:23, Ph 3:20, Col 3:1, 1Th 4:17, 2Th 1:9, 2Th 2:14, Ap 22:3

Notes de la Bible King James

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