- Un éclairage sur la foi
Luc 14:26
(King James)
Luc 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Références croisées

14:26 Dt 13:6-8, Dt 33:9, Ps 73:25-26, Mt 10:37, Ph 3:8, Gn 29:30-31, Dt 21:15, Jb 7:15-16, Ec 2:17-19, Ml 1:2-3, Jn 12:25, Rm 9:13, Ac 20:24, Ap 12:11
Réciproques : Gn 12:1, Gn 22:3, Ex 32:27, Lv 21:11, Nb 10:30, Dt 13:9, Dt 21:13, Rt 1:15, 1S 2:29, Ps 45:10, Ps 139:22, Pr 13:24, Pr 23:26, Ec 3:8, Dn 6:10, Za 13:3, Mt 4:22, Mt 13:21, Mt 18:8, Mt 19:29, Mc 1:20, Mc 8:34, Mc 9:47, Lc 6:47, Lc 9:23, Lc 9:58, Lc 9:61, Lc 11:29, Lc 14:20, Lc 14:33, Lc 16:13, Lc 18:29, Jn 14:2, Ac 5:13, Ph 2:21, Ph 3:7, Col 3:19, 2Tm 3:12, 2Tm 4:10, He 12:1, 1P 2:21

Notes de la Bible King James

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