- Un éclairage sur la foi
Psaumes 28
(King James)
1 Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.
2 Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle.
3 Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts.
4 Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands; render to them their desert.
5 Because they regard not the works of the LORD, nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them up.
6 Blessed be the LORD, because he hath heard the voice of my supplications.
7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.
8 The LORD is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed.
9 Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed them also, and lift them up for ever.

Références croisées

28:1 Ps 3:4, Ps 5:2, Ps 22:2, Ps 77:1, Ps 142:1, Ps 18:2, Ps 42:9, Es 26:4, Ps 35:22, Ps 83:1, Ps 30:9, Ps 69:15, Ps 88:4-6, Ps 143:7, Jb 33:28, Pr 1:12, Es 38:18, Ap 20:3
Réciproques : Jb 33:26, Ps 18:3, Ps 26:9, Ps 30:3, Ps 55:1, Ps 109:1, Ps 140:6, Ct 1:7, Ct 5:6, Ez 26:20, Ez 28:8, Mt 15:23
28:2 Ps 63:4, Ps 125:5, Ps 134:2, Ps 141:2, Ps 143:6, 2Ch 6:13, 1Tm 2:8, Ps 5:7, Ps 138:2, 1R 6:19, 1R 6:22, 1R 6:23, 1R 8:6-8, 1R 8:28-30, 1R 8:38, Dn 6:10
Réciproques : Lv 9:22, 2S 16:23, 1R 6:5, 1R 8:22, 2Ch 4:20, 2Ch 6:12, Ne 8:6, Jb 33:26, Ps 18:3, Ps 61:1, Ps 140:6, Ps 142:1, Lm 2:19, Lm 3:41, Mi 1:2
28:3 Ps 26:9, Nb 16:26, Mt 25:41, Mt 25:46, Ps 12:2, Ps 55:21, Ps 62:4, Jr 9:8-9, Mi 3:5, Mt 22:15-18, Ps 7:14, Ps 10:7, Ps 10:14, Ps 36:4, Ps 52:1, Pr 26:23-26
Réciproques : Gn 49:6, Ps 5:10, Ps 35:25, Pr 24:2, Pr 26:25, Ez 32:20, Mt 26:48, Lc 13:27, Lc 17:34, Lc 22:55, Jn 14:27
28:4 Ps 5:10, Ps 59:12-13, Ps 69:22-24, Jr 18:21-23, 2Tm 4:14, Ap 18:6, Ps 2:1-5, Ps 21:10, Ez 38:10, Ps 62:12, Ps 103:10, Ps 109:17-21, Ps 103:3-4, Rm 2:6-8, Rm 11:22, Esd 9:13
Réciproques : Jg 9:20, 2S 3:39, 1R 8:39, Ps 25:10, Es 3:11, Es 26:10, Lm 3:64, Rm 11:9, Ap 20:12
28:5 Ps 10:5, Ps 92:4-6, Ps 104:24, Ps 111:2-4, Jb 34:26-27, Es 5:12, Es 22:11, Es 26:9-11, Os 14:9, Jn 12:37, Rm 1:20, Rm 1:28, Ps 8:3, Ps 19:1-2, Nb 23:23, Es 40:26, Es 45:8, Es 45:12, Es 45:18, Jr 10:12-13, Ep 1:19-21, 2S 7:13, 2S 7:27, 1R 11:38, Jr 31:4, Jr 32:20-21
Réciproques : Jb 36:24, Ps 77:11, Ps 107:43, Es 26:10
28:6 Ps 31:21-22, Ps 66:19-20, Ps 69:33-34, Ps 107:19-22, Ps 116:1-2, Ps 118:5
Réciproques : Jb 33:26, Es 30:18
28:7 Ps 28:8, Ps 18:1-2, Ps 19:14, Ps 46:1, Es 12:2, Es 45:24, Ep 6:10, Ps 84:11, Ps 91:4, Gn 15:1, Ps 13:5, Ps 22:4, Ps 56:3-4, Ps 118:6-9, Ps 118:13-15, Ps 16:9-11, Ps 21:1, Ps 30:11-12, Ps 33:21, Ps 68:3-4, Es 61:10, Ps 96:1-3, Ex 15:1-21, Jg 5:1-31, 1S 2:1-11, 2S 22:1-51, Ap 5:9, Ap 15:3
Réciproques : 2S 22:3, 2S 22:33, 1Ch 16:27, Ne 8:10, Ne 12:43, Ps 3:3, Ps 9:2, Ps 18:32, Ps 18:35, Ps 26:1, Ps 27:1, Ps 30:10, Ps 43:2, Ps 69:30, Ps 81:1, Ps 84:5, Ps 86:16, Ps 89:17, Ps 119:50, Ps 140:7, Es 30:18, Es 50:10, Jl 2:23, Za 10:7, Lc 6:21, Col 3:16
28:8 Ps 2:2, Ps 20:6, 1S 16:13, Es 61:1
Réciproques : Gn 49:24, Ex 15:2, 1S 2:10, 2S 22:33, 1Ch 16:27, 1Ch 29:12, Ne 8:10, Ps 18:1, Ps 27:1, Ps 28:7, Ps 29:11, Ps 84:5, Ps 86:16, Ps 140:7, Es 33:6, Ep 3:16
28:9 Ps 14:7, Ps 25:22, Ps 80:14-19, Jr 31:7, Dt 9:29, 2S 21:3, 1R 8:51, 1R 8:53, Jr 10:16, Ep 1:18, Ps 78:71, 2S 7:7, Es 40:11, Ez 34:23-24, Mi 5:2, Mi 5:4, Mi 7:14, Mt 2:6, Esd 1:4
Réciproques : Ex 34:9, Dt 4:20, Dt 26:15, Ps 29:11, Ps 30:1, Ps 33:12, Ps 67:1, Jr 31:23, Jc 4:10, Ap 7:17