- Un éclairage sur la foi
1 Corinthiens 13:1
(King James)
1 Corinthiens 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

Références croisées

13:1 1Co 13:2-3, 1Co 12:8, 1Co 12:16, 1Co 12:29, 1Co 12:30, 1Co 14:6, 2Co 12:4, 2P 2:18, 1Co 8:1, Mt 25:45, Rm 14:15, Ga 5:6, Ga 5:22, 1Tm 1:5, 1P 4:8, 1Co 14:7-8
Réciproques : Mt 7:22, Mc 9:39, Mc 12:33, Lc 8:18, Jn 15:2, Ac 2:4, 1Co 9:27, 1Co 12:10, 1Co 12:31, 1Co 13:8, 1Co 13:13, 1Co 14:1, 1Co 14:37, 1Co 16:14, Ph 4:8, Col 3:14, 1Th 3:12, He 6:4, 2P 1:7, 1Jn 2:9, Ap 2:19

Notes de la Bible King James

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