Psaumes 130
(King James)
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O LORD.
2 Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.
3 If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?
4 But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.
5 I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.
6 My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning.
7 Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.
8 And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
2 Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.
3 If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?
4 But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.
5 I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.
6 My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning.
7 Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.
8 And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.
Références croisées
130:1 Ps 121:1, Ps 122:1, Ps 123:1, Ps 124:1, Ps 125:1, Ps 126:1, Ps 127:1, Ps 128:1, Ps 129:1, Ps 18:4-6, Ps 18:16, Ps 25:16-18, Ps 40:2, Ps 42:7, Ps 69:1-2, Ps 69:14, Ps 69:15, Ps 71:20, Ps 88:6-7, Ps 116:3-4, Lm 3:53-55, Jon 2:2-4, He 5:7Réciproques : Gn 37:24, 2S 22:17, 1R 22:32, Ne 9:4, Ps 3:4, Ps 18:6, Ps 30:8, Ps 64:1, Ps 77:2, Ps 102:1, Ps 118:5, Ps 119:143, Ct 3:1, Es 37:17, Lm 3:55, Dn 4:34, Jon 2:1, Jon 3:8, Lc 22:44, Lc 22:62, Ac 9:11, Rm 7:24, 1Tm 2:8
130:2 Ps 5:1-2, Ps 17:1, Ps 55:1-2, Ps 61:1-2, 2Ch 6:40, Ne 1:6, Ne 1:11, Es 37:17, Dn 9:17-19
Réciproques : Gn 37:24, 2Ch 6:19, 2Ch 7:15, Ps 3:4, Ps 18:6, Ps 27:7, Ps 30:8, Ps 31:2, Ps 34:15, Ps 40:1, Ps 54:2, Ps 64:1, Ps 77:2, Ps 86:6, Ps 102:1, Ps 116:4, Ps 118:5, Ct 3:1, Lm 3:55, Dn 4:34, Jon 2:1, Jon 3:8, Lc 22:44, 1Tm 2:8
130:3 Ps 143:2, Jb 9:2-3, Jb 9:20, Jb 10:14, Jb 15:14, Es 53:6, Jn 8:7-9, Rm 3:20-24
Réciproques : Nb 11:11, Nb 17:13, 2S 12:13, 1R 8:30, 1R 8:46, 2Ch 6:21, 2Ch 6:36, Esd 9:15, Ne 13:22, Jb 9:28, Jb 22:4, Jb 25:4, Ps 5:5, Ps 79:8, Ps 103:10, Ps 119:124, Ec 7:20, Jr 2:22, Os 3:5, Mt 18:24, Lc 11:4, Lc 18:13, Rm 2:4, Rm 4:7, 1Co 4:4, Ga 2:16, Ga 3:11, Ga 5:17, Ph 3:9, 2Tm 1:18, Jc 2:11, 1Jn 1:10, Ap 6:17
130:4 Ps 25:11, Ps 86:5, Ps 103:2-3, Ex 34:5-7, Es 1:18, Es 55:7, Jr 31:34, Dn 9:9, Mi 7:18-20, Rm 8:1, 2Co 5:19, Ep 1:7, Col 1:14, Ps 2:11-12, 1R 8:39-40, Jr 33:8-9, Os 3:5, Ac 9:31, 2Tm 2:19, He 12:24-28
Réciproques : Ex 34:7, Nb 17:13, Js 24:14, 2S 12:13, 1R 8:30, 2Ch 6:21, 2Ch 6:31, Ne 9:17, Ne 13:22, Jb 22:4, Jb 37:24, Ps 5:7, Ps 85:8, Ps 86:15, Ps 119:124, Ps 130:7, Es 33:2, Jr 31:12, Mt 6:12, Mt 18:24, Mc 2:7, Lc 5:21, Lc 11:4, Lc 18:13, Ac 13:38, Rm 2:4, Rm 4:7, Ga 2:16, Ga 3:11, Ph 3:9, 2Tm 1:18, Jc 2:11, Ap 6:17
130:5 Ps 27:14, Ps 33:20, Ps 40:1, Ps 62:1, Ps 62:5, Gn 49:18, Es 8:17, Es 26:8, Es 30:18, Lc 2:25, Lc 2:38, Ps 119:42, Ps 119:49, Ps 119:81, Ps 119:114, He 6:18
Réciproques : Gn 8:12, Ps 39:7, Ps 52:9, Ps 119:147, Ps 119:166, Ps 123:2, Es 64:4, Jr 14:22, Lm 3:25, Lm 3:26, Os 12:6, Ha 2:3, So 3:8, Rm 8:25, Ga 5:5, 2Th 3:5, Jc 5:8
130:6 Ps 63:6, Ps 119:147, Ac 27:29, Ps 134:1, Es 21:8
Réciproques : Gn 8:12, Jb 7:4, Ps 5:3, Ps 33:20, Ps 39:7, Ps 52:9, Ps 62:1, Ps 78:7, Ps 102:7, Ps 119:114, Ps 119:123, Ps 123:2, Es 26:9, Lm 3:25, Ha 2:3, So 3:8, 2Co 7:11, 2Th 3:5
130:7 Ps 40:3, Ps 71:5, Ps 115:9-13, Ps 131:1, Ps 131:3, So 3:12, Ps 130:4, Ps 86:5, Ps 86:15, Es 55:7, Rm 5:20-21, Rm 8:24, Ep 1:7-8, 1Tm 2:5-6, He 10:35, 1Jn 2:1-2, Ap 5:9
Réciproques : 1Ch 21:13, Ne 13:22, Ps 44:26, Ps 78:7, Ps 103:8, Ps 111:9, Ps 119:124, Jr 23:6, Lm 3:21, Lm 3:24, Ez 33:10, Dn 9:9, Mi 7:18, Mt 1:21, Lc 14:22, Lc 18:13, Ac 13:38, Rm 6:14, Ph 4:19, Tt 3:5
130:8 Ps 103:3-4, Mt 1:21, Rm 6:14, Tt 2:14, 1Jn 3:5-8
Réciproques : Ps 25:22, Ps 31:5, Ps 34:22, Ps 39:8, Ps 44:26, Ps 60:11, Ps 72:14, Ps 107:2, Ps 111:9, Jr 23:6, Mi 7:18, Mi 7:19, Lc 24:21