- Un éclairage sur la foi
Esaïe 42:1-9
(King James)
   1 Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. 2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. 3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. 4 He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.
   5 Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein: 6 I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; 7 To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house. 8 I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. 9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Références croisées

42:1 Es 43:10, Es 49:3-6, Es 52:13, Es 53:11, Mt 12:18-20, Ph 2:7, Es 49:7-8, Es 50:4-9, Jn 16:32, Ps 89:19-20, Jn 6:27, 1P 2:4, 1P 2:6, Mt 3:17, Mt 17:5, Mc 1:11, Lc 3:22, Ep 1:4, Ep 1:6, Col 1:13, Es 11:2-5, Es 59:21, Es 61:1, Mt 3:16, Mc 1:10, Lc 3:22, Jn 1:32-34, Jn 3:34, Ac 10:38, Es 32:16, Es 49:6, Ml 1:11, Mt 12:18, Ac 9:15, Ac 11:18, Ac 26:17-18, Ac 28:28, Rm 15:8-16, Ep 3:8
Réciproques : Gn 49:10, Lv 2:4, Nb 4:49, Nb 7:5, Js 1:2, 2S 15:26, 2S 22:20, 1R 10:9, 1Ch 17:19, 2Ch 9:8, Est 6:6, Jb 1:8, Ps 16:5, Ps 22:8, Ps 25:9, Ps 37:17, Ps 54:4, Ps 63:8, Ps 73:23, Ps 89:3, Ps 89:21, Ps 110:6, Ps 119:116, Pr 8:30, Es 30:18, Es 42:6, Es 49:1, Es 49:2, Es 49:22, Es 50:7, Es 50:10, Es 51:4, Es 53:10, Es 54:3, Mi 4:2, Ag 2:23, Za 2:11, Za 3:8, Mt 11:29, Mt 12:17, Mt 28:19, Mc 12:6, Lc 2:31, Lc 4:18, Lc 4:43, Lc 23:35, Lc 24:44, Jn 3:35, Jn 8:29, Jn 10:17, Jn 10:36, Jn 14:28, Jn 15:10, Ac 1:2, Ac 13:47, Ac 26:6, Rm 8:33, Rm 15:12, Ep 1:12, Col 3:12, He 9:14, He 10:38, 2P 1:17
42:2 Za 9:9, Mt 11:29, Mt 12:16-20, Lc 17:20, 2Tm 2:24, 1P 2:23
Réciproques : Js 6:10, Jg 14:6, 1R 6:7, Ec 9:17, Mc 7:24, Lc 8:51, Jn 7:10
42:3 Es 35:3-4, Es 40:11, Es 40:29-31, Es 50:4, Es 50:10, Es 57:15-18, Es 61:1-3, Es 66:2, Ps 103:13-14, Ps 147:3, Jr 30:12-17, Jr 31:18-20, Jr 31:25, Ez 34:16, Mt 11:28, Mt 18:11-14, Lc 22:31-32, Jn 20:19-21, Jn 20:27, He 2:17-18, Es 11:3-4, Ps 72:2-4, Ps 96:13, Ps 98:9, Mi 7:9, Jn 5:30, Ap 19:11
Réciproques : Gn 49:10, Lv 13:6, Jb 34:23, So 3:5, Mt 12:20, Mc 4:40, Lc 4:18, Jn 6:37, Jn 7:10, Jn 10:36, Rm 14:1, 2Co 10:1
42:4 Es 9:7, Es 49:5-10, Es 52:13-15, Es 53:2-12, Jn 17:4-5, He 12:2-4, 1P 2:22-24, Es 42:12, Es 2:2-4, Es 11:9-12, Es 24:15-16, Es 41:5, Es 55:5, Es 60:9, Es 66:19, Gn 49:10, Ps 22:27, Ps 72:8-11, Ps 98:2-3, Mi 4:1-3, Za 2:11, Rm 16:26, 1Co 9:21
Réciproques : Gn 10:5, 2Ch 20:12, Ps 97:1, Ps 99:4, Ps 110:6, Ps 119:51, Ps 119:157, Ec 9:17, Es 11:11, Es 32:16, Es 42:10, Es 51:5, Jr 31:10, So 2:11, So 3:5, Mt 12:20, Mc 3:3, Lc 6:8, Jn 7:26, 2Co 10:1
42:5 Es 40:12, Es 40:22, Es 40:28, Es 44:24, Es 45:12, Es 45:18, Es 48:13, Ps 102:25-26, Ps 104:2-35, Jr 10:12, Jr 32:17, Am 9:6, Za 12:1, He 1:2, He 1:10-12, Gn 1:10-12, Gn 1:24, Gn 1:25, Ps 24:1-2, Ps 136:6, Gn 2:7, Jb 12:10, Jb 27:3, Jb 33:4, Jb 34:14, Ps 33:6, Dn 5:23, Ac 17:25
Réciproques : Gn 2:1, 1Ch 16:26, 1Ch 29:11, Jb 9:8, Jb 26:7, Ps 96:5, Es 51:13, Es 57:16, Jr 27:5, Jr 51:15, Ml 3:6, He 12:9
42:6 Es 32:1, Es 43:1, Es 45:13, Es 49:1-3, Ps 45:6-7, Jr 23:5-6, Jr 33:15-16, Rm 3:25-26, He 1:8-9, He 7:2, He 7:26, Es 42:1, Es 41:13, Es 49:8, Mt 26:28, Lc 1:69-72, Rm 15:8-9, 2Co 1:20, Ga 3:15-17, He 8:6, He 9:15, He 12:24, He 13:20, Es 49:6, Es 51:4-5, Es 60:1-3, Lc 2:32, Jn 8:12, Ac 13:47, Ac 26:23, 1P 2:9
Réciproques : Gn 18:32, Nb 6:24, Es 35:5, Es 60:4, Dn 9:27, Mt 4:16, Mt 11:5, Lc 7:22, Jn 1:4, Jn 4:10, Jn 8:29, Jn 9:5, Jn 12:35, Ac 11:1, Ep 5:8, 2Tm 2:26
42:7 Es 42:16, Es 29:18, Es 35:5, Ps 146:8, Mt 11:5, Lc 24:45, Jn 9:39, Ac 26:18, 2Co 4:6, Ep 1:17-18, Ap 3:18, Es 42:22, Es 9:2, Es 49:9, Es 61:1, Ps 107:10-16, Ps 146:7, Za 9:11-12, Lc 4:18-21, 2Tm 2:26, He 2:14-15, 1P 2:9
Réciproques : Gn 18:32, Gn 42:19, Ex 4:11, 2R 6:17, Ps 79:11, Mi 2:13, Mt 4:16, Mt 9:30, Lc 1:79, Lc 2:32, Lc 7:22, Jn 1:4, Jn 8:12, Jn 9:5, Jn 9:7, Jn 12:35, Jn 12:46, Ac 16:26, Ep 5:8, 1P 3:19
42:8 Ex 3:13-15, Ex 4:5, Ps 83:18, Jn 8:58, Es 48:11, Ex 20:3-5, Ex 34:14, Jn 5:23
Réciproques : Ex 6:2, Ex 6:3, Ex 15:3, Ex 20:4, Ex 23:21, Ex 33:11, Dt 4:24, Dt 6:4, Dt 28:58, 1R 20:22, 1R 20:23, 2Ch 32:14, 2Ch 32:21, Es 37:20, Es 44:6, Es 48:5, Dn 5:4, Os 12:5, Ac 10:26
42:9 Gn 15:12-16, Js 21:45, Js 23:14-15, 1R 8:15-20, 1R 11:36, Es 41:22-23, Es 43:19, Es 44:7-8, Es 46:9-10, Jn 13:19, Ac 15:18, 1P 1:10-12, 2P 1:19-21
Réciproques : 1R 13:2, Ec 1:11, Es 44:26, Es 48:3, Es 48:5, Es 48:6, Es 52:6, Dn 2:22, Dn 9:13, Mt 12:17, Mt 13:35, Lc 17:34, Ac 13:47, Ap 21:5