Psaumes 27:6
(King James)
Psaumes 27:6
And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
Références croisées
27:6 Ps 3:3, Ps 110:7, Gn 40:13, Gn 40:20, 2R 25:27, 2S 7:9, 2S 22:1, 2S 22:49, 1Ch 22:18, Ps 22:22-25, Ps 26:6-7, Ps 43:3-4, Ps 66:13-16, Ps 107:22, Ps 116:17-19, 2Ch 30:21-26, Jr 33:11, He 13:15, 1P 2:5, Ps 47:1, Esd 3:11-13, Es 12:6, Jr 31:7, So 3:14-15, Za 9:9, Lc 19:37-38, Ps 21:1, Ps 21:13, Ps 81:1, Ps 95:1, Ps 100:1-2, Ps 138:5, Ep 5:19-20, Ap 5:9, Ap 15:3Réciproques : Ne 12:43, Ps 9:2, Ps 30:1, Ps 50:23, Es 38:20, Jr 52:31, Jn 5:14, Jc 4:10