Matthieu 25:14
(King James)
Matthieu 25:14
For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
Références croisées
25:14 Mt 21:33, Mc 13:34, Lc 19:12-13, Lc 20:9, Lc 16:1-12, Rm 12:6-8, 1Co 3:5, 1Co 4:1-2, 1Co 12:4, 1Co 12:7-29, Ep 4:11, 1P 4:9-11Réciproques : Ez 46:17, Mt 3:2, Mt 18:23, Mt 20:1, Mt 22:2, Mc 12:1, Lc 12:48, Lc 16:12, 1Co 4:7, 1Co 7:31, 1Tm 4:14, 1P 4:10