Ephésiens 6:4
(King James)
Ephésiens 6:4
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Références croisées
6:4 Gn 31:14-15, 1S 20:30-34, Col 3:21, Gn 18:19, Ex 12:26-27, Ex 13:14-15, Dt 4:9, Dt 6:7, Dt 6:20-24, Dt 11:19-21, Js 4:6-7, Js 4:21-24, Js 24:15, 1Ch 22:10-13, 1Ch 28:9-10, 1Ch 28:20, 1Ch 29:19, Ps 71:17, Ps 71:18, Ps 78:4-7, Pr 4:1-4, Pr 19:18, Pr 22:6, Pr 22:15, Pr 23:13-14, Pr 29:15, Pr 29:17, Es 38:19, 2Tm 1:5, 2Tm 3:15, He 12:7-10Réciproques : Gn 50:1, Ex 10:2, Ex 10:9, Ex 13:8, Dt 31:13, Jg 13:12, Est 2:7, Ps 78:5, Pr 4:4, Ec 12:1, Ml 2:15, Mt 12:36