- Un éclairage sur la foi
Osée 12:7-14
(King James)
   7 He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress. 8 And Ephraim said, Yet I am become rich, I have found me out substance: in all my labours they shall find none iniquity in me that were sin. 9 And I that am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt will yet make thee to dwell in tabernacles, as in the days of the solemn feast. 10 I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the prophets. 11 Is there iniquity in Gilead? surely they are vanity: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; yea, their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the fields. 12 And Jacob fled into the country of Syria, and Israel served for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheep. 13 And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved. 14 Ephraim provoked him to anger most bitterly: therefore shall he leave his blood upon him, and his reproach shall his LORD return unto him.

Références croisées

12:7 Ez 16:3, Za 14:21, Jn 2:16, Lv 19:35-36, Pr 11:1, Pr 16:11, Am 8:5-6, Mi 6:10-11, 1Tm 6:9-10, Es 3:5, Ez 22:29, Am 2:7, Am 3:9, Am 4:1, Am 5:11, Mi 2:1, Mi 3:1-3, Mi 7:2, Ml 3:5, Jc 5:4, 1S 12:3
Réciproques : Ps 10:3, Ps 36:2, Ps 52:7, Ps 73:12, Pr 20:14, Pr 20:23, Es 10:14, Es 23:11, Es 23:17, Jr 5:27, Jr 17:11, Ez 18:12, Ez 28:5, Ez 28:16, Os 11:12, So 1:11, Mc 11:17, Lc 19:46, Ac 19:25, Ac 24:26, Ap 18:15
12:8 Jb 31:24-25, Ps 49:6, Ps 52:7, Ps 62:10, Za 11:5, Lc 12:19, Lc 16:13, 1Tm 6:5, 1Tm 6:17, Ap 3:17, Dt 8:17, Es 10:13-14, Ha 1:16, Ha 2:5-6, Pr 30:12, Pr 30:20, Jr 2:23, Jr 2:35, Ml 2:17, Ml 3:13, Lc 10:29, Lc 16:15
Réciproques : Ps 10:3, Ps 36:2, Ps 49:18, Ps 73:12, Pr 20:14, Es 23:11, Es 23:17, Jr 5:27, Jr 13:22, Jr 16:10, Jr 17:11, Ez 28:5, Os 10:1, Mi 6:10, So 1:11, Ml 1:6, Jn 2:16, Ac 19:25, Ac 24:26, 1Tm 6:9, Ap 18:15
12:9 Os 13:4, Ex 20:2, Lv 19:36, Lv 26:13, Nb 15:41, Ps 81:10, Mi 6:4, Gn 25:27, 2S 7:2, Jr 35:7, He 11:9-13, Lv 23:40-43, Esd 3:4, Ne 8:15-17, Za 14:16-19, Jn 7:2
12:10 1R 13:1, 1R 14:7-16, 1R 17:1, 1R 18:21-40, 1R 19:10, 2R 17:13, Ne 9:30, Jr 25:4, Am 7:14, Nb 12:6, Jl 2:28, Ac 2:17, 2Co 12:1, 2Co 12:7, Os 1:2-5, Os 3:1, Es 5:1-7, Es 20:2-5, Jr 13:1-14, Jr 19:1, Jr 19:10, Ez 4:1, Ez 5:17, Ez 15:1-8, Ez 20:49
Réciproques : 1R 10:29, Jr 37:2, Jr 43:9, Ez 1:1, Ez 17:2, Ez 37:20, Ac 21:11, 1Co 9:24
12:11 Os 6:8, 1R 17:1, Jr 10:8, Jr 10:15, Jon 2:8, Os 4:15, Os 9:15, Am 4:4, Am 5:5, Os 8:11, Os 10:1, 2R 17:9-11, Jr 2:20, Jr 2:28
Réciproques : Nb 23:14, 1R 12:31, 2Ch 28:24, Es 2:8, Jr 11:13, Jr 17:1, Ez 16:31, Os 8:13
12:12 Gn 27:43, Gn 28:1, Gn 29:35, Dt 26:5, Gn 32:27-28, Gn 29:18-28, Gn 31:41
Réciproques : Gn 28:2, Gn 28:10, Gn 29:20, Gn 29:30, Gn 30:26, Gn 31:24, Gn 31:40, Rt 4:10, Pr 18:22
12:13 Os 13:4-5, Ex 12:50-51, Ex 13:3, 1S 12:8, Ps 77:20, Es 63:11-12, Am 2:11-12, Mi 6:4, Ac 3:22-23, Ac 7:35-37
Réciproques : Ex 3:10, Ex 32:1, 1S 12:6, 2R 5:8, Jr 2:6, Am 9:7, Ac 7:34
12:14 2R 17:7-18, Ez 23:2-10, 2S 1:16, 1R 2:33-34, Ez 18:13, Ez 24:7-8, Ez 33:5, Os 7:16, Dt 28:37, 1S 2:30, Dn 11:18
Réciproques : Ne 4:4