- Un éclairage sur la foi
Romains 8:31-39
(King James)
31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.
34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Références croisées

8:31 Rm 4:1, Gn 15:1, Nb 14:9, Dt 33:29, Js 10:42, 1S 14:6, 1S 17:45-47, Ps 27:1-3, Ps 46:1-3, Ps 46:7, Ps 46:11, Ps 56:4, Ps 56:11, Ps 84:11-12, Ps 118:6, Es 50:7-9, Es 54:17, Jr 1:19, Jr 20:11, Jn 10:28-30, 1Jn 4:4
Réciproques : Gn 19:19, Gn 21:22, Gn 26:28, Gn 28:15, Gn 33:11, Gn 39:21, Gn 42:36, Ex 3:12, Ex 6:7, Nb 13:30, Nb 14:8, Dt 1:30, Dt 2:36, Dt 9:3, Dt 20:1, Dt 23:5, Dt 31:8, Js 1:5, Js 10:8, Js 14:12, Js 17:18, Js 23:10, Jg 1:19, Jg 6:13, 1S 14:13, 1S 17:47, 1S 23:14, 1S 30:6, 2S 5:10, 2S 21:22, 1R 1:37, 1R 8:57, 2R 6:16, 2R 8:5, 2R 18:7, 1Ch 5:22, 1Ch 11:9, 1Ch 19:15, 1Ch 20:8, 1Ch 22:18, 1Ch 28:20, 2Ch 13:12, 2Ch 14:11, 2Ch 20:17, 2Ch 20:20, 2Ch 32:7, 2Ch 36:23, Esd 6:6, Jb 22:25, Jb 34:29, Ps 3:6, Ps 18:3, Ps 34:22, Ps 54:4, Ps 56:9, Ps 87:5, Ps 124:1, Pr 16:7, Es 8:10, Es 14:27, Es 41:10, Es 49:25, Jr 15:20, Jr 42:11, Ez 36:9, Dn 3:17, Dn 3:30, Dn 11:17, Ag 1:13, Za 10:5, Mt 6:33, Lc 1:30, Lc 10:19, Lc 12:31, Ac 18:10, Rm 14:4, 1Co 14:15, Ga 2:21, 2Tm 2:19, He 13:6, 1P 1:5, Ap 12:8
8:32 Rm 5:6-10, Rm 11:21, Gn 22:12, Es 53:10, Mt 3:17, Jn 3:16, 2Co 5:21, 2P 2:4-5, 1Jn 4:10, Rm 4:25, Rm 8:28, Rm 6:23, Ps 84:11, 1Co 2:12, 1Co 3:21-23, 2Co 4:15, Ap 21:7
Réciproques : Gn 22:2, Gn 25:5, Gn 28:15, Gn 33:11, Gn 39:21, Lv 3:11, Dt 29:20, 2S 12:8, 1R 3:13, Jb 6:10, Jb 16:13, Jb 27:22, Ps 23:1, Ps 34:9, Ps 78:50, Ps 88:16, Es 9:6, Es 30:14, Es 50:8, Ez 5:11, Os 2:21, Za 13:7, Ml 3:17, Mt 6:25, Mt 7:11, Mt 22:4, Mt 26:38, Mc 1:1, Lc 11:13, Lc 22:32, Lc 22:44, Jn 4:10, Rm 5:10, Rm 8:3, 2Co 8:9, 2Co 9:15, Ga 1:4, He 2:9, 2P 1:3, 1Jn 3:1, 1Jn 4:9, Ap 2:18, Ap 21:6
8:33 Rm 8:1, Jb 1:9-11, Jb 2:4-6, Jb 22:6-30, Jb 34:8-9, Jb 42:7-9, Ps 35:11, Es 54:17, Za 3:1-4, Ap 12:10-11, Es 42:1, Mt 24:24, Lc 18:7, 1Th 1:4, Tt 1:1, 1P 1:2, Rm 3:26, Es 50:8-9, Ga 3:8, Ap 12:10-11
Réciproques : Js 20:2, 2S 12:13, Jb 13:18, Jb 13:19, Jb 23:7, Jb 35:14, Ps 37:33, Ps 49:5, Ps 142:6, Es 43:26, Es 45:25, Jr 50:20, So 3:15, Za 3:2, Mt 16:18, Mc 13:27, Lc 5:21, Lc 18:14, Jn 5:24, Jn 10:28, Jn 16:10, Rm 4:25, Rm 8:30, 1Co 6:11, 1Co 15:17, Ep 1:4, 2Th 2:13, He 9:24
8:34 Rm 8:1, Rm 14:13, Jb 34:29, Ps 37:33, Ps 109:31, Jr 50:20, Rm 4:25, Rm 5:6-10, Rm 14:9, Jb 33:24, Mt 20:28, Jn 14:19, Ga 3:13-14, He 1:3, He 9:10-14, He 10:10-14, He 10:19-22, He 12:2, 1P 3:18, Ap 1:18, Mc 16:19, Ac 7:56-60, Col 3:1, He 8:1-2, He 12:1, 1P 3:22, Rm 8:27, Es 53:12, Jn 16:23, Jn 16:26, Jn 16:27, Jn 17:20-24, He 4:14-15, He 7:25, He 9:24, 1Jn 2:1-2
Réciproques : Ex 30:8, Lv 16:20, Nb 7:15, Js 20:2, 2S 12:13, Jb 13:18, Jb 23:7, Jb 35:14, Ps 49:5, Es 45:25, Jr 30:21, So 3:15, Mt 20:21, Lc 22:32, Lc 22:69, Jn 3:18, Jn 5:24, Jn 14:16, Jn 16:10, Ac 2:24, Ac 10:43, Rm 10:9, 1Co 15:17, 2Co 4:17, Ep 1:20, Col 3:3, 1Th 1:10, 1Th 5:10, He 6:20, He 10:12, Ap 8:3, Ap 11:12
8:35 Rm 8:39, Ps 103:17, Jr 31:3, Jn 10:28, Jn 13:1, 2Th 2:13-14, 2Th 2:16, Ap 1:5, Rm 8:17, Rm 5:3-5, Mt 5:10-12, Mt 10:28-31, Lc 21:12-18, Jn 16:33, Ac 14:22, Ac 20:23-24, 2Co 4:17, 2Co 6:4-10, 2Co 11:23-27, 2Tm 1:12, 2Tm 4:16-18, He 12:3-11, Jc 1:2-4, 1P 1:5-7, 1P 4:12-14, Ap 7:14-17
Réciproques : Dt 33:3, Jg 6:33, 1S 26:25, Ps 4:8, Ps 27:3, Ps 36:11, Ps 121:7, Ps 129:2, Pr 1:33, Pr 10:30, Pr 12:13, Pr 18:14, Jr 15:15, Lc 6:48, Lc 10:42, Jn 16:22, Ac 21:13, Rm 8:28, 1Co 4:11, 2Co 4:8, 2Co 11:27, 2Co 12:10, Ph 1:21, Ph 1:30, 1Th 3:3, 2Tm 3:11, He 11:25, 1Jn 5:4, Ap 2:9
8:36 Ps 44:22, Ps 141:7, Jn 16:2, 1Co 15:30, 2Co 4:11, Es 53:7, Jr 11:19, Jr 12:3, Jr 51:40, Ac 8:32
Réciproques : Ps 44:11, Ps 49:14, Ps 79:3, Ps 119:109, Es 59:15, Mt 5:11, Jn 16:33, 1Co 4:9, 1Co 15:31, 2Co 6:4, 2Co 6:9, 2Co 11:27, 2Tm 1:8
8:37 2Ch 20:25-27, Es 25:8, 1Co 15:54, 1Co 15:57, 2Co 2:14, 2Co 12:9, 2Co 12:19, 1Jn 4:4, 1Jn 5:4-5, Ap 7:9-10, Ap 11:7-12, Ap 12:11, Ap 17:14, Ap 21:7, Ga 2:20, Ep 5:2, Ep 5:25-27, 2Th 2:16, 1Jn 4:10, 1Jn 4:19, Jud 1:24, Ap 1:5
Réciproques : Gn 32:26, Gn 39:21, Nb 13:30, Nb 21:35, Dt 1:30, Dt 7:24, Dt 20:4, Dt 20:14, Js 1:5, Js 10:25, Js 17:18, Jg 5:13, Jg 14:14, 1S 17:47, 1S 26:25, 1S 30:20, 2S 21:22, 2S 22:30, 2S 22:38, 2Ch 14:14, Ps 84:6, Ps 142:6, Ct 6:10, Jn 13:1, Jn 16:33, Rm 16:20, 1Co 3:22, 2Co 4:17, Ph 1:12, Ap 2:26
8:38 Rm 4:21, 2Co 4:13, 2Tm 1:12, He 11:13, Rm 14:8, Jn 10:28, 1Co 3:22-23, 1Co 15:54-58, 2Co 5:4-8, Ph 1:20-23, 2Co 11:14, Ep 1:21, Ep 6:11-12, Col 1:16, Col 2:15, 1P 3:22, 1P 5:8-10
Réciproques : Nb 23:20, Jb 5:23, Jb 13:15, Ps 94:14, Jn 11:25, Ep 3:10, 2Tm 1:5, 1Jn 3:19
8:39 Ep 3:18-19, Ex 9:16-17, Ps 93:3-4, Es 10:10-14, Es 10:33, Es 24:21, Dn 4:11, Dn 5:18-23, 2Th 2:4, Ap 13:1-8, Rm 11:33, Ps 64:6, Pr 20:5, Mt 24:24, 2Co 2:11, 2Co 11:3, 2Th 2:9-12, Ap 2:24, Ap 12:9, Ap 13:14, Ap 19:20, Ap 20:3, Ap 20:7, Jn 10:28-30, Col 3:3-4, Rm 8:35, Rm 5:8, Jn 3:16, Jn 16:27, Jn 17:26, Ep 1:4, Ep 2:4-7, Tt 3:4-7, 1Jn 4:9-10, 1Jn 4:16, 1Jn 4:19
Réciproques : Nb 23:20, Jb 5:23, Jb 13:15, Ps 94:14, Pr 25:3, Jn 11:25, Rm 5:17, 2Co 13:14, Ep 1:21

Notes de la Bible King James

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